I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 399 Monthly And Yearly Reports: BlueCloud Coffee Shop

Theo arrived at Umbrella Office with his usual smile as he greeted everyone.

Everyone there knew that he was their boss, so everyone politely greeted him back.

"Mr. Gray, the others are waiting for you in the conference room." Sam's assistant said with a professional voice.

"I already said that you can call me Theo." He said with a chuckle as he followed her.

Shortly after, Theo entered where 3 people were talking to each other.

They were:

Haruto Haki, Director Manager of the BlueCloud Coffee Shop.

Haruno Sayuri, Director Manager of Fuji Jump Co.

Samantha Walker, Head Director of the Umbrella Corporation.

Each of them was the respective boss in their companies, but Theo was their boss.

"Good morning, guys!" Theo greeted them with a wide smile.

"Good morning, boss!" Haruto replied promptly with a professional voice.

He rarely was able to see Theo, so he was still a little afraid of him.

"Good morning, boss!" Sam and Sayuri also replied in a professional voice.

Although they knew Theo and were close friends with him, it was different at that moment.

At that moment, they were employees under him and they would respect him like it.

"I bet you guys are anxious to show me how the company went." Theo started.

"But let's first start with Haruto. He will present his reports to me and Sam. Sayuri, can you wait outside for your turn?" Theo asked gently.

"Sure!" Sayuri promptly replied as she left the conference room.

She could understand why she had to leave. After all, her company didn't have anything to do with the other companies Theo owned. So, it would be disrespectful to listen to these classified reports.

While Sam stayed because she was involved in the report as well. After all, she also was technically Sayuri and Haruto's boss.

The Umbrella Corporation managed Theo's companies. And as the Head Director of the Umbrella Co. Sam was also their manager.

"Okay, you can start your report anytime, Haruto." Theo smiled as he sat down beside Sam.

Theo and Sam shared a look before they turned their attention to Haruto.

Haruto took a deep breath and tried to calm down his nerves.

Theo could have asked Haruto and the others to send these reports to his e-mail as they did in November. But Theo wanted to listen to his managers on what they thought about the path his companies were progressing. Each one of them was highly skillful, and Theo wanted to know what was their intake of the reports.

After all, they were the ones working day after day in the companies, so they knew much better the ins and outs of the business. Theo was rarely there, so he wanted to know how the work has been so far.

Briefly, Theo wanted to know every tiny detail of the companies' operations.

"Good morning! If you guys don't have any problems, I will start with the monthly report for December." Haruto started as the report appeared on the screen of the conference room.

Theo and Sam nodded and just motioned him to keep going.

"In December, we observed a slight increase in the profits generated when compared with the last month, November. If you guys observe the chart on the screen, you'll see that the coffee shop had a total profit of 1.79 million dollars." Haruto explained as he pointed at the chart on the screen.

"When compared with October's revenue, we see an increase of a little more than 10% in the earnings." Haruto said as he pointed at the chart that showed the increase in profit in the last month.

"There are a few reasons for this sharp increase. It is mostly due to the constant advertisements around the city about the coffee shop. Boss gave me 120k dollars to invest in marketing this month. And these are some of the pieces of marketing I hired." Haruto explained as he pointed at the screen where it showed the advertisements that he paid for the coffee shop.

Theo and Sam saw several pieces of marketing material with the BlueCloud logo. Now that they saw these pieces, they recorded seeing these advertisements around the city in the last month.

The two of them nodded in appreciation of Haruto's work when they noticed that. They could see that he had worked a lot to advertise the shop.

Haruto continued explaining the monthly report for another few minutes before he finished. He looked at Theo and Sam with expectant eyes when he finished his explanation.

"We will leave the questions for the end. Now, you can present the yearly report." Theo said with a calm voice.

Haruto took another deep breath to calm down before he could start explaining the yearly report.

Shortly later, he started, "The BlueCloud Coffee Shop was opened on June 5th, a Friday. This means that the company has been in operation for 7 months already. But there was only one shop in the first month of operation. In the second month of operation, 4 branch shops were opened. Totaling 5 shops around the city. In September, the fourth month since the start of operations, the company opened five more shops around the city. So, we had a sharp contrast in earnings from month to month."

"Each shop can easily earn 140k dollars in a month of operation. Which means that the company earned 140k in its first month. 700 thousand dollars in profit in the next two months. In October there was 1.4 million in profit. In November, there was 1.62 million in profit. And in December, there was 1.79 million in profits."

"In the entire year, the BlueCloud was capable to generate 6.35 million dollars in profit. You guys can observe these numbers on this chart." Haruto explained as he pointed at the screen.

Theo and Sam had surprised and prideful faces when they heard that number.

They would never have imagined that the tiny store that both of them built together would be able to earn more than 6 million dollars in less than a month.

They felt like proud parents seeing their kids being successful.

Haruto continued his report as he explained how much it was spent on monthly expenses, marketing, and other things.

He also explained the tax that the company had to pay to the government that year.

He spent at least 10 minutes explaining these complicated things, Sam was the specialist in business management and she needed this information so that they would be able to pay the taxes to the government. After all, she was the Head Director and it was her job to secure the operation of Theo's companies.

Sam asked some questions and Haruto promptly answered.

When he finished explaining everything, Theo and Sam stayed silent for a while.

"Great job, Haruto. I appreciate all the work you placed in the BlueCloud." Theo complimented him with a wide smile.

Theo was genuinely impressed with Haruto's work and dedication. Theo was glad that he placed Haruto to manage the coffee shop for him as it seemed that Haruto loved the shop.

"Thank you, boss. It was my pleasure!" Haruto exclaimed in relief.

He was so relieved that his bosses did not find any fault in his report. He rehearsed for days to present these reports to them.

"Now, it's time for questions. Your questions and words to be exact. I want you to ask me anything you doubt it. You can tell me your intake in the shop's operation. And the shop's future. What do you think the shop should invest in the new year? These kinds of things. You are free to speak with honesty." Theo smiled at him.

Haruto's heart skipped a beat when he heard that.

It was his time to shine!


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