I Am Only Mortal But Why Do You All Sees Me As A Immortal!

Chapter 68: Treating Diseases is My Specialty

Chapter 68: Treating Diseases is My Specialty

Aunt Yuan was indeed injured.

And the injuries were serious.

Her Dantian was severely damaged and her true source was shattered. As a cultivator, she had reached the end of her life, because the elixir needed to repair her true source was something she had never been able to obtain even at the beginning. And even if she did get it now, it would be meaningless.

Because once your cultivation level drops, it takes a very long time to restore it back to normal.

Aunt Yuan's mind is now focused on taking good care of Feng Wuxin and helping her expand her power. Her own injuries are no longer worth mentioning.

"What's your name, Madam?"

Gu Heng calmed himself down and asked Aunt Yuan as gently as possible. This beautiful woman looked quite wealthy and he didn't know how she found his clinic, but since she was here, he had to treat her with more care.

"Just call me... Madam Yuan."

Aunt Yuan was still wondering if her purpose had been discovered. After all, he could see her internal injuries. Maybe he had already discovered her and Feng Wuxin before the two of them came...

But on second thought, if that's the case, then why hasn't the owner of this clinic pointed it out directly?

Maybe he doesn't care about this kind of thing at all?

Did he really think of himself as a woman who came to see a doctor?

Aunt Yuan guessed and observed Gu Heng's reaction. Seeing that he did not doubt, she decided to follow his lead and continued, "I do feel something is wrong with my body. Could you take a look at it for me?"

"Yes. Madam, please sit down so I can feel your pulse."

Seeing that Gu Heng was really sitting at the consultation table, waiting to take the pulse, Aunt Yuan's eyelids twitched. Why did he really want to feel the pulse?

At their level, or even higher, they can completely know whether the other person is in trouble just by observing their Qi, without having to feel the pulse, unless...

The owner of this clinic intends to diagnose and treat patients just like an ordinary doctor.

Wow, it's rare to reach this level of mortal state.

She had met many powerful hermits, but most of them were not so much hermits as they were too eccentric and did not want to get involved in worldly affairs. There were indeed very few people like him who went against the trend and integrated into worldly life.

Aunt Yuan was horrified in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface. She stretched out her left wrist to Gu Heng and said, "Please."

Hearing this, Gu Heng smiled and nodded, then stretched out his right index finger to place it on Aunt Yuan's wrist and closed his eyes in thought.

His brows suddenly frowned, then slowly relaxed, and he looked up at Aunt Yuan again.

"Madam Yuan's illness is very serious."

She is seriously deficient in qi and blood.

Moreover, it is an old illness. If it is not treated, it will gradually become a more serious illness. Gu Heng can cure her, but it is not so easy for her already damaged body to recover.

Upon hearing this, Aunt Yuan gave a bitter smile.

How could she not know?

The injuries I suffered, and the cultivation that was almost cut off, are pains that can never be erased.

She was severely injured by the villain and her true source was shattered. She, who was originally at the tenth level of the Fusion Stage, quickly fell to the Spirit Severing Stage. If it weren't for her special skills and her Dantian being intact, it would have been a problem whether she could keep the rest of her cultivation, let alone survive.

"But it can be cured."

Gu Heng smiled faintly and said something again. After hearing this, Aunt Yuan became tense.

As if he noticed her nervousness, he patted the back of her hand and said soothingly: "Relax, I'm here, I will definitely make you healed."

Can it be cured?

Of course it can be cured.

Aunt Yuan also knew that the True Source was broken and could be reshaped with the help of spiritual medicines, and then assisted by many other spiritual medicines in the future, the True Source could be slowly stabilized again. However, this treatment was very expensive and she could not afford it!

Especially after Feng Wuxin was "exiled" and she followed him along, it became impossible to provide treatment.

Even if you turn the entire Riyan Dynasty upside down, you will not be able to find such precious medicinal materials, nor such powerful alchemists."But... if this needs to be treated, I'm afraid I can't afford so much..."

Aunt Yuan sighed. She was poor now. How could she pay the owner of the clinic?

Now it was Gu Heng's turn to be surprised.

This beautiful woman seems to be well-off in terms of her clothing and living expenses, but is she actually living in poverty and having trouble seeing a doctor?

That doesn't matter.

Since she is so beautiful, she should do some charity for herself.

"It's okay. I will treat you when you come. You don't need to worry about these material things. I will only treat you and I won't charge you anything."

Gu Heng waved his hand, indicating to Aunt Yuan that she need not worry, and then he took out a jade bottle from the medicine cabinet and placed it in front of her.

"Take this. I'll make some medicine for you. Take it back and slowly recuperate. You'll get better."

After saying that, Gu Heng went back to the back room.

Aunt Yuan looked at the elixir in the jade bottle...it was a treasure she had seen before.

The eighth-grade elixir, Guyuan Pill!

It can consolidate the true essence, increase cultivation, and even some talented people can directly help cultivators advance to a higher realm! For those whose true essence is broken, they can also use this elixir to reshape it!

Aunt Yuan was shocked, but still found it unbelievable.

Such a precious elixir, even if she lost all her true energy, she could still slowly recover with it. But Gu Heng just gave it to her and asked her to take it?

The owner of this clinic, has Ru Fan messed up his brain?

Even such a panacea can be casually taken out and used to treat strangers you have never met?

So, she didn't dare to eat it.

But if I don't eat it, it might make him unhappy, and he might misunderstand that I am a petty and insecure person.

After thinking for a long time, Aunt Yuan decided to eat it.

She uncorked the wooden stopper, took out the eighth-grade Guyuan Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The medicinal effect dissipated instantly.


Feng Wuxin waited outside for a while, feeling a little nervous.

Aunt Yuan took the initiative to go in. A cup of tea had already passed, and she was wandering outside the front yard, waiting anxiously for Aunt Yuan to come out.

But as she waited, a little silver cat came over and looked at her quietly.

"Hmm? What a cute cat."

She looked down at her feet and found the little kitten looking up at her. Its two round, bright black eyes were so cute that they were really endearing.

"What's your name? My name is Feng Wuxin. You can call me Sister Feng."

The little silver cat seemed to understand and tilted its head. Feng Wuxin squatted down and touched the little silver cat's soft fur. The silver fur was fluffy and felt very good to the touch, making her reluctant to let go.

Then, the little silver cat spoke in human language: "Woman, how dare you touch me?"


Before Feng Wuxin knew what was happening, she felt a huge pressure coming at her. Her face turned pale, but she couldn't use any energy, so she was pressed against the wall. The little silver cat, in her horrified eyes, slowly turned into a tall, beautiful, cold and stunning beauty who looked down on everyone.

Demon clan!

There are actually demons here! ?

Feng Wuxin was so frightened that his soul almost came out of his body.


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