I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 96: New Items in the Store

Chapter 96: New Items in the Store

“Hey, did you hear? There’s a new item at the Hunters Association’s headquarters on the 13th-floor shop.”

“Yeah. Yeah. New stuff as usual, which is like a brittle log that once used breaks.”

“I don’t think so. This time, I heard some news. There is a stupid hunter. Who is willing to sell a good quality set of armor to the Hunter Association’s shop. That’s why many hunters are looking into it and are now heading to the Hunter Association’s headquarters.”

“Isn’t that just a scam? It’s just fake news spread by the shop. You see, magic items of good quality come from dungeons or the Black Market, not from that crap Hunter Association shop.”

Several hunters in various guilds started to talk about the hot topic that was spreading. However, it was not of much interest among high-ranking hunters. It was because those magic items were only suitable for hunters below B-rank and so on. Even some B-rank hunters felt the items and weapons now being sold by the Hunter Association’s shops weren’t that great.

But, that still didn’t dampen the interest of the hunters who had money saved up and were in need of new magic items to hunt in the dungeon.

Meanwhile, at the Hunter Association building, in the shop on the 13th floor. The room, which was quite large, looked a little claustrophobic, unlike usual. It was like being in an auction.

To be on alert, Ma-no had previously asked for help from the Hunter’s Association, and one B-rank hunter and two C-rank hunters came to guard. But apparently, that wasn’t enough to control the situation.

“Hey! Stop pushing!”

“Ack, Damn! Who stepped on my foot!?”

“All of you! Stop moving! It’s already cramped!”

“You son of a b*tch! Who smacked my head!? Come here, fight with me!”

“Bunch of r*t*rds!! Do you all want a battle to happen here!?”

The commotion heated up and overwhelmed the three guards, unable to take care of the hunters anymore. If a fight broke out, the 13th floor would definitely collapse. Even though it got made to be durable against the attacks of magic spells, the room wouldn’t be able to withstand it if there were dozens of them.

Luckily, Ma-no swiftly calmed the hunters down. “Guys, please calm down. If not, then I’ll have to call Chief Yoon to come here if you guys are still unruly.”

Ma-no’s voice was pretty low, and almost no one could hear it. However, mentioning Yoon Soo-ah’s name was enough to cause a chain reaction among the hunters.

“Eh! Chief Yoon!?”

A hunter blurted out the name subconsciously. Then, it got followed by the hunter who was behind him again.

“Yoon Soo-ah~si!?”

“Chief Yoon!”

“The Fire Witch, Soo-ah~si!?”

And it continued until all the hunters realized what was happening and chanted Chief Yoon’s name with their mouths.

No one wanted to confront the secretary of the Hunter Association’s Chairman. To get scolded by Chief Yoon was tantamount to allowing the hunters’ ears to suffer for the duration of her words coming out of her mouth.

Didn’t accept it and wanted to challenge Chief Yoon to a fight? Forget it, among the crowd of hunters present in the shop. There wasn’t a single B-rank in sight. How could they dare to face an A-ranked? They really were in a hurry to die.

What was more, Chief Yoon’s fire magic got known to be extremely powerful and ruthless. There were only a few people who could match her fire magic power among the circle of A-rankers.

Thanks to that, the three hunters that guard the shop had the convenience of controlling the hunters who were present only to see the items or buy them.

“I’m grateful for everyone’s enthusiasm. But, due to the situation getting out of control. I’ve decided to auction off these three items. So, I’d like to apologize to some hunters who came a step earlier than the others.”

Ma-no bowed his head and asked the hunters for the understanding of the impromptu rule he adopted. In order to fulfill the expectations of other hunters. Which, either to find out about the capabilities of the weapons and items or who really wanted to come to buy.

“That’s good!”

“That’s the right choice. It’s fine.”

“Our pockets are pretty full. So, we are ready to throw the money at the bid.”


“Thank you for the understanding. Chief Yoon will be happy when she sees the report later.”

Meanwhile, some of the hunters in question wanted to express their disapproval. But, they once again twitched when they heard Chief Yoon got mentioned.

Finally, all calmed down, and the three-guard hunters helped arrange the seats for the hunters. Ji-hye also helped provide chairs for them to sit down.

There were about 17 to 21 hunters that came and were sitting. They waited to see the magic items. The news that circulated and from the store only mentioned the item’s name without stating the price and what capabilities the weapons had.

The problem that made a scene was the comment from Ma-no, the appraiser, that made the hunters curious.

Ma-no said that the magic items were the best the Hunter’s Association store has ever owned. Excellent qualities and abilities that would make other hunters envious if they knew about it.

Ma-no and the three-guard hunters brought the three platforms to place in front of the hunters. The three platforms got covered by cloth, so all the hunters couldn’t see the shape of the item.

“The first item is a weapon for long-range combat. A bow.”

Ma-no then tugged at the cloth covering the first platform, and the Wooden Bow on display charmingly appeared to the hunters’ eyes.

Some hunters gaped at the beauty while the others did not understand why the Wooden Bow was considered a good weapon and needed to get auctioned off.

Ma-no understood the gazes of the hunters. Anyway, he was still happy to explain to make the clueless hunters have a little bit of knowledge about the Wooden Bow.

“Yes. It’s a weapon made of wood. However, I need to explain that the wood used here is not an ordinary magical one. It is from the wood of the tree of life. A tree that is said to be the source of immortality.

“Not only that, you can see there are letters of magic language all over the arc. And it’s an Elf’s tongue.”



Not many hunters understand about the Elf’s tongue. Anyhow, they understood the language of magic. It was because all the Skill Pages they had seen or used to obtain magic spells had inscriptions that were not the language of their world. And only appraisers know about magic spells on the Skill page. So, it was no wonder Ma-no put it that way.

The name of the Wooden Bow was Eldarin. It had the ability to summon unlimited wooden arrows and increase the user’s accuracy in archery. The best thing was when the magic language letters on the bow got activated. It would create a Magic Rune that could allow the user to have additional Mana separate from the body.

However, Ma-no didn’t explain Eldarin’s abilities to the hunters first. He gave them the choice of whether the bow’s abilities needed to be revealed in a public place and heard by many. Or only disclose the name of the weapon and start the auction right away.

Many were curious about the bow’s abilities. But, it got outnumbered by those who wanted to start an auction and leave the weapon’s abilities known only to its owner.

“It begins with 70 million won, and the increment is 2 million won.”

Ma-no started the bid with the price offered to Ji-woo. Previously, after he did an appraisal of the magic items, he told Ji-woo how much money he might get if Ji-woo did the assessment.

Ji-woo brushed that matter aside and told Ma-no not to worry about it. Therefore, Ma-no promised to give the best results when selling the Golden Armor set later.

“72 million won!”

“80 million won!”

Before long, the price had risen to 100 million won. At that price, some hunters had begun to hesitate to bid again. That was because there were still two more platforms that hadn’t get opened and shown yet. In auctions, it was customary to display mediocre items first. Then, the good and unique stuff at the end.

The hunters need to save a lot of money to stay until the end of the auction. Who knows, maybe the best things would fall into the hands of the one who grits its teeth.

“120 million won going once!”

“120 million won going twice!”

It seemed that Eldarin got valued at 120 million won with no one interested in raising the bid further. Ma-no then tapped his hammer and validated the final price.

“Sold! Eldarin, 120 million won.”

The three guards then lift the platform of the Eldarin Bow, accompanied by Ji-hye, to continue the transaction with the hunter who won the item.

Ma-no was also quick to remove the cloth covering the second platform to proceed with the event. It showed two daggers with blue diamond color to the hunters.

“The daggers of time, Xapoc.”


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