I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 395 Six Predators And One Prey

Pedrarruna Manor, Living Room.

Six girls were sprawled on the comfy couches feeling extremely sore. They seemed that they had just taken a shower, as they looked pretty and smelled good. By the way, the six of them were extremely beautiful.

It was a beautiful scene. But there was something odd with the situation because it seemed as though the six of them just gotten hit by a truck.

Their facial and body expression showed extreme fatigue.

And the reason for their plight was cooking happily in the kitchen.

Theo once more put the girls through hellish training. Especially Aurora, Ayia, and Shizuka.

Aurora, who had just recuperated from yesterday's training, had her whole body sore once more.

Theo did not show mercy on them.

But he had a reason for that, it was the last two practices before their vacation.

He definitely didn't put the girls through that because they beat him up yesterday!

Just the mention of this possibility was absurd and Theo would fight anyone who said so!

"Breakfast is ready, girls!" Theo called when he placed the last dish plate on the dining table.

As he watched the girls dragging their tired bodies to the table, he made a mental note to not anger them this morning. He wasn't keen on getting beaten up again.

The girls sat down by the table and looked at him with dangerous yes. They were itching to beat him up again. But he seemed keen on avoiding that, so he avoided eye contact and just served the food onto his plate. He didn't even smile once as he knew that they would get annoyed by that.

The girls became annoyed when they noticed that he was avoiding them. They wanted a reason to beat him up to vent their frustrations, but they couldn't do it without a good reason.

They started serving their own breakfast as they watched Theo like a predator watched its prey.

"So, what are you going to do today, Theo?" June asked in hope that he would say something wrong.

The other girls' eyes lit up when they heard that, they were sure that they could get a reason to beat him up if he started thinking.

But Theo was aware of their intentions, so he said with a normal and calm voice, "Ah, I'm going to work throughout the entire day. I have a busy day ahead as it is the last business day of the month." His answer was short without any smile appearing on his face.

He seemed serious about the day ahead of him.

He sat there eating his cinnamon toast with coffee without any expression on his face. He seemed normal as ever. But the girls gritted their teeth because it was obvious that he was acting.

Theo normally would always have a smile on his face when he talked. Especially when he talked about his day and when he was with his friends. His smiling face was something everyone remembered when they thought of him. But now he was talking all seriously without any smile on his face!

It was so obvious that he was acting!

The girls would jump on him as soon as he smiled to vent their frustration. But now with his acting, they couldn't use that reason anymore.

The girls became even more annoyed.

Although Theo was calm and serious outside, he was laughing hysterically inside because he noticed their frustrated expressions.

'It's so funny hahaha. They look so funny wanting to beat me up and not getting the opportunity.' He laughed inside his mind.

But on the outside, he asked with a calm and serious face, "What about you girls?"

The girls only heaved a sigh of defeat and gave up on beating him up.

"Well, I'm going to meet up with my boss to present the monthly and yearly reports." Sam replied as she took a sip of her tea.

"What a coincidence. Me too." Sayuri added.

"Hey, I'm going to meet my boss to do the same thing as well." June chimed in.

The girls' eyes all turned to Theo. Normally, if Theo heard that from them, he would throw a joke.

Something like, 'I hope your boss doesn't place you in a difficult situation then.' He would say that with a smile on his face.

That's why the girls' eyes shone with excitement as they waited for him to joke around. As soon as he did that they would beat him up.

They had to admit that it felt really good beating him up yesterday, so they were itching to do it again.

But to their disappointment, Theo fought his usual self and said with a calm voice, "I will be there to read your reports, girls. I hope we can have a nice work ahead of us today." His face showed a hopeful and respectful expression.

The girls seethed even more when they heard his answer. It was so obvious that he was acting and teasing them. But they could not beat him up when he was showing such a respectful face to them.

"You seem a little off today, Theo." Sam tried to trap him.

"Really? I don't see it." He replied shortly before avoiding their eyes and continuing to eat his breakfast.

The girls could only temporarily give up on beating him up, so they had a nice breakfast as they ate the nutritious food that Theo cooked for them.

"What time are you coming to the office, Theo?" Sam asked.

"As soon as we finish our breakfast. I am curious to see these reports. The other managers will come as well, right?" Theo asked.

"Yes, Sayuri and Haruto said they would be there." Sam replied as she glanced at Sayuri.

"Yes, I will be there with my reports." Sayuri chimed in.

"Ryoko won't come to this meeting as the animation studio hadn't generated profit yet. So, there are no complicated reports. Ryoko only needs to worry about the expenses of the studio, but you said you would cover that with your personal money." Sam continued.

Theo nodded in understanding. He already knew that.

He would ask Sylph to send the money to the studio bank account so that she could pay the studios' employees.

While June would not come to the meeting because his restaurant was not under the Umbrella Corporation.

It was a lone business that only had June as the head manager. This meant that when Theo arrived for his night shift later, June would have a little meeting with him to present the monthly and yearly reports related to the restaurant.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go to work." Theo could not help but smile for the first time since the beginning of breakfast.

The girls were already leaving their seats and preparing to leave when they saw his smile.

They smile back, but their smile was filled with malice.

"Wait. What are you guys doing?" Theo had a bad premonition when he saw the girls walking toward him.

"We have so business to talk to before we leave." Ayia laughed.

The girls nodded in excitement.

"That's not fair! I didn't do anything!" He exasperated shouted.

He could see that they would beat him up again, so he did what any other man would do.

He ran away!

Theo already was dressed up and ready to leave. So, he just took his coat and ran away toward the garage.

"Don't run away!"

"We only want to give you a massage!"

"A massage with our fists!"

The girls shouted behind him, but he did not stop until he entered his car and locked the doors.

The girls were fuming when they saw that their escaped, they looked at his figure that laughed hard inside the car with fuming eyes.

They would get him tomorrow!


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