I Am Only Mortal But Why Do You All Sees Me As A Immortal!

Chapter 40: New Changes

Chapter 40: New Changes

Huang Su looked at Hong Ba's body and analyzed it.

Judging from the fierceness of this move, Huang Su concluded that the opponent was probably a Jindan stage cultivator with similar strength to him!

But most of the people in the south of Yunling City are mortals and those cultivators with no special abilities. Huang Su has been around for so long, so of course he knows this, so...

I'm afraid there's a new face in the south of Yunling City.

Moreover, it seems that his own Black Forest Gang has already had a grudge against him!

There are a lot of spies from other forces inside and outside the south of Yunling City. They must have seen the dead pig Hong Ba being carried back, and they quickly realized that someone had taken action against his Heilin Gang.

This has already damaged the reputation of his Black Forest Gang!

More importantly, what did the brat take from the house that made these guys go through the trouble of chasing it.

The mortals in that area are extremely poor. What is valuable is the land, not the people.

"Do you know what that kid took?"

Huang Su asked indifferently.

"That, that is a pendant, a purple gold pendant. According to Hong Ba, that thing is definitely a cultivator's thing. It may even be a space storage treasure, or something else. In short, it is very valuable!"

"What did you say?!"

Huang Su slammed the armrest of the chair and stood up angrily. Suddenly, the whole chair broke into pieces and scattered everywhere.

"How could a mortal possess such a treasure?"

He paced back and forth, with deep solemnity and shock between his brows, but after he thought about it carefully, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In any case, it is unacceptable for a mortal to hold such a treasure.

Even if someone gave it to him or left it to him, so what? In this world, the strong prey on the weak, if he can't keep something, then forget about keeping it!

"Humph, you are so brave that you actually stole things from my Black Forest Gang."

Although Huang Su didn't know what the treasure was, he found it absolutely unacceptable that it was stolen by a mortal. If this matter got out, the reputation of his Black Forest Gang would be thrown into the trash.

However, the mortal imp was rescued.

Moreover, the one who saved her was most likely a cultivator who was as powerful as him and who had just arrived. If that was the case, he would naturally not be afraid of the reputation of the Black Forest Gang, but the treasure just fell into his hands... Huang Su would never be willing to accept that!

He is alone, but the Black Forest Gang has more than just these few capable fighters!

"Double Ninth!" he shouted.

Immediately, a man rushed out and said respectfully, "Boss."

"Take a few strong brothers with you and go to Yunling City early tomorrow morning to see what that guy is like. If he is as strong as me, you should withdraw immediately and come back to tell me. I will go and meet him in person!"

Chongjiu hesitated for a while after hearing this, and then said hesitantly: "Boss, if that guy is stronger than you..."

Then, Huang Su's ferocious and terrifying eyes fell.


Chongjiu walked out of the door without looking back.


Early in the morning, Gu Heng had already started to tidy up the small courtyard behind him. There was a small hut there, and he threw all the sundries that he didn't need into it.

He picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and wrote four big characters on the rice paper smoothly.

Gu's Medical Clinic.

His calligraphy skills were equally "superb", but he had basically no chance to show them off to others, and he had long lost interest in writing as he had more business to do in his clinic.

But now he wants to find someone to make a new plaque as a sign.

Gu Heng rolled up the paper and tucked it under his arm. He just happened to see Qin Yiyao coming down from upstairs, with sleepy eyes and a tired look on her face."Did you sleep well?" Gu Heng asked with a smile.

"Uh-huh..." Qin Yiyao rubbed her eyes and responded lazily.

She was probably exhausted. She used to beg for a living on the streets, didn't have enough food to eat, and couldn't sleep well. Gu Heng smiled and shook his head. He didn't mind, after all, she was a young girl.

"I'm going to go out for a while, please watch the store, there are still hot buns and boiled eggs in the pot."

"Well, take care, Master." Qin Yiyao said obediently.

Gu Heng nodded and left.

After Gu Heng left, Qin Yiyao rubbed her eyes, stretched her body, and crackling sounds came from every joint of her body.

Last night, she had been studying the "Body" book until late at night, and now, the trouble that had troubled her for many years after her rebirth had been solved!

The root of Tao is revealed, and the practice of cultivation has begun!

So she immediately started to practice "Asking the Emperor's Heart Technique" according to her memory. Originally, this was the technique she had been practicing before her death, so now she naturally knew it by heart. After practicing it for a night, she, Qin Yiyao, is now at the sixth level of the Qi training stage!

But if she really fights with someone, even if it's against a cultivator at the first level of the Jindan stage, she will never lose!

After working hard all night, Qin Yiyao's "hope" finally came.

Qin Yiyao pushed the door open and walked towards the kitchen in the back hall. As soon as she opened the stove, she saw the eggs in the pot. She was slightly stunned, then she smiled faintly, grabbed one and put it in her mouth.

It's delicious.

I have a very handsome and considerate master.

"...Senior Xuan, did you feel it?"

In the front hall, Su Jinxi, who was lying on top of the medicine cabinet, transmitted a message to Jian Xuan, who was sitting in the ancient lamp in the corner.

"Yes, the sixth level of Qi training." Jian Xuan said, "Last night, there was clearly no sign of any Dao root appearing in her body. I never thought that after just one night, she has already entered the sixth level of Qi training. This speed... is really unheard of."

"The master really has a keen eye for talent and can see that she is extraordinary."

Su Jinxi raised her cat paw and touched her face.

"If it weren't for Master Gu, I'm afraid this genius would have died long ago."

Jian Xuan laughed softly.


In the west of Yunling City, Gu Heng was looking for a shop specializing in carving, holding a roll of paper in his hand.

He did not go around the south of the city first, but instead chatted with the butcher where he bought meat last night. He then found out that there was a shop specializing in plaque carving in the west of Yunling City.

It is said that the old man surnamed Gu had excellent craftsmanship and wrote beautiful characters, and was a master of calligraphy. If someone brought him characters to carve, he would be unhappy. If the characters were not well written, he would be very unhappy, and then he would write a piece of characters himself and then carve it.

In general, he is an old man with a weird personality.

But this is the kind of craftsman Gu Heng wants.

After all, no matter what, my calligraphy is "superb", so I have to live up to my skills and can't just ask those with poor skills to do it.

After searching for half an hour, Gu Heng finally found the store in a not very deep alley. The store was hidden deep in the city, with a bustling market outside. It seemed like a place hidden beneath the hustle and bustle, a place that truly nurtured the essence of the people.

"...You are such a stubborn boy!"

Before entering the store, Gu Heng heard a noise coming from inside the store.

"My calligraphy is still a little lacking in quality, but if you can give me some pointers, I will learn with an open mind."

"Hey, you little brat, I've already told you that the words I wrote are nothing but that. If you keep pestering me every day, I won't be able to do my job when business comes!"

The two men were arguing, and Gu Heng listened to most of what was going on, and roughly understood the situation.

It seems that someone is here to study.

This is not surprising. This old man's reputation is actually quite widespread. People in the south of the city will come to Mr. Gu if they want a carving. Gu Heng thought that even if this old guy's shop is hidden so deeply, it will not be of any use. Reputation is a direct path.Sure enough, someone came looking for me.

Gu Heng smiled and thought that although he was really capable, his reputation was not famous at all.

He walked in and saw two figures, one old and one young, standing in the store.

The older one was a man with a white beard, a thin figure, tattered clothes, and scars all over his arms. He looked like he had been exposed to the wind, sun and rain. He was working at a table, holding a rather rough brush in his withered hand, and writing with great enthusiasm.

It seemed that the stubbornness of the young man next to him disturbed his mood, and the words he wrote now had extremely sharp edges, as if he was furious.

Next to him stood a young man about twenty years old.

He has long hair tied up in a hairpin, a tall figure, eyes as clear as the autumn moon, thin lips slightly pursed, and a gentle and indifferent temperament, like a clear mountain spring. At first glance, he is a very handsome young man.

Gu Heng thought that Yunling City was indeed a good place, with handsome men and beautiful women everywhere.

"Excuse me for interrupting you."

Gu Heng smiled and bowed respectfully.

"Oh, you want to carve a plaque?"

The old man looked over and examined him. When he saw a roll of rice paper tucked under Gu Heng's armpit, he frowned slightly.

"Yes, I just came to Yunling City and just settled down. I heard that there is a stubborn old man with a very strange temper in the west of Yunling City, but he writes well and carves good signs, so I have to come and take a look."

Gu Heng said frankly.

The old man smiled a little, but the young man in white was dissatisfied: "You are so rude! What's wrong with Senior Gu's character? It's just that others can't stand his patience."

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Heng took a look at the young man.


Just like the girl Meng Yirou who first came to Qingmu Castle and kept saying "she knows a lot about refining medicine".

This person must be a nobleman from some family. He is obsessed with calligraphy and now wants to learn from this old man.

Rich people are so bored that when they have nothing to do, they can go to ordinary people to learn from them, learn a few tricks, and then go back to brag to their friends, claiming that they are also some kind of alchemist or calligrapher...

It's great to have money.

But judging from the commotion just now, the old man must have hundreds of objections. But this young man must be very patient, or very stubborn, and he may have made the old man feel very uncomfortable.

He certainly couldn't bear to hear anyone saying bad things about the old man.

"That's enough! You come to my place every day to make a fuss. Stay here and I have business to offer."

The old man was full of resentment, and he pushed the young man to sit on the chair, which made him feel a little wronged, so he could only sit there without moving. Then he came to Gu Heng and said, "Did you bring the calligraphy yourself?"


Gu Heng nodded and handed him the paper roll under his arm.

"Humph, you guys who wanted me to carve a sign, the words you brought are so ugly, they don't look like they were written, they look like they were scratched with claws."

The old man snorted, took it unhappily, and didn't open it.

Gu Heng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the words written by the old man on the table just now - "Ask for peace of mind".

Well, this mortal old man is practicing calligraphy in a weird way.

Besides, this word doesn't look very nice.

"I don't mean to offend you, but Mr. Gu, your handwriting... lacks some quality."

Gu Heng said slowly.

Upon hearing this, the old man's face suddenly changed.

(My new work-

1.I am only mortal but why do you all all treat ma as a immortal!

2.A proud man called himself a medicinal God!

3.Problems start after graduation but I receive system!

Please read few ch after make decision.)


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