I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 375 Two Contracts Signed, A Dream Becomes True

Nana could not believe what she was hearing even with all her self-confidence, she could not believe that she would be offered a main character role in an anime production without any warning.

Especially with the Naruto manga fame.

When she bought the manga, she had heard that the Naruto manga was a best-seller all around the country. Every time a new volume was released, people gathered in the bookstores to buy the newest volume.

And she had read the manga, and she loved the story!

She loved how even with all the difficulties in his life, Naruto did not ever doubt his dream and self-confidence. She related to his story very much.

That's why Nana was one of the people who bought the volumes at the bookstores as soon as they were released.

And now she had the opportunity to be the voice actress of Naruto?

"The Naruto has many volumes. Which means that will take years to produce all the episodes of the anime. Therefore, Tokyo Studios is offering a long-term contract to you, in which you will be responsible for the voice of Naruto during these years." Rio explained.

Nana nodded as she tried to process everything that was happening.

"This is a long-term contract. You can see the salary you will receive, other perks, and some conditions. Please, read, and tell me your decision." Rio said as she placed the contract in front of Nana.

The girl took a deep breath as she stared at the contract in front of her.

That might the moment that would change the trajectory of her life and she had to be calm to take the best decision.

She took the contract in her hand and started reading with all her attention.

Even though Nana was inexperienced, she frequented voice acting classes for years already, which meant that she knew the conditions and perks the top actors received from the studios.

She dreamed that one day she would receive the same treatment, but as she read the contract in front of her, she felt that the conditions she was being offered were even better than what she had heard other top actors would receive.

Just the money she would receive would make her rich enough to stop worrying about money for the rest of her life.

The other conditions were equally good, and the most important demand of the studio to her was that she could not leave the production of the anime before the end of the anime.

She could understand their concern, as it would be a disaster to change the voice of the main character of the anime midway through the production.

As soon as she finished reading the contract, she lifted her head and smiled as she said, "I accept this proposal. Can I sign already?"

Rio was a little taken aback by Nana's eagerness.

"Are you sure about it? We can give you time to consult a lawyer to check the contract for you." Rio suggested.

Nana laughed as she said, "I may be young, but I can discern bad people from good people. And everyone here seems honest people. Especially after I read this contract. You guys are offering me so much for a rookie like me, and I don't care about working only for the Tokyo Studio for years. I'm glad you guys placed this condition as I don't plan to leave you guys." Nana's reply was filled with the gratitude and happiness of a young adult realizing her dream.

Rio was a little touched by Nana's sincere answer, so she smiled widely as she said, "I like you even more now. And we promise to treat you the best for the years to come."

"You can sign the contract if you will." Rio said as she passed the pen to Nana.

Shortly after, Nana signed the contract with trembling hands.

She was so happy that she almost could not contain her body to start jumping and dancing around the room. It was only because she was in front of such an elegant lady as Miss Amano that she controlled herself.

"Welcome to the Tokyo Animation Studio and the Naruto Anime Production!" Rio said with a smile after checking if the signatures were correct.

"Thank you, boss!" Nana replied with an equally wide smile.

The two of them shook hands and laughed, they admired each other and a friendship was being formed between them.

"Now you can sign the contract for the side character on the SAO Anime production. The boss wanted you to work on this production so you can familiarize yourself with the workings of an anime production and get experience with it." Rio explained as she passed the contract of the SAO Anime employment.

"The boss you mean?" Nana asked as she received the contract and started reading it.

"The owner and head director of the studio of course." Rio replied with a small smile.

Nana stopped reading the contract for a little bit when she heard that, she could not get used to the fact that such bigshots paid attention to her.

A few minutes later, she finished reading the contract and signed it no longer after.

The conditions and salary were much smaller than the other contract, but she could understand it as it was only a side character while the other was the main character.

Plus, she could not complain as even with the money only from this side character job, she would be able to drop her part-time jobs to dedicate her whole time to her career.

She would finally be able to live the life she dreamed of, and she would even be able to help her parents!

Nana and Rio talked for another half an hour about the details of the job before Nana left the office carrying copies of the two contracts she signed.

As she walked through the building toward the exit, it seemed as though she was floating in a dream.

She had never imagined when she woke up that morning that her life would change so much that day.

But all the pieces of evidence showed everything she experience was real, so she happily accepted the amazing real life.

When she exited the studio building, she lifted her head and looked at the white sky which falling snow came from.

At that moment she could not hold back anymore, she started dancing and jumping in joy!

The passerby people looked at her strangely, but she did not care at all.

She only wanted to print that moment for the rest of her life.

The moment her life took a 180 turn and took off!

When all her breath was taken away after all the dancing and jumping, Nana still had her eyes shining.

She could not wait to tell her parents the good news!


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