I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 91: Tomb

Chapter 91: Tomb

Ji-woo used his hand to block the small lightning current spark. The magic attack seemed to vanish when it came into contact with his hand.

The hunter that cast the magic spell was surprised to see his magic neutralized.

“Who are you!?”

The hunter asked. But only to be met with a dagger thrown into his forehead. He then fell without knowing what happened and who Ji-woo was.

Ji-woo appeared in front of the corpse and took out the dagger. “Isn’t it too late to ask that now? Sigh. The unknown is scarier than the known. It’s basic in terms of survival to know your circumstances first. You guys underestimate low-ranking hunters too much.”



Ji-woo turned around and looked at the seven mummies.

“Alright, now it’s your turn. However, all that uses Mana will eventually disappear by my hands. Even though you bunch of undead seem immortal.”

Ji-woo tightened the grip on his two daggers and disappeared from the sight of the mummies.

Those undead creatures were shocked and confused while glancing left and right, looked for Ji-woo’s whereabouts.



The six mummies turned in the direction of the voice and saw Ji-woo appear and stab one mummy in the chest, which instantly disappeared into the dust of sand.

“Look. I told you. Created from Mana and will be gone without it.”

What Ji-woo stabbed in the mummy’s chest was a red stone that was the source of the undead’s Mana. It made it easier for him to know the weaknesses of these creatures. Unlike the hunters whose Mana flow occurred throughout the body, the mummies only concentrated in one point, particularly on their chest, where the red stone was located.


The remaining mummies cried out and charged at Ji-woo.

Ji-woo swiftly ducked and dodged the attacks. He also neatly used the daggers in his hands to pierce the mummies’ chests one by one until they all turned into dust.

He wiped all the sand dust all over his clothes after all the cockroaches were gone. He smiled widely from ear to ear. The room was actually full of treasures.

Ji-woo stuffed all the items and weapons into the Spatial Bag. He also took out nine Magic Crystals and one Magic Stone from the dead hunters. The three Magic Crystals and the Magic Stone were from the moment they entered the path, while the remaining six Magic Crystals were from the magic trap earlier.

Moreover, he already had two Golden Armor plus two daggers in his hands. In addition, there were two Golden Helmets, four Golden Vambracers, and four Golden Greaves. It made two complete sets of Golden Armor of the Egyptian God.

Ji-woo walked toward the door while examining it. He kicked the door as hard as he could, but nothing happened. The door didn’t budge at all.

He sighed and tried to sense the Mana operating the door. Before long, he found the source and walked to the center of the room. Ji-woo tapped the floor with his fingers and then lifted the stone tile. He saw another red stone, but it was slightly larger than the one in the mummy.

Ji-woo picked up the red stone and crushed it. The item had no value from the moment it separated from its original place. It was only useless stone shards.

The door to the room opened, and Ji-woo walked out.

“Okay, now. I need to take another path to have a look after going back from here. My Mana sensing ability can’t penetrate this stone wall anyway. So, I don’t know how the other is. Well, Dong-hyun won’t die fighting those high-ranking hunters.”

On the other hand, Dong-hyun and the other five hunters from the Raid Party had no trouble on their way. They were just unlucky because apart from getting the Magic Stone at the beginning. They didn’t find anything else later on.

“Looks like we got a pathetic path. There is nothing here.”

“Yes. Should we go back and go at another pathway?”

The group of six hunters saw a small bridge made of wood after walking for a while. It was about 30 meters long and could only fit one line when it passed. The bridge spanned over a ravine with no end in sight. At the end of the bridge, there was a pretty large area and a huge tomb surrounded by torches for the light. There were also two golden weapons, which were a spear and a bow.

The place was quite tempting to get visited. Joon-yong and Seon-ho agree to come forward. In the end, Dong-hyun got chosen to be the first person to walk the narrow bridge.

The six hunters walked slowly and carefully on the bridge. Even though there was no wind inside, their balance was arduous to maintain. Moreover, the wooden bridge swayed with every step the hunters made. Of course, they wanted to jump, but the force of a strong push would cause the bridge to break and the other hunters to die.

Donghyun gritted his teeth. “We have to be faster. This bridge won’t be able to hold the six of us when we get to the middle. Just look at it now. The bridge bends like this even though we’re not in the middle yet.”

“Shut up! Keep walking.”

“Hey, Dong-hyun~ah, just keep going. Don’t act like a smart person.”


Seon-ho then pushed Dong-hyun from behind, signaling him to keep walking. It almost made Dong-hyun fall into the abyss under the bridge.

Dong-hyun got angry. However, he didn’t dare to show his dissatisfaction. He continued on his way and then heard the sound of the bridge creaking.

The sound also made other hunters wary.

“Hey, idiot! Be careful when you walk!”

Dong-hyun’s heart sank. If he continued to stay on the bridge, he would definitely fall. He didn’t have the ability to fly or the skills he could use to soar through the air. He clenched his hands and used a jump on the bridge to the tomb area.

It made the bridge shake uncontrollably. The hunters were taken aback and swore at Dong-hyun while running. They couldn’t use it to jump like Dong-hyun anymore because their footing was not as stable as before because the bridge was swaying.

“Ungrateful b*st*rd!” You son of a b*tch!”

“F*ck*ng stupid!”

“How f*ck*ng dare you to do this!”

Suddenly, the bridge broke in two. Seon-ho and Joon-yong ran as fast as they could and made it to the tomb area by jumping before the bridge dangled against the wall. There was one more hunter other than those two. Who also survived and managed to reach the edge of the cliff. Meanwhile, the rest of the hunters fell along with the broken bridge.

Seon-ho went to help the hunter that was hanging on the cliff, while Joon-yong grabbed and lifted Dong-hyun by his collar.

“Why did you do that!? Do you want to kill us? They died because of you!”

Dong-hyun wanted to say sorry. But, he instead got hit by Joon-yong. He fell on his knees and held his stomach while in pain.

Joon-yong raised his hand and wanted to cast a magic spell on Dong-hyun. However, he dropped the idea and looked at the huge tomb. He also looked at the two stone platforms that held the spear and the bow.

He shifted his gaze back at Dong-hyun and continued to hit. He kicked Dong-hyun in the face and knocked him to the ground.

Dong-hyun got punched and kicked in a row. He just shrunk and used both hands to cover his head from the blows. He was angry and wanted to strike back but remembering what he did, he became uneasy and felt that he deserved to get beaten.

Seon-ho walked up to Joon-yong and told him to stop. He pointed at the stone platforms and the huge tomb with his face.

Joon-yong only intended to hit Dong-hyun without any intention of killing him. It was because he still needed a trap tester to check the tomb and the platforms. The maze-like place was famous for having many treasures as well as many traps.

There was a hunter who could get repatriated. Why bother putting their lives at risk? Use everything available for your own benefit.

“Hey! Dong-hyun~ah, get up. Take a look at that tomb.”

Donghyun got up. His face and some parts of his body got bruised. However, he didn’t mind it and did what they ordered him to do. He approached the tomb and circled it.

The tomb was five meters long and one meters wide. There were also many engraved writings that Dong-hyun didn’t understand. It was not that it got written in Egyptian. But, it was the language of magic, Dragon’s tongue.

Of course, Dong-hyun didn’t know about that. He continued his examination by touching the tomb and trying to lift the lid. His efforts yielded no results. Joon-yong then told him to check the stone platforms that held the bow and the spear. Meanwhile, it was the turn of the three of them to look around the tomb.

Once again, there was nothing wrong with the stone platforms, the same as the huge tomb.

Dong-hyun found a large red stone as he strolled between the stone platforms. He touched it and picked it up.

Suddenly, the area shook, and the lid of the huge tomb shifted.


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