I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 131: Wrath: Sweeping Mapo District

Chapter 131: Wrath: Sweeping Mapo District

“Don’t worry. They’ll be fine at the evacuation site.” Dal-soo tried to comfort Ji-woo.

Ji-woo, with his icy gaze and casual, placid expression, did not care in the slightest about it. He instead threw a bombshell question that hit Dal-soo’s remark.

“What if a Red Gate appears near the evacuation site? The one with a size of 4 meters or 5 meters radius? Is that within the expectations of the Hunters Association?”

Dal-soo got taken aback by Ji-woo’s words. There was no preparation for it because the rarity of the Red Gate appeared several times in a row. But, on second thought, the possibility of that happening was there.

Why not think about it and prepare for it? Was it because of the human habit that only acted when additional problems arose?

Prevention was better than fixing. In the end, those words were just decorations for most people.

“In a war, all possibilities must always be open. And preparations for these things must always get ready. One simple mistake can destroy an entire army of war in the snap of fingers.

“If in such situations, you are still considering the costs and difficulties of preparing, then you must get prepared to bear all the risks.”

Ji-woo took a deep breath. That was the thing he got worried about right now. However, he knew that if the situation became real, he would not hesitate to leave Seoul or the hunters behind, having a hard time dealing with those high-grade beings.

Dal-soo also sighed and then squatted to the ground. There were Yu-jin and Dong-hyun there, lying on the ground unconscious.

Yu-jin was just unconscious and not severely injured, having received only a sudden attack from the Werewolf. Meanwhile, Dong-hyun was a little critical as his Mana was running low, and it was hard to maintain his vitality. The wound on his shoulder was also quite fatal because it was close to the area of his heart.

Well, all that was not an arduous task for the Godly Doctor.

“I’ll go towards the Red Gate and clean up the white wolves on the way there. You go take care of that Werewolf with the others.”

“Hm? Then what about the two of them? Is it okay to only leave them here?”

Dal-soo didn’t understand Ji-woo’s intentions. Wasn’t he the one that said always to get prepared in all circumstances? Wasn’t there a chance that the high-grade beasts could injure or kill Yu-jin and Dong-hyun later? It was cold-hearted to leave the two hunters that Dal-soo thought were with him.

“You’ve healed them both, haven’t you?”

“Pardon? Ah, yes. I did. But, why?”

Ji-woo approached and squatted down in front of Dong-hyun. Next, he smacked Dong-hyun on the head with little ado.

Dong-hyun instantly woke up with his eyes wide open and holding his head with both hands.


“Why did my head get hit again? What did I do wrong?”

But then, Dong-hyun realized who was the one that hit his head after he straightened his back. He immediately bowed and apologized to Ji-woo.

“Ah, Hyung~nim. Sorry, I raised my voice. I meant nothing.”

As soon as Dong-hyun finished saying that, he grasped what was going on. He quickly caressed his whole body and checked if the Werewolf’s bite wound was still on his left shoulder or not since he didn’t feel any pain any longer after waking up.

In the meantime, Yu-jin also got awakened by Dong-hyun’s commotion at the side. She immediately got up and asked what was going on. She asked Ji-woo about Elijah and Ji-won with great concern regardless of her own situation.

On the other hand, Dal-soo just crouched down at the scene before his eyes in amusement.

Ji-woo’s heart got softened by the actions of Yu-jin and Dong-hyun. They both worry and take good care of their families. And he felt indebted to it. However, he needed to stop the two of them from overreacting.

“I’m going to the Red Gate. You can go with Sir. Dal-soo to look for the Werewolf. Or do something else. That’s up to you.

“I’m leaving now. See you two later.”

Ji-woo jumped up and ran at a moderate pace.

On the other side, both Yu-jin and Dong-hyun looked at each other and nodded their heads.

“Senior Oh, we are going to the Red Gate, too. We hope you will allow it.”

Dal-soo didn’t mind about that and permitted them. After all, Ji-woo was there, so he didn’t have to worry one bit. But as Yu-jin and Dong-hyun’s back faded from his sight, he felt uneasy about Ji-woo going to the Red Gate. He ended up also going to the Red Gate first before looking for the Werewolf.

Ji-woo smirked, sensing Dong-hyun and Yu-jin already behind him, following along.

“You two just spread out.”

“Hyung~nim, why do you say that? We just wanted to help a bit.”

“That’s right, Ji-woo~si. We’re sure we won’t be a burden later.”

The two hunters complain at Ji-woo’s words, telling them to separate.

“What I mean is for you to spread out and lure the white wolves that roam to my place. It will make it easier to kill the beasts gathered in one place without having to run around.

“So you can focus your Mana on footwork rather than attack. What you have now won’t be able to defend against the dozens of white wolves.”

Dong-hyun and Yu-jin blinked their eyes after hearing Ji-woo’s explanation. They immediately parted with no further questions.

Suddenly, a white wolf lunged at Ji-woo behind a narrow urban alley after the two hunters had left his side. However, he didn’t even glance at the beast. He solely swung his right arm, and the creature slammed into the ground, instantly dying.

Such situations get repeated several times, and Ji-woo not got bothered and bored on his way to the Red Gate. He didn’t even need to summon Shadow Blade and Diffusal Blade for such trivial matters.

When he arrived at his destination, he did not act immediately but saw the situation first. The number of white wolves was three times the number that came to the exit of the isolation zone before.

There were about 20 hunters that held back hundreds of those beasts. Surprisingly enough, they could defend against nearly 30 times their number. That too could get said to be thanked to one S-rank hunter, Oh Dal-shik, the Shadow Guild Headmaster being the pillar there.

Unfortunately, the situation of the hunters was snug and urgent. They were on the edge of the abyss and could die at any moment.

Instantly, the hundreds of white wolves ambushed the hunters in unison. Dal-shik bit his lip. It was a difficult situation. He could have dodged or resisted the attack, but the other hunters wouldn’t be so lucky.

Out of nowhere, from the hunter’s right side, the white wolves who were jumping with their fierce teeth got knocked straight to the ground. Not just one, but a whole one in the front row of the group.


It was Ji-woo who swiftly appeared beside the herd of beasts and delivered one hard and fast blow. It caused one white wolf to get hit directly and collide with the other white wolves.

That surprised all the hunters. Apart from Dal-shik, were there other hunters with such power?

“This is not the time to get stunned. There are still hundreds to come before you.”

As soon as Ji-woo finished his speech, the hundreds of white wolves behind the first line that he had killed came more ferociously. And they didn’t show the slightest bit of fear, even after witnessing the blow that killed dozens of them.

However, Ji-woo immediately reacted with a swift movement and killed each of the white wolves, with one attack continuing to the other beasts until the surge of the creatures stopped.

The hunters who got told to get ready became speechless at what Ji-woo was doing. It didn’t stop there. They were even more dumbfounded after hearing what Ji-woo said next.

“You guys just got out of here. It’ll be easier if I take care of them all. Just go. And start chasing the Werewolf, who is none other than the Dungeon Owner.”

However, those words got misinterpreted by several hunters who were in a state of exhaustion and on edge. They seem to have lost their memory of how Ji-woo killed the white wolves so quickly and boldly raised their voices at him.

“Brat! Who do you think you are? How dare you tell us to leave as if we were a burden here.”

“That’s right! You just came here and dared to say such nonsense! Just get out of our way!”

Ji-woo picked his ear. “Oh my. You guys are so noisy.” He then raised his hand to block Dal-shik’s magical attack. The magic spell, of course, immediately dissipated when it came into contact with his palm.

“For a little brat, you have no manners at all. To come and tell your seniors to leave is like telling the burdens to disappear. You need to get taught a lesson after we take care of the beasts.”

Ji-woo squinted his eyes when he heard Dal-shik’s words. He understood they got exhausted and on the verge of death. However, losing the ability to think logically in this kind of battle was fatal. That was because every decision would impact the future course of the war.


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