I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 414 Partying Like Never Before

Third Floor, The Spark Restaurant, Elffire City.

Theo and his friends were drunk as they sang karaoke songs in the lounge.

Everyone these were close friends with him, and coincidentally they were the ones who would travel with him to the Heart Islands.

They were Sam, Sayuri, June, Ayia, Shizuka, Kimiko, Lauren, Shoko, Max, Kin, and Gwen.

Together with Theo and Aurora, they would travel together two days later.

The only one who was also there who wouldn't travel with them was Ryoko. She had work to do, so she couldn't leave the studio. But that did not stop her from enjoying the party together with her new friends.

The studio would be closed tomorrow anyways, the studio would literally close doors tomorrow to stop people from working during the holidays. It sounded like a nonsense action, who would want to work during the holidays? But there were indeed people who were so addicted to their work that they were able to forgo their holidays so that they could work. That's why Theo ordered the studio's facilities to close down tomorrow and only open next Monday. He wanted his employees to relax and enjoy their holidays. That's why most of the employees were leaving Elffire City to spend the holidays with their families in Sakura City.

So, nothing was stopping Ryoko from getting drunk.

The blue-haired girl couldn't even remember the last time she got drunk and partied with friends. Since college, she did not have time for these kinds of stuff. Being at the top of the class demanded all of her time, so she wasn't able to enjoy her college years as most people could. And when she graduated, she got even busier with her internship, she devoted her who life and time to that studio. But in the end, she was stabbed in the back and trampled on.

Who would've thought that she would be able to turn the table and be able to enjoy life again?

Far away from Sakura City, where was born and raised, she was able to build her life again. She was able to find a job from her dreams, and she was able to find friends that valued her.

That's why she completely let go and just enjoyed the party.

"Oh! This karaoke has Moonlight's songs!" 

"Let me sing!"

"I want to sing Save Your Tears!"

"I will sing with you!"

Just like that Kimiko and Lauren picked the song and started singing one of Moonlight's songs.

Aurora and the other girls who knew that Moonlight was in the room just giggled.

Theo, who already was extremely tipsy, giggled as well.

"I saw you dancing in a crowded room

You look so happy when I'm not with you

But then you saw me, caught you by surprise

A single teardrop falling from your eye

I don't know why I run away

I'll make you cry when I run away

You could've asked me why I broke your heart

You could've told me that you fell apart

But you walked past me like I wasn't there

And just pretended like you didn't care

I don't know why I run away..."

Everyone there was a Moonlight fan, so they enjoyed Kimiko and Lauren's duet.

"Let's put Dance Monkey on, and let's dance!" Shoko shouted when the girls stopped singing.

Everyone was thrilled by the dancing prospects, so they all agreed. They were all too drunk to think about being embarrassed by dancing in front of others.

Which made Theo's job much easier, as he wanted to record them making fools of themselves.

Shortly after, everyone was dancing to the loud beat of Dance Monkey. They completely let go of themselves and just danced, even Theo was dancing after he recorded them a little. But the alcohol was affecting him as well, which made him just enjoy dancing with his friends.

Theo had adjusted the light around the room to display club rights, so they all felt like they were in a club with their friends.


They danced crazily to the beat of the song. And if Theo was sober he would be grateful that he spent enough money to secure the structure of his restaurant. Because by the level of craziness they were jumping and dancing, if the structure was poor, the floor would have gone down already.

When Dance Monkey ended, they didn't even have time to slow down and Better Now. The cool beat of the song made them continue dancing as well.

They danced and sang with Moonlight, they felt so happy at that moment.

The happiness they felt by enjoying this moment with their friends was so great, they were too drunk to realize it at that moment, but they would remember that night for the rest of their lives.

Even though the wintry weather raged outside the building, inside they were sweating bullets as they danced to Moonlight's songs.

Their drunk minds did not mind anymore, they just wanted to dance. And when Believer started playing, they got even crazier.

'Believer' had such an addictive and strong beating that made them want to dance until their hearts gave out.

"I was broken from a young age

Taking my sulking to the masses

Writing my poems for the few

That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me

Singing from heartache from the pain

Taking my message from the veins

Speaking my lesson from the brain

Seeing the beauty through the..."

They sang loudly when Moonlight sang that part.

But when Moonlight arrived at the chorus, they just let go of themselves.


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer


You break me down and build me up, believer, believer


Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain

My life, my love, my drive, it came from...


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer...."

Moonlight's strong words made them go crazy.

Just like that, they partied until late and got even drunker. So, it wasn't any surprise to find that any of them had conditions to leave for their houses.

They were so drunk that they could barely stand, so they just fell asleep where they were.

Theo looked at their drunk sleep figures and sighed, even though he was drunk as well, he still retained part of his reasoning. He knew that they were too drunk to leave, so he just increased the temperature around the room so they wouldn't be able to get a cold. He also put a blanket on the girls, as their clothes were all messed up.

He picked the two guys, Max and Kin, and brought them out of the lounge. The three of them would sleep in the other room while the girls slept in the lounge.

Just after finishing all these arrangements, Theo fell asleep as well. He had a long and tiring day, so he was really tired.


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