I.. Am God?

Chapter 193 Car? What Car?

"Your death has been decided." Andre continued as he slowly spread his palm wide open before raising it up while slowly forming a reversed teardrop shape with his raising hand.

The higher his hand reached, the weaker the gods below got as their powers slowly floated out from them as it gathered two meters above every god They madly tried to reabsorb the energies that were being sucked out from them but clearly, what they were doing is nothing but a last resort in despair.

Slowly, their bodies started to age and after that, rot. Their skins turned into ashes and ended up leaving behind their bare skeletons. Above their carcasses, orbs of their powers floated in existence without anyone to possess them.

Seeing the sight of nearly a thousand gods evaporating into nothingness and leaving a skeleton behind, the five new Godkings paled in fright. Would that happen to them if they weren't called?

"I have decided to bestow upon you the powers of your distasteful brethrens. I hope you use your new powers wisely." Andre said before waving his hand.

Simultaneously, all the orbs dashed to their respective new owners. Those with the powers related to death, the underworld, and anything connected to those powers become owned by Hades.

Those with the powers relating to protection, defense, travel, space, strength, senses, and knowledge went to Heimdall.

Those with the powers associated with duplication, immortality, transformations, and some of the Buddhist powers went to the Monkey King, Sun Wukong.

The powers that were connected to seals, battles, war, and eradication of evil, and the remaining of the Buddhist powers dashed towards Bishamon.

And the powers relating to thunder, swordsmanship, and other unclaimed powers were owned by Takemikazuchi.

"Ahh!" Due to the overwhelming amount of power absorbed by them, the five wailed in pain as they slowly incorporated their new powers inside them.

"Once you are done, watch over the world and eliminate any otherworldly beings whose goal spells danger to our land." Andre stated before leaving.

Back to the mortal ground, although he himself was the reason for this fuss, he still couldn't believe that that 'visit' ended in this kind of way. He didn't expect that the visit would cause a huge shuffle with the ranks of the gods. From a number that was nearing a thousand, the remaining official gods that exists now only numbered to five!

Andre sighed because of his rash move, but even if time winds back to before it happened, he wouldn't even hesitate to do it once more. They mentioned that they wanted to involve the people that he knows, so in turn, they suffered.

Andre shook his head to dismiss of the thought. He was now in the present, so he shouldn't dwell in the past. Before he even had the chance to walk, he received a message from Mimicry.

"My car? What car?" Andre tilted his head in confusion before remembering that he once asked Romualdez to order a personal car for him. In the message, the address to where the car was parked was stated. Andre saw that it wasn't really that far from where he currently was, so he ran to the location.

While running, Andre sent a message to Mimicry that he would fetch the car and to alert the person-in-charge that he would be getting it. Mimicry saw the reply and did what he was told to do.

Minutes later, he arrived at a car dealership under Chevrolet. Andre continued inside even though it was closed.

When he entered, he saw that the lights were switched off except for one light that shone a car that was covered in cloth. He was then met with a man who greeted him with respect, "Greetings, Signore Ándras." The man bowed.

Although the lights were dim, Andre knew exactly who this person was. The man had curly afro hair, had round glasses, a pencil mustache, and deep brown eyes. He wore a long-sleeved polo and a vest suit with a blue tie in his collar and black pants and shoes.

Although his wear was fancy, his looks could definitely be described as "eccentric".

"Marcus, you maniac. Why didn't you just make it in Italy and let the others deliver it here?" Andre laughed.

"Master Ándras, one does not simply leave such a beautiful car alone! A car that is owned by you should be maintained until you yourself can put your hand on it! That is why I myself personally went here to upgrade the specifications of the car to make it up to date! After you claim this, I'll return to my mother Italy!" Marcus replied confidently.

Andre just shook his head and lightly patted Marcus' shoulders, "The eccentricity of your family was even passed down to you. It hasn't even changed." In response, Marcus nodded, "Of course! We are a solid family, so we should pass down our ideals and attitudes and norms to the future la generazione!" He even did a mano o borsa gesture!

Andre then looked at the car covered in cloth, "Is that it?" He asked. "Yes, it is, Signore!" Marcus nodded excitedly and rushed to it.

While holding the cloth, he turned to face Andre as he declared in a shouting voice, "Behold, my greatest creazione!" He then pulled the cloth to reveal the stunning car.

It was a sleek black 2022 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1. If compared to the original, there wasn't really that much of a difference. It was after Marcus explained the specifications when Andre realized that.. this is too much.

"I have modified the entire engine of this car. Installed in this beauty is a Hybrid Leistung Arma-8 modded with Mana G7 Micro Engine with 18 gallon fuel tank, making this car capable of both electricity and gas. The exterior is protected with Light Artificial Titanium layered with carbon metal, the wheels are made from the same material as the military vehicles of today, and the tinted windows are made from 20-layered reinforced and compressed glass that a PG-7VR 105 mm rocket with tandem HEAT warhead wouldn't even be able to scratch! Tested and proven!"

"Inside, the entire dashboard has been changed to digital, making it easy and efficient. If you don't want to, there is also an option that would deactivate the digital dashboard and would turn it to a normal car's dashboard.You can also set it to AI driving mode that we have improved to the best of the best! It would be as if the one who is driving is a real human with its 99% accuracy rate!"

"As for the seats, it is made entirely of the most expensive cotton in the market for its softness and comfortability. The ceiling is made from fine leather and the seatbelts are made to be more durable. But, fret not! If ever something unfortunate happens, there is a special knife on the side of the door that can specially cut through the material!"

"Overall, this car can give you the most pleasant feeling while it drives to a speed of 500 miles per hour!"

"I told you all that I like the Camaro because it's just about 4 Million Pesos. Those specs don't sound like a 4 Million-peso car." Andre narrowed his eyes.

"Of course!" Marcus even pounded his chest with his fist with pride, "With the total modification, this car would already reach 10 Million! It was a pity, but I know you didn't want something so lavish, so I didn't add gold plating inside the car. If I added that, the price of this car would definitely reach 19 million!"

Knowing that it's just ten million, Andre sighed with relief, "It's good that it's just 10 Million pesos.." He said.

"What do you mean?" Marcus looked at him and tilted his head in confusion. "The car's price, of course. It's just 10 Million Pesos, not too fancy, but it's still costly." Andre responded with furrowed brows. They were just talking about it. Does Marcus have Alzheimer's?

"Pesos?" Marcus couldn't help but to let out a stifled laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Andre looked at him while feeling a foreboding feeling.

"It's hilarious that you thought that we were using Pesos!" Marcus laughed. "Then how much is this in pesos?!" Andre gasped and asked frantically.

"In pesos.." Marcus lowered his head and counted with his fingers before answering, "Just a little over 500 million, I think? But I am certain it's not below the 500M mark."

"F-Five H-Hundred Million.." Andre gawked and turned around to look for a place to sit.

"Hehe.. hehe.." Andre laughed resignedly while holding his head. "How the hell do I maintain my current identity now? I was just a normal 27-year old man who doesn't even have a proper job yet. How would I explain getting a 500 million pesos worth of a car?" He asked himself dryly.

"Why do you even need to maintain your identity, Signore Ándras?" Marcus asked.


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