I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 373 Fear And Confidence Interwinning

It was a typical day in the capital of the most developed country on the Azure Star Planet.

Sakura City had a wintry day with flocks of snow falling from the skies, but that was not enough to stop the flow and continuity of the megacity. Just like any other city of the Sakura Abode Country, every street in the city was equipped with a heating system to melt the snow, while every building was equipped with modern heating systems.

This complicated and modern system served to beautify the city even more as the citizens could enjoy the beautiful scenery of falling snow without worrying about snow accumulation on the streets and building roofs.

But even with this high-tech system, the cold weather was strong as ever, that's why everyone outside could be seen wearing multiple coats, jackets, and cold-resistant clothes.

And among the people walking outside, a girl was wearing standard and cheap clothes and carrying a backpack.

She wore a black hood to protect her head and a red scarf to protect her neck and face from the cold weather. Even though the hood and scarf did not come from fancy brands, the girl valued them even more as it was her mother's gift. Her mother had knitted the hood and scarf by hand which made the girl like the two pieces of clothing even more.

It was noticeable that the girl did not come from a wealthy family by all the prior descriptions. But there was something about her that attracted everyone's attention as she walked through the streets of Sakura City.

Every step she took was filled with untameable confidence, her body language told everyone that she did not doubt she was the best. She walked with her head lifted high without any fear of meeting someone's eyes.

Her eyes.

They were the ones that attracted the most attention as it seemed that they were shining on that wintry afternoon of December. It seemed as though they were two suns capable of melting everything as they exuded extreme happiness and confidence.

Some may have already guessed who the girl was, and it could not be more obvious.

Ozawa Nana had just left the subway station and walked toward the Tokyo Studio Branch Studio nearby.

It was 1 pm in the afternoon at that moment.

As soon as Nana finished her shift at the grocery store, she took the subway toward the studio.

She hadn't even told her parents the good news yet as she wanted to tell them after signing the contract with the studio.

For the first time in a long time, Nana had the capital to act confidently the way she liked.

But even if she felt confident, there was still a tiny part of her extremely nervous and afraid.

She feared that the call she received was a prank and there was no one waiting for her at the studio.

She couldn't help herself have these feelings as years of repetitive rejections took a toll on her, even with her strong resolve and confidence.

Only someone who was rejected multiple times after chasing their dreams would understand Nana's feelings.

The majority of the people would give up after the tenth rejection, but Nana was completely different.

She was a freak of nature as the rejections did not shake her resolve at all, she did not cry even once after all the rejections. But even with her strong mind, she still felt a little sad after each rejection.

Which made her fear even more that the only time she was accepted would be a fake situation.

Feeling a mix of confidence, happiness, and fear, Nana arrived in front of the studio building.

Nana took a deep breath to calm down her troubled feelings and entered the building.

Her heart was beating so fast that it seemed as though it would jump out of her chest.

But even with all her excitement and anxiousness, her voice did not waver as she said to the reception lady, "Good afternoon! My name is Ozawa Nana, and someone called saying that I was accepted to work as a voice actress in the next anime production."

"Good morning! Just let me check the system." The receptionist replied with a polite smile as she checked the information on the computer.

A few seconds later, the receptionist suddenly said, "Miss Ozawa, it says here you were accepted for a supporting role in our next anime production. You must have come to sign the contract, right?" The lady asked with a wide smile.

It seemed as though a mountain was lifted from her back when Nana heard those words.

'OH, MY GOD! I'm going to be in an anime!' Nana exclaimed inside her mind excitedly.

She heaved a sigh of relief as she finally was assured that her worries were not true.

"Yes, I came to sign the contract." Nana replied with a happy smile.

"Okay, I will forward you to the person in charge." The lady said as she explained where Nana should go after heading upstairs.

Nana memorized the way and a few minutes later she arrived in front of a fancy office.

Throughout the way there, she had to admit that the person who decorated the studio had great taste because everything was pretty.

Nana already loved her soon-to-be workplace, even more, because it was there that she would work with her dream job for the first time.

When she arrived in front of the office, she said to a woman that was seating by a table in front of the office, "Excuse me, my name is Ozawa Nana. The receptionist sent me to sign the contract?"

Rio's assistant smiled and said, "Yes, the receptionist told me about it. Miss Amano is taking care of some things at the moment. You can wait by the side."

"Thank you!" Nana replied with a smile before she sat on a seat next to the office.

Nana almost could not contain her excitement as she waited. She was only a few steps away from being officially hired to work as a voice actress!

5 minutes later, when she started to feel that heart coming out of her mouth, she heard the assistant's phone ringing. The assistant answered and said a few words before hanging up.

"Miss Ozawa, you can enter the office. Miss Amano is waiting for you." The assistant suddenly said with a polite smile.

Nana's heart stopped for a millisecond when she heard that.

It was finally time!

Nana took a deep breath before standing up and walking toward the office door.

She knocked softly before entering the office and there she saw a face that familiar to her.

"Welcome, Miss Ozawa. How are you?" Amano Rio smiled as she was filled with curiosity to see the girl's reaction to Theo's proposition.

What would happen then?


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