I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 442 New Year's Party

Early hours of the first day of the year.

Theo, Aurora, and the others did not go back on their words, and their party continued after the new year banquet was over.

They played games, danced wildly, sang songs, and the most important thing was that they got super drunk.

This meant that the games they played were wild, the way they danced was as if their legs were possessed, and they went through crazy karaoke battles.

Theo and Aurora were the soberest ones after a while. He had a high tolerance for alcohol while she was only allowed to drink a couple of alcoholic beverages.

The rest were already dead drunk, but they were having so much fun!

They partied even harder than the night before, if that was possible.

It seemed like they wanted to start the new year in the best way possible, and the way they chose was to get drunk and have fun!

The party went on until around 4 AM. 

When Theo saw that they didn't plan to stop, he had to take action.

He wasn't drunk enough to forget that a few hours later, they would be boarding a plane, and they needed to be sober enough when that time arrived.

"Guys!" He shouted.

But it seemed like they didn't hear as they continued dancing, so he had to take drastic measures.

"Sylph, turn off the music and turn on the lights here." Theo asked softly to his cellphone.

The noise from the party was so loud that he had to talk with Sylph through his phone, as she wouldn't be able to hear if he spoke to her through the room sound receptors.

"Yes, master!" Sylph replied as her cute image appeared on his phone screen.

Without much delay, the music was turned off and the light was turned on.

"Ahhhh!" Everyone lamented when that happened.

"Where's the music?"

"The lights are too strong!"

"Ouch! My head hurts!"

They couldn't help but throw off a bunch of complaints.

"Guys!" Theo shouted again, but this time he was able to draw their attention to him.

"It is already over 4 PM. We have to take a plane in a few hours, and we have to sleep at least a couple of hours before then! So, the party is over!" Theo explained as he tried to fight off his dizzy head, he was drunk as well.

"Oh, no!"

"The party cannot end already!"

"We just started!"

They replied with a bunch of complaints.

But they were met with Theo's firm voice again, "There is no discussion! I won't allow anyone here to board the plane drunk. So, if you want to travel with us tomorrow, you guys better go to sleep." His eyes were firm as he looked at them with reproachful eyes.

"What a bummer!"

"Kill joy..."

"I guess we don't have many options then."

They admitted defeat when they saw Theo's eyes.

Theo nodded before saying, "Girls, you can sleep in the guest bedrooms on the second floor. Max and Kin, you guys can sleep here in the living room."

"Come on! Let's move! We have a big day ahead of us." Theo loudly said as he gestured for them to start moving to their respective places to sleep.

The girls followed Aurora upstairs, as she would show them where they could sleep. While Theo arranged a mattress with pillows and blankets for Max and Kin.

When Theo saw the two guys laying down, he turned off the lights and climbed the stairs.

Coincidentally, when he passed through the second floor, Aurora started climbing the stairs as well.

"Did they settle in?" Theo asked Aurora.

"Yeah, I had some problem making them lay down, but as soon as they did, they started to drift into sleep." Aurora giggled.

Theo laughed when he heard that.

He could understand their situation. Although they were energized at the party, they still had a tiring day the day before. So, their bodies were begging for some rest.

"We better sleep as well." Theo commented when they arrived at the third floor.

"Yes, I'm so tired." Aurora yawned.

"You can go to sleep, but I think you should take a shower before sleeping. This way you can sleep longer." Theo suggested as they arrived at her bedroom door.

"Good idea, Theo. This way I will only have to dress up in some fresh clothes before going to the airport." Aurora nodded in understanding.

"Sweet dreams." Theo smiled at her as he patted her little head.

"Thank you, big brother!" Aurora replied with a sweet smile.

Shortly after, Theo entered his bedroom and headed straight to the bathroom.

He wanted to wash off the sweat from the party and become a little soberer.

Even with all the alcohol he drank, he was only a little tipsy, and he needed to become sober because he had something extremely important to do before falling sleep.

He had to pack up his luggage.

With all the things he had to do yesterday, he was not able to pack up his things for the trip. Therefore, the only time he had to do that was before falling asleep!

Theo turned on the cold shower to wash off his drunkness, and this method was extremely efficient as the freezing water made him wake up immediately.

After a long shower, Theo left the bathroom wearing only a towel around his hips. He did not waste much time before dressing up in some comfortable clothes.

"Now, where do I start?" Theo asked out loud.

Theo picked up the bags that Sylph bought for him before looking at his closet.

"The weather there is hot and tropical. So, I should bring mainly summer clothes..." Theo mumbled as he started putting his summer clothes inside the luggage.

T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, sandals, and other summer clothing items.

"It may be getting cold at night, so I should bring some light coats. Plus, we will spend one day at Sakura City on the way back. So, I should bring some heavy winter clothes for that as well..." Theo commented as placed some winter clothes in the bag.

After a long time, Theo had completely renovated his wardrobe, so every piece of clothing he owned had an extremely high quality. There were even some luxury brand clothes here and there. If Theo liked to show off his money, he would be completely different as even the luxury brand clothes he owned had low-key style.

But they were all stylish, as some of the clothes he owned were clothes that he asked Sylph to make or even from his merchandise online store.

After a long while, Theo closed his bag after putting in everything that he may need during the trip.

"Finally!" Theo heaved a sigh of relief, he wanted to sleep for at least one hour before having to wake up the others.

He jumped on his bed and covered himself with his comfy blankets before turning the lights in the room.

"Night, night..." He mumbled as he drifted into sleep.


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