I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 134: Wrath: At The End of The Skirmish

Chapter 134: Wrath: At The End of The Skirmish

Dong-hyun came at the same time as Yu-jin. The two of them were luring a crowd of white wolves behind them.

Ji-woo was no longer waiting for them to come towards him like before. Now, the Red Gate had ended. He didn’t need to occupy the place any further.

He ran to Dong-hyun first. Dong-hyun got surprised but swiftly moved to the side. So as not to stop the momentum of Ji-woo, who was about to attack the beasts.

Ji-woo slashed the beasts roughly, even though the two short swords had very sharp blades. However, all of those beasts died with their heads smashed into pieces. It was like they got hit by a blunt object.

He deliberately attacked using excess strength in his wrists and shoulders. He intended to give a sense of helplessness towards those beasts who caused the riots and put his mother and sister in trouble before.

Finished with Dong-hyun’s side, he headed towards Yu-jin. He did the same as before. The white wolves were incapable and looked like nothing, having died in one swing.

Yet, they were beasts categorized as high-grade creatures that would give S-rank hunters a hard time.

Ji-woo suddenly stopped his attack and left the last two white wolves alive.



Dong-hyun and Yu-jin got surprised to see that strange behavior. They had no idea what Ji-woo was up to, who didn’t clean up the rest of the beasts.

“I’ll let these two beasts live and get out of here. Now, it’s up to you two whether to kill them or let them roam around the district freely.”

Ji-woo smiled subtly and immediately jumped high after unsummoned the Diffusal Blade and Shadow Blade.



Before Dong-hyun and Yu-jin knew what it all meant, Ji-woo had disappeared from their sight. Meanwhile, the two white wolves neglected immediately fled from the two hunters.

“Sh*t! They ran!”

“I know. There’s no need to shout. Let’s go after those two beasts. We can’t leave the Mapo district under threat for much longer.”

Dong-hyun and Yu-jin finally go after the two white wolves. During the chase, Yu-jin asked him about Ji-woo’s intentions.

“Why do you think Ji-woo didn’t kill the two white wolves and instead had us take care of them?”

“I do not know.”

“Hum! Why do you put up with people who like to order arbitrarily?”

“Eh? Aren’t you the same?”

Hearing those words, Yu-jin shot Dong-hyun a very sharp and cold gaze.

Dong-hyun, who felt the sharp gaze was like being hit by a lightning bolt that shot out of Yu-jin’s eyes into his face. Being so uncomfortable, he finally turned his face away and immediately changed the subject.

“Look, there are the two white wolves. We can’t fight head-on. We need to attack them by surprise.” He said.

Yu-jin clicked her tongue while showing her displeasure with Dong-hyun. Meanwhile, Dong-hyun himself swallowed hard. He felt like he suddenly had a new enemy besides the beasts. It sent chills down his spine.

Elsewhere, Ji-woo was already far from where he came from. That was because he had no intention of leaving the Mapo district immediately. He wanted to stroll around the area where he felt remnants of the beasts still there. He arrived at a building close to the blockade wall. He walked while observing his surroundings slowly.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw a beast gnawing on a human. He didn’t know if it was an ordinary human or a hunter because he couldn’t sense the Mana from the corpse. But if one looked at the attire, then that white wolf was tearing up a hunter.

The beast stopped gnashing its sharp teeth and looked at Ji-woo after noticing someone was coming. The white wolf then bared its two fangs. Displayed ferocity with its eyes and was clawing at the floor.

Ji-woo laughed helplessly at that. It was common for him to get underestimated because the beasts usually relied on Mana sense to sharpen their survival instincts. So, seeing a creature far below his standards dare to approach with the intent to pounce on him was amusing.

But before Ji-woo finished off the white wolf, he sensed the presence of a hunter nearby. He also knew the hunter was hiding and watching his movements. More precisely, the hunter was looking at the situation between Ji-woo and the beast.

He shrugged his shoulders, showing that he didn’t care about the hunter. He immediately attacked the white wolf by swinging his right hand below and hitting the beast’s chin.

The white wolf immediately flew up and fell to the floor with blood pouring from its eyes, nose, and mouth.

Ting, Pwosh!

Ji-woo saw a magic item thrown near him and gave off a bright light in a moment. ‘Oh? Paralyzing spell? This is a rare magic item.’

He, who was closing his eyes due to the bright light, then fell to the ground as if he was asleep.

Not long after, the hunter who had been stalking came out of his hiding place and approached where Ji-woo and the white wolf were.

“It almost broke my heart when this boy suddenly came here. I’ve been waiting for a long time to get the chance to pick up the bag. Well, even though it’s a bit late, I finally got what I wanted.”

“My heart almost stopped when this brat came here all of a sudden. You bastard!” The hunter grumbled as he kicked Ji-woo once on the floor.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for the opportunity to pick up the bag. Well, although it’s a bit late, I finally got what I wanted. Hehehe.”

The hunter was the leader of the hunters’ group that plundered the wealth of the civilians before. Previously, when their group got massacred by the Werewolf, he ran with all his might away and was the only survivor from that event.

But then, he followed the Werewolf that had fled from the hunters’ siege at the exit. And he didn’t get frightened and saddened by the tragic deaths of his fellow hunters.

All that was in the hunter’s head was the temptation of the Spatial Bag. So, he didn’t care about anything and continued to follow the Werewolf. Luckily, when there were several hunters who managed to catch up to the creature, the Spatial Bag fell because they were fighting while running.

It was like gold suddenly falling before the hunter. Plus, the Werewolf and the hunters went away from the item. All that was left was a wounded hunter. That was an easy thing to deal with it.

Unfortunately, as he approached, a white wolf came savagely and fought the injured hunter, who was ultimately defeated and torn apart by the beast.

When Ji-woo arrived, the hunter stopped his movement to cast his secret magic item. The paralyzing spell only could get used once and for just one person. All would get paralyzed by the magic item, whether high-grade beasts or top-ranked hunters. So, whoever died between Ji-woo and the white wolf didn’t matter to the hunter.


The hunter was surprised when he saw Ji-woo’s bag beside his waist. The bag was similar to the Spatial Bag that was near the corpses of the previously wounded hunter.

The hunter’s eyes immediately brightened after observing for a while.

Two Spatial Bags!

Without a doubt, he would instantly become loaded! Notably, if he managed to sell those two items on the Black Market. He couldn’t imagine how many people would bid for the two magic items.

‘It’s worth using that paralyzing spell!’

“Alright. Let’s take the Spatial Bag that was over there first. Then take the one this boy has.”

The hunter did not find it strange that Ji-woo had a Spatial Bag because he was so happy to get unexpected fortunes. He picked up the Werewolf’s Spatial Bag and turned around, about to grab the one that belonged to Ji-woo. But instead, he got surprised to see Ji-woo’s back facing him.

“Y-You! How could that be!? You shouldn’t be able to move because of the spell, right!? W-What’s going on?”

Ji-woo stretched his neck and then turned to face the hunter. “Put that thing down, and I’ll let you go.”

“How dare you say that! This thing is mine!”

The hunter tried to shrug off but got faced with Ji-woo’s expressionless cold gaze, and it was tough to remain calm. He gulped and sweated all over his forehead.

“Oh. So, it was your thing that fell and was left here? Not the dead hunter? Why are you only showing up now? For fear of the white wolf?”

The hunter bit his lip, not knowing what to say.

“Don’t play around too much. We know it’s not yours. Why sneak around if it’s yours?” Ji-woo chimed in.

“You d*mn brat!”

The hunter immediately took the sword on his waist and stepped forward, wanting to stab Ji-woo.

Ji-woo sighed quickly and snapped the hunter’s hand, holding the sword with both of his hands. Then, the weapon got released and rotated once. Until the tip of the sword got pointed at the hunter’s neck. And Ji-woo took the weapon, immediately severed the neck without hesitation.

“I have given mercy. Why do you still want to die?”


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