I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 137: Wrath: The Struggle

Chapter 137: Wrath: The Struggle

Nazzej gritted his teeth, and sparks shot out of his mouth. The flames around his body were also blazing fiercely and emitting an unusual heat.

The Undead Knight then mounted the Undead Horse. The flames in several parts of the Undead Horse that were previously dim now burned brightly and grew big. As if it had found a new source of life.

The incident took Gang-ho and In-sung by surprise. The two of them reflexively expended their Mana Presence and prepared for battle. However, they couldn’t even get closer because the fire and light got bigger and brighter from where the two creatures were.

Even the wind pressure from the magic energy source could not get underestimated. It was prominent from the state of the two S-rank hunters, who were slowly getting pushed back from their starting positions.

“Let’s hit them!” Gang-ho screamed, calling for some action to disorder the Undead Knight and his mount.

“OK!” In-sung answered and prepared to launch his magic spell attack.

Gang-ho mustered his Mana to use magic while being pushed back from the wind pressure. He then succeeded in casting a small fireball in his left hand with great difficulty.

In-sung also managed to cast his magic spell. His left hand turned into ice. He was the first to launch an attack by bursting a jet of ice towards the Dungeon Owner. It was then get followed by a fireball from Gang-ho.


A massive explosion accompanied by a giant cloud of steam from the confluence of fire and ice enveloped the entire area within a one-kilometer radius. The ground there also shook, causing flakes of dust and rocks to fly everywhere.

Gang-ho and In-sung use their arms to block the debris. They also enhanced their physical condition with their Mana to withstand it.

A moment after that, In-sung jumped back and used wind magic to clear the area of the vapor mist. However, what appeared before the eyes of the two hunters was something they didn’t expect at all.

There were five creatures, each riding an Undead Horse.

“What’s that!?”


The overall magic power of the five Undead Knights wasn’t as strong as he was before the merger. However, each being that rode those Undead Horses was no illusion. It got ascertained from the Mana that Gang-ho and In-sung feel in the five creatures.

Even though the five Undead Knights were weaker than before, they were still opponents to get reckoned with. It was because their strength was still above A-rank hunters.

“I will fall along with the lives of both of you.”

The five Nazzej spoke simultaneously and echoed into the ears of the two S-rank hunters. The five Undead Knights then let out hot steam from their mouths. Suddenly, the five creatures disappeared from where they were.

Even so, Gang-ho and In-sung were still able to follow the movements of the Undead Knights. They nimbly move and launch attacks rather than defend.

“Wrap your arms with magical elements. Those Maces are a pain in the *** to deal with.” Gang-ho said, giving In-sung advice.

In-sung nodded at the suggestion and immediately used a magic spell to cover his arms with the fire element. All hunters who had reached S-rank were able to use various magic essences. And this time, he chose fire over ice to fight the Undead Knight. Without a doubt, ice was not very good against those creatures.

At the same time, a series of small explosions immediately occurred in several parts of the battle area of the supernatural beings.

Five against two. It was an obvious situation to behold. Unexpectedly, the five creatures could push the two S-rank hunters to the corner.

Gang-ho and In-sung didn’t expect that the raw strength of the five Undead Knights could match them. That made the two of them change their way of fighting at once.

In-sung swiftly dispelled the fire magic on his arms and used ice magic to give the two of them an opening to keep their distance.

In an instant, an icy avalanche hit the five Undead Knights and pushed them back slightly. The two S-rank hunters finally gained space after a brush and damage-packed exchange of attacks.

But it wasn’t long. The avalanche melted due to the heat emitted by the creatures. The Undead Horses raised their forelegs and spat outbursts of flames in succession.

The attack turned out to smoothly get neutralized by Gang-ho with a burst of fire from both hands eventually. It was just as he had predicted. The magical energy of those Undead Knights was a drastic drop from their current form. Hence, the two of them planned to fight with magic spells.

Gang-ho and In-sung have already experienced how powerful the physical strength of the Undead Knights was. So, they chose not to confront the creatures head-on.

On the other hand, long-range combat would give them an advantage as the two S-rank hunters had better magical power than the current Undead Knights.

This incident might be due to the condition of the Undead Horse, which was almost depleting its Mana. Thus the merging and summoning of the four Nazzej selves were imperfect and intact in terms of magical energy.

As a result, the Dungeon Owner’s trump card was not as strong as it should be.

Gang-ho and In-sung continue to launch their magical spell attacks. However, the five creatures did not budge and didn’t get knocked back at all. They were even able to close the distance bit by bit. It was also thanks to their innate magical element, fire.

When the distance between them was only a few meters away, Gang-ho let out an enormous burst of fire from both hands. The magic immediately took care of the five Undead Knights at once, holding them back in place. Meanwhile, In-sung swiftly turned around to look for opportunities to attack the creatures from the other side.

In-sung managed to get behind the Undead Knights and launched an ice magic attack before the creatures reacted to his approach. Actually, he wasn’t sure if his magic would have much effect in a fight against a creature whose innate nature was the fire element.

Surprisingly, the sharp chunks of ice that rose from below the Undead Knights managed to topple that one incarnate being. Meanwhile, the other four managed to dodge because the Undead Horse moved quickly when its belly got scratched by the ice magic.

But unfortunately, the four of them have to get hit by Gang-ho’s fire attack for suddenly dodging to the other side. They bounced far back while crashing to the ground several times, leaving marks in their path.

In-sung returned to Gang-ho’s side after jumping and dodging the creatures’ fall.

“I didn’t expect ice magic to be able to eliminate one incarnation of such a creature.”

Gang-ho was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth. “It could be because their magic resistance is low. Mana users with lower magic energy also don’t have a high magic defense.”

“Makes sense,” In-sung replied.

“Let’s finish this.”

Gang-ho wanted to continue the attack before the Undead Knights rose again. Out of the blue, it turned out that the two of them were actually attacked by the four remaining creatures instead.

It startled the two S-rank hunters. Without having time to use any magic spells, the two had to withstand the fierce attacks of the Undead Knights’ Mace weapons. Plus, from time to time. The Undead Horses also attacked with magic spells. Even though they were weak, the magics were still annoying to endure.

Both Gang-ho and In-sung’s arms suffer from multiple lacerations to their skin. Blood was already starting to pour though not much. Their bodies were in a state of fatigue from withstanding the magic spell attacks head-on.

The sudden attack caused the stamina and Mana of the two S-rank hunters to get drained at a rapid pace.

It was arduous to separate or widen the distance between the two sides. The Undead Horses moved very well to close the gap. They even could interfere with the magic spells that Gang-ho and In-sung were about to cast.

The melee combat was truly unlucky conditions for the two S-rank hunters.

Gang-ho sweated profusely on his face. He gritted his teeth and decided to take in the attacks from the four Undead Knights.

Consequently, he managed to cast a magic spell and wrapped his entire body in fire magic. But instead, two Mace strikes landed on his chest. Adding to the deep wound he had previously suffered.

Thanks to that, In-sung also got a chance to use his magic spell. He then used fire magic to help fend off the Maces’ attack. The magic instantly enveloped Gang-ho’s body, which was already covered by the fire element before. That would multiply the existing fire magic power.


Gang-ho then screamed and exploded the flames that were on his body. In-sung’s fire magic also blasted with it.


Unfortunately, the blow-up wasn’t enough. One of the Undead Knights nimbly escaped the attack and appeared in front of In-sung.

The flames in some parts of the Undead Knight and Undead Horse blazed ferociously. It got followed by a Mace’s attack, which was fast and also carried a tremendous amount of magic power.

“Watch out!!!” Gang-ho exclaimed. However, he didn’t have the chance to do anything.

The Undead Knight’s attacks connected.

In-sung, who didn’t have time to use a magic spell to block it, had to let his left hand shatter to fend off the blow from the Mace that got aimed at his head.


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