I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 387 Hellish Training: Theo Striking Someone?

Just like any other morning, Theo and the girls had breakfast after a weary workout.

Theo placed more pressure on their martial art training as they would spend two weeks without training after the new year.

Theo was still reasonable with Sam, Sayuri, and June's training as they were still rookies. But he felt free with Aurora, Ayia, and Shizuka.

The three of them had much more experience. Especially Ayia and Shizuka as they were black belts already.

Which made Theo feel free to put them on as many high-intensity sets of training as possible. Theo also figured that Aurora could follow Ayia and Shizuka's training as she was young and healthy, even though she hadn't nearly as much experience as the other two girls.

The three girls' training was so intense that Sam, June, and Sayuri felt a little afraid as they observed it.

For example, one set of training was about practicing flying knee strikes. The name of this strike is self-explanatory. It was literally a flying knee strike with the purpose to hit the head of the adversary. It may sound easy for black belt fighters such as Ayia and Shizuka. But Theo demanded their knee to reach 2 meters in height during the skrike!

The three girls all had less than 1.8 meters in height, Theo's demand was simply crazy! But Theo did not accept any strike less than 2 meters in height. He monitored their training and if any of them did a strike below 2 meters, they had to suffer a punishment.

Punishment for failure in a set of training was normal in Theo's class, but that morning Theo took it to a whole different level.

The punishment was to receive 5 strikes on the abdomen and 5 strikes on each thigh from Theo.

That's right!

Theo struck their abdomen and thigh as punishment.

Some may find it a weird practice, but in the Muay Thai fighting style, it was normal to strike the student's abdomen.

It was a basic body-core exercise.

The core is the center of a person's whole body, not just their abdominal muscles. It consists of many different muscles that run the entire length of the torso, including everything but the arms and legs. It is in charge of stabilizing the spine and pelvis, providing a strong, sturdy link in a chain that connects a person's upper and lower body.

When these muscles are weak, it could greatly affect their posture and movement. Using the core muscles is necessary for transferring energy from large to smaller muscle groups, which is very important for martial arts students.

Having a strong core doesn't only mean great-looking abs, it also means they will have the strength to take a few body shots as well as the strength to throw powerful strikes. A strong core also means they'll have great balance, making it difficult for their opponent to sweep them or off-balance them with a teep or kick.

It would be a horrible sight if the girls were knocked out because they were hit in their stomachs.

After all, the stomach was an easy area to strike in a fight. When someone doesn't train their stomach for these types of impacts, it is easy for them to have shortness of breath when hit on the stomach, and lack of breath consequences was being knocked out.

But with Theo's training, the girls could learn how to contract their abdominal muscles to protect their cores and internal organs.

This was dangerous training, but as Theo had perfect control of his strength, it was easy for him to strike their stomach on the limit they could take.

Ayia and Shizuka had trained for years already, so their cores and abdominal muscles were already trained (their abdomen was well defined and sexy some would say), Theo was able to strike their abdomen harder than Aurora's case.

Aurora was only at the beginning of her body-core training, that's why he did not put much force. But even then Aurora was suffering when she got hit. Theo was hitting on the limit she could take.

It was painful training and Theo did not show mercy.

He loved these girls, and that's why he pressured them so much. The more pressure he gave them, the more likely they would be able to protect themselves if they were attacked someday.

In his martial art class, he was not their friend or brother. He was someone on a mission. The mission was to transform them into fight machines ready to take on any enemy.

And his thigh strike was also with a purpose.

The external and internal part of the thigh was a place susceptible for the enemy to strike. The girls' needed to build muscles and resistance to these strikes.

Between these punishments, the girls had their abdomens and thighs burning with his strikes, and they even had to keep practicing the flying knee strike.

Their legs and abdomen burned as they reached a height with their knees much taller than their own heights.

But not even once the three girls complained, they accepted Theo's punishments without crying even once. Not even the rookie Aurora. It was noticeable that she was suffering to accompany Ayia and Shizuka in this training, but she still persevered until the end of the exercise.

And all of this was only one set of training that the three girls went through that morning.

The other sets were as much or even more intense.

That's why when Theo announced the end of the training, the three girls collapsed on the tatami.

Ayia, Shizuka, and Aurora were covered in sweat from head to toe. Their bodies were overheated by the intense training.

The adrenaline coursing through their veins made them go into a frenzy and overdrive, they had to spend a couple of minutes lying down to calm down.

Even though at that moment they weren't feeling any pain, the three of them knew that as soon as the adrenaline went off, they would feel pain all over their body.

Even experienced martial arts practitioners such as Ayia and Shizuka felt that way. And the rookie Aurora was glad that she was on vacation because she was sure that she wouldn't be able to move her body much that day.

But even though they were suffering and would suffer even more later, they still felt extremely satisfied and accomplished after this training.

They felt like their demons were completely purged after this hellish training.

Theo looked at the six collapsed on the tatami with a smile on his face.

Even though June, Sayuri, and Sam's training was not as intense as the others, they still collapsed in the end. After all, they started this high-intensity training less than a month, and their bodies were still not used to the increased pressure on it.

Theo was happy that his training was showing progress.

He envisioned the scene of the 6 girls becoming grandmasters just like him.

Would they be able to accomplish this feat?


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