I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 129: Wrath: Instant Death

Chapter 129: Wrath: Instant Death

Previously, Ji-woo was relaxed and wanted to take care of Momoka’s body and head. But, when he checked the phone, he had stored it in the Spatial Bag earlier. He was shocked to see the news circulating on the internet. And the dozens of missed phone calls from Dong-hyun, Elijah, and Ji-won made him even more worried.

He left in a hurry and left the body with his head apart behind. At first, he had a hard time finding transportation to go to Seoul. It was because the current situation was dangerous for civilians to go anywhere until martial law got lifted.

Ji-woo was about to make a big fuss since he was in a hurry. Then, a soldier on duty to keep the order in this turmoil situation came up to him.

The soldier tried to calm Ji-woo down and managed to calm things down because he said only hunters have a special treatment to get anywhere at a time like this.

In the end, Ji-woo went with a military vehicle. All the way to Seoul, there was no traffic jam at all. So the time taken was not as long as before.

Ji-woo was not allowed to enter when he arrived at the blockade of the Mapo district. It was because the police and soldiers were scared to open the door. They were panicked and frightened because of the civilians’ scream, knowing the monsters already at the exit.

This time Ji-woo had no intention of compromising again. No matter a human or a Portal Gate creature, blocking what he was about to do meant death.

“Move,” Ji-woo said casually. But, he gave off his killing intent as he walked towards the exit.

In that instant, all the police and soldiers were sweating on their foreheads and gulping hard. They all felt the wind graze against their faces and necks every time Ji-woo got closer to them.

There was a soldier who unknowingly almost made the mistake of using his rifle and aiming at Ji-woo. Luckily, personnel next to him held the gun and shook his head to indicate not to do that. They all know Ji-woo was a hunter, and it was better not to stir up further tumults. Instead, the police and soldiers pointed their guns at the exit. It was in preparation in case any beasts escaped by that door.

Ji-woo, who was walking in a hurry, was suddenly surprised to hear the sound of crying from someone he knew. He immediately squeezed the steel door and opened it as if he was about to enter the house. However, it could get seen from the veins that showed on his hands and forehead, indicating the anger that got suppressed strongly.

When it got opened, a frightful scene appeared in his eyes. Ji-won cried, sitting on the ground while Elijah lay far away with a lot of dust and dirt on her body.

“Tired of living, eh!?”

The Werewolf, who heard those words, stopped his hand and suddenly trembled all over his body. Ji-woo’s killing intent undoubtedly gave him a vision of his death. What the Werewolf didn’t expect was, it sent his spine to shiver because of it. Also, his beast instinct was no longer screaming to run away from danger but resigned himself to just dying.

‘This is d-different from that human who beat me so easily before.’

The Werewolf didn’t know how to express Ji-woo’s presence in front of him. Like dealing with the Great Warlock? No, it felt different. His Mana churned like it was about to explode.

Yes, it was the Aura of Fear that Ji-woo indirectly gave off without any restrictions. At this moment, he seemed to want to berserk and rip out the hearts of all living things in front of him.

The gloomy silence didn’t last long when Chairman Yu arrived at the venue. With other hunters as well as the beasts that escaped from Dal-soo at the same time.

However, the crowd did not change the gloomy atmosphere because all of them who had just arrived were affected and felt Ji-woo’s Aura of Fear.

All living things have different reactions. By the side of the white wolves, they were like tame dogs whimpering on the ground and not daring to move. As for the low-ranked hunters, they were shaking and covered in sweat. On the other hand, Chairman Yu was sweating hot and cold as he struggled to move his body.

Despite the different reactions of these living beings, there was one thing they definitely felt in common. That was the feeling where their Mana wanted to disappear from their bodies.

The civilians who were there also felt a tense air from Ji-woo. However, they were not wholly affected by the Aura of Fear because they had no Mana.

Those people and the beasts were like mannequin statues while Ji-woo walked towards Ji-won, who looked at him quietly and sobbingly. His sister’s eyes were puffy and red from the tears that were pouring down.

“Stop crying and walk out. Wait for me there, while I will bring Eomma to you.”

Ji-woo said to Ji-won while patting his sister on the head. And pointing outside the blockade where the soldiers gape at the sight through the gap in the exit.


Ji-won replied with a grunt and stammers. She wanted to ask how her mother was doing to her brother. But now, she didn’t feel comfortable being around Ji-woo because of the gloomy atmosphere that radiated from her brother. She finally stood up and instantly ran towards the police and soldiers outside.

The civilians also then followed Ji-won’s action to get out of the place.


The Werewolf managed to howl after rubbing both his shoulders with his claws after feeling tormented by Ji-woo’s pressure.

“Who allowed you to do that?”

Suddenly, the Werewolf fell to his knees with his hands on the ground as Ji-woo finished saying those words.

Not only the Dungeon Owner, the white wolves, low-ranked hunters, and Chairman Yu also had the same situation. They fell on their knees and hands to the ground as if they were worshiping a monarch.

Ji-woo then swiftly jumped to Elijah’s place. He cleaned the clothes and wiped the dust on his mother’s face. He picked up his mother and walked towards the exit that had got vandalized.

The Werewolf, the white wolves, the low-rank hunters, and Chairman Yu were having a hard time moving their bodies, and slowly but surely, fear had entered their heads.

Ji-woo leaned his mother against the blockade wall outside and told Ji-won not to go anywhere. He also ordered the police and soldiers to only be on guard and not to do anything else. He then went back inside while closing the broken exit so that people outside could not see what he was about to do.

“Magic is an abomination.

“The curse of my soul, Nullifier!”

Zap, Zap–

Two pieces of light emerged in Ji-woo’s palm. Then two short swords with one-sided blades appeared. One was sky blue and amethyst, and the other was denim and black.

Ji-woo strolled while surrounding the people and beasts. He walked with a domineering aura while carrying the Diffusal Blade on the left and the Shadow Blade on the right.

“Why should my family get dragged into this? If anyone wants to die, tell me, and I’ll gladly grant it.”

Chairman Yu tried to open his mouth to speak but couldn’t at all. He did not understand what was going on and who was in front of him.

‘Who’s he? From the language and stature, like a native Korean. Hunter? What rank? Why didn’t I know about this?’

Even the low-ranking hunters tried to stand up amid their inexplicable fear. But soon, they would see why they had to stay on the ground and comprehend the fear.

Ji-woo stopped in his tracks beside the group of white wolves. Next, he swung the Diffusal Blade slowly.



In an instant, the head of a white wolf got smashed to pieces, with blood splattering everywhere.

Everyone there flinched while widening their eyes in shock.

What had happened?

Some people thought so after seeing what Ji-woo did with just one swing of the short sword.

Meanwhile, the white wolves who were close to the incident immediately went to extremes. They all groaned in fear and ran in all directions, away from the demon of all demons.

Turn out it was a waste. Before the beasts had moved more than 2 meters away, Ji-woo had swung his two short swords and moved many times in the blink of an eye. As a result, all the white wolves died with their heads crushed horribly.

All the corpses of the headless beasts fell. And their blood had soaked the ground as if there was a red carpet on which Ji-woo stood.

Ji-woo, who was standing there motionless, was covered in the beast’s blood. His tattered clothes caused by the battle with Momoka were no longer visible because of that.

“Who’s next? You? You? Which one? Who wants to die. Raise your hands. Don’t beat around the bush.”

The Werewolf heard that, forced to bite his tongue and lips to awaken all his senses with pain. And it worked. He swiftly jumped away from Ji-woo And managed to widen the distance in an instant.


Suddenly, Ji-woo, who was ready to kill the Werewolf, stopped after hearing his name got called.


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