I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 145: Cleaning Up the Night Before the Event

Chapter 145: Cleaning Up the Night Before the Event

Ji-woo wanted to show whoever sent people to watch his movements was the wrong move. He swiftly went to the roof and grabbed the neck of the hunter who was lurking there.

“Y-You want to create a commotion here!? There are a lot of hunters watching over you! So, you better think twice about doing something to me. Even though we’re not from the same source, they won’t hesitate to attack if something goes wrong here.”

The hunter tried to bluff Ji-woo. He was still shaking because no matter how hard he tried to escape Ji-woo’s grip, he couldn’t. He didn’t understand why an E-rank hunter could have such extraordinary physical strength over him as a C-rank hunter.

However, Ji-woo was not interested in prolonging the situation and wanted to immediately clean up the garbage that was watching around his house.

Ji-woo snapped the hunter’s neck with one hand, and instantly, the hunter died. The situation became thrilled. And there was almost a commotion when the other hunters, who were hiding while watching, moved and rushed towards him.

Ji-woo, who didn’t want any damage or noise, quickly used his Aura of Fear. He wanted to make those hunters hesitate and get afraid to use their Mana. So, the magic wouldn’t happen.

Several hunters who were already halfway up to Ji-woo suddenly felt a bad feeling and realized their Mana was being turbulent. Suddenly, they stopped their movements, and sweat poured down each of the hunters’ faces. They feel they got embraced by the shadow of death, begging them to go to the afterlife.

Ji-woo nimbly snapped the necks of the hunters one by one. He didn’t want any blood splatter around his house because it would be difficult to clean by himself. So, he killed them in a smooth and fast way.

Meanwhile, the hunters who didn’t move and were still watching were shocked and frightened to see Ji-woo kill some of the hunters with ease. The experience of spying on them kicked in and threw a warning in their heads.


No matter how arrogant the spy hunters were, they would instantly know if something was wrong with their surveillance. They had to get out of that place as soon as possible.

An E-rank hunter or a beggar, if able to kill an above-average ranked hunter in a convincing manner, would definitely be a dangerous person. There was no need to question and wonder. To run away was the right choice. Only fools were not aware of such a thing.

Ji-woo watched the hunters run, grinning. “Smart move. But…”

The remaining hunters weren’t anywhere near Ji-woo’s house while watching. So, the distance was there before they widened the distance furthermore.


Zap, Zap–

Two pieces of light emerged in Ji-woo’s palm. Two short swords with one-sided blades appeared on each hand. One was sky blue and amethyst, and the other was denim and black. It was the Shadow Blade and Diffusal Blade.

No matter how fast Ji-woo’s movements were, he wouldn’t be able to close such a distance in an instant just by relying on the speed of his feet and jumps alone.

He needed the abilities of the blades. Although, it was pretty sad for the Ji-woo. He had no choice if he wanted to keep the neighborhood quiet.

Ji-woo immediately disappeared from where he was standing and immediately appeared beside one of the hunters who ran away.

The hunter was dumbfounded. “How did you appear by my side!!?”

But, Ji-woo didn’t say anything. He instead threw the Shadow Blade in a distant direction. And hit the hunter’s chest with his now idle right hand. The hunter was knocked to the ground and died from a heavy blow to his heart. The noise wouldn’t wake up the people around it because it didn’t require a lot of strength to penetrate someone’s physique, who wasn’t sturdy, to begin with.

Ji-woo then spun around and jumped at another hunter close to where he was.

The hunter that Ji-woo went to next was as stunned as the previous one.

“D*mn it!!”

The hunter instantly used a magic spell, wanting to push Ji-woo back. He was still in his right mind not to dare to confront Ji-woo after witnessing the death of the hunters in an instant.

“Magic of Wind, Stormwind!!”

But, before the shock of the wind came out and hit the surrounding area, Ji-woo had already raised his hand and tempered the magic.

The hunter, who was in shock, was hit by Ji-woo’s sharp kick to the neck and fell, dead in an instant.

Not wanting to waste any extra time, Ji-woo suddenly disappeared and appeared in the distance, where the Shadow Blade was. There, another hunter was also surprised by his sudden presence.

Ji-woo immediately smacked his forehead to the hunter’s and then squeezed the hunter’s neck. After that, he discontinued his pursuit and picked up the Shadow Blade stuck in the ground.


Ji-woo clicked his tongue. He had to admit that he couldn’t take care of the rest of the escaped hunters without making some noise. And also, it was an annoying thing for him to kill while thinking about the cleaning situation.

“Well. It’s enough to give them an early warning.”

Ji-woo smiled gently. He also wasn’t surprised if someone didn’t understand the situation and instead dispatched a higher-ranked hunter than before. It was natural since he basically only killed D-rank and C-rank hunters at this point.

Now the only problem was his family. He had two options so far. One, staying beside his mother and sister without leaving their side for too long, left Dong-hyun and Yu-jin to take care of the Spatial Bag matter. While the second, he reversed their respective roles. Dong-hyun and Yu-jin accompanied his family and went with Ji-woo wherever he went. Clearly, in a slightly different place so that he could do what was needed.

It might be too much trouble, but it would also be a place for Ji-woo to show who he was if he was the one who intervened directly. In doing so. It would serve as a grave warning to those who think about messing with him and his family.

Of course, he also knew that such a threat wouldn’t last for long. But, when the time came, Ji-woo believed he already had enough wealth to execute his plan to protect his mother and sister.

Ji-woo then took a deep breath. He had to clean up the scattered dead bodies before it freaked out the people around him and his family.

The situation was different from when Jiwoo took care of Jung Tae-ha. One person’s body is not difficult to move. But, now there were dozens of dead bodies he had to get rid of before morning.

“In the Magical World, things like this don’t need to be taken care of because the situation of strewn corpses is a common thing. Well, sometimes it’s also not troublesome because there are subordinate soldiers who take care of the aftermath.”

Ji-woo then put all the dead bodies in one place and stacked them. He then plunged the Shadow Blade into the ground in front of the pile.

“Now, I need to find the position of the closest Portal Gate from here.”

But suddenly, Ji-woo didn’t want to use his Null Eyes. There was a fitting place to dispose of the pile of corpses. After all, the fleeing hunter would report what had happened at his residence. So, it was pointless to go to the trouble of covering up and eliminating his tracks.

Ji-woo pointed his right hand at the Shadow Blade on the ground.


A small portal appeared above the Shadow Blade. Inside that dimension, there was a small dark place that seemed endless. Ji-woo threw all the dead bodies into the dim extent.

It worked almost similar to the Spatial items. The difference was that the dark dimension couldn’t hold anything for a long time. In just a matter of minutes, everything in there would get thrown out by itself.

‘I don’t really like using this skill. It’s too uncomfortable when this dimension shows up.’

Ji-woo himself didn’t really like that dimension. He had felt entering that place out of curiosity. However, as a result, he felt like the connection with Nullifier was thoroughly cut off, and his body became weak for no reason, just like that.

Meanwhile, after all the bodies entered, the dimension was then closed when Ji-woo withdrew his hand and picked up the Shadow Blade from the ground. He then threw the weapon high in the air towards the Red Gate of the Mapo district, which got included in the disaster section of the Four Red Gate of Seoul. He also didn’t have too much time because all the corpses would get spit out if he didn’t hurry.

Ji-woo jumped up and followed the Shadow Blade that was flying fast in the air. He reached for the weapon then threw it again further away. This time, he didn’t jump after the weapon. Instead, he disappeared and appeared directly beside the Shadow Blade. He then grabbed the black and denim colored weapon and threw it one last time to the ground.

In those three throws, Ji-woo managed to cover a distance of tens of kilometers and arrived at his destination. When the Shadow Blade plunged into the ground, instantly dozens of corpses burst out of the dark dimension and immediately scattered on the ground, right where the Red Gate had previously opened.


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