I.. Am God?

Chapter 190 The Tribunal

"Uh.. you didn't know, Sire?" The soldier had a suspicious look on his face, but he cannot really apprehend him, in fear of being reprimanded and kicked out of the regiment.

As of now, the military has a very high privilege inside the society, only second to the supernaturals themselves. Being booted out of the military at this time can put their families in danger, knowing that riots, infidels, and kidnappings are common in these trying times.

"I have been secluding myself for months and hadn't checked the outside much." Andre replied. Hearing that, the soldier was still suspicious, so he responded to Andre. "Highest Commander, I suggest you come with us for a briefing. Cons are prevalent these days, so we have to check if you're really one of the Highest Commanders in the army."

"Then.." Andre took out his phone and dialed someone, "talk to His Majesty yourselves." He then placed the phone near his ears as the phone rang.

"President?! You're alive?!" Mimicry's voice exclaimed with delight as he immediately answered the call.

"Yes, Your Majesty. But, please talk to them first because they are suspecting my legitimacy." Andre sighed secretly but displayed a professional stature as he talked.

Andre didn't wait for Mimicry to respond before he started a video call. When the video call was accepted, he immediately turned the phone to face the soldiers.

"Your Excellency!" The soldiers were shocked when they saw their King's face and immediately knelt down, causing them to leave the screen.

"Stand up." Mimicry replied to the soldiers with a voice that was filled with authority. The soldiers immediately stood up but their heads stayed bowing down.

"This person is Commander Terrence Horan, the former Highest Commander of the Mythical Haribon Division and the Commanding Strategist of my father, the former king Andras Maharlika VI. In terms of status, his position is higher than any of the current Highest Commanders of today."

"But.. he's so young, Your Excellency.." one of the soldiers voiced out. Suddenly, Mimicry's hmph sounded from the phone, "We are almost the same age. He's even older than me, yet you sound like you doubt his abilities? Then do you doubt my ability as King and Commander-in-Chief?" He asked the soldier coldly.

"N-No, Your Excellency! We do not doubt it!" The soldiers panicked and shook their heads quickly. "We now know what to do. Trust us, Your Excellency." They nodded and acknowledged the order.

"Very well." Mimicry nodded with satisfaction. "Commander Horan, I would like to speak to you personally next time. I am expecting to see you soon." Mimicry stated before ending the call.

"Sire, let us escort you to Malacañang." The soldier addressed him politely. He then looked at the other soldier and ordered, "Call Sergeant Pepe and ask him to bring a vehicle here."

"Yes, Captain." The soldier nodded before walking away to call.

"So, where are the generals as of now?" Andre inquired.

"They are currently stationed in Malacañang to send orders to their divisions. The Malacañang is currently the most protected place in the country, so to protect the generals, they were ordered to stay there." The soldier answered.

Andre nodded in understanding.

After a while, the military vehicle finally arrived. It was a modified Kalyani M4 that has a more durable build than the normal Kalyani M4s. Its change doesn't look like much, but with superhumans being too common, the military vehicles need to be more powerful to resist magic attacks.

The soldier stepped forward and opened the door of the vehicle and stepped aside, gesturing to Andre to come in, "After you, Sire."

Before Andre could even step forward, a bright light was casted at him from the skies. The soldiers were alerted and pointed their guns at the light, but Andre raised his hand and waved it down, signalling them to stand down. He turned to them and fished out something from his pocket and handed it to them. He then ordered, "I want you to request an audience with the King and hand this to him. Tell them that I went to take care of something."

The item was a golden badge that has the symbol of wings that are conjoined together in a 69-like shape. Surrounding it were rays of light and a crown on top.

The soldiers, feeling the immense power behind those shining skies, nodded quickly as they didn't want to stay there any longer. They took the badge with them and rushed to the car as they immediately stepped on the gas and drove away.

Andre, on the other hand, looked at the skies with narrowed eyes. As the surroundings were dark, unlike the past's shiny blue skies, the shining light that was casting down the ground was very eye-catching.

Citizens that saw the light became curious and looked from the inside of their homes. Those who were brave enough stepped outside of their houses, not fearing the military that were patrolling the place.

But after minutes of looking, they then started to become uncomfortable as their eyes started to be assaulted by a stinging pain that felt as if they were melting.

From the light, two four-winged angels glided down towards him. Their bodies were fully clad in dazzling silvery armor while in their hands, a long partisan spear stood straight beside them with the glory of Heaven radiating from them.

The two angels then flew aside, and from the skies, another angel went down. Its back adorned eight wings that went around forming a circle, its eyes were covered with pure white cloth, golden hair cascaded down to its chest, and in its hand, a scroll screaming with divinity was being held.

It descended towards him without the wings behind it moving. When the angel got past the former two, it then opened the scroll and spoke in a deep and powerful tone that sounded like it was singing, "Immortal, you are being summoned by The Tribunal. Do not resist."

"Tch." Andre sneered and let them do their thing. The two angels pointed their spears at Andre, and from the tips of the weapons, a chain made of light shot forward and binded Andre.

After that, the group turned around and flew up to Heaven with the eight-winged angel leading and the two angels behind and Andre in between.

While they were ascending, Andre thought about what the angel announced and sneered. The Tribunal is just what it is, a judicial court that consists of the gods of the Three Triads.

It is created to cast judgement upon gods who have violated the laws that were enacted to regulate the actions of the higher beings in this world.

Him being summoned by them meant only one thing; Those bastards want to find fault in his disappearance and place the burden of responsibility on him.

Thinking about it, he'll just respond to them according to the manner that they exact their order. If they talk to him with calmness and logic, he would do what they want, but if they show even the slightest disrespect in their actions, he would do what HE wants.

Soon, they entered the light and reappeared in a huge court. In front, nine seats stood atop a high platform. Seated in those seats were the nine Godkings. At a lower platform, other gods that were under the Three Triads stood erect, looking down below.

Below the platforms, Divine Angelic guards, angels that were similar to the two angels that escorted him, stood still while holding their spears.

Visible from the outside, hundreds of thousands of Angels, Valkyries, Buddhas, Olympians, Egyptian soldiers, and many more subjects of the gods looked at the trial that was happening inside with interest.

Andre looked around and gazed at the Godkings above, "To what do I owe the displeasure?" He asked with calmness.

"Thousand-Face Godking, Ándras Ouroboros." Hleferoc called with a solemn voice, "You have done great sin upon the gods!"

"What sin did I do?" Andre chuckled sarcastically, "I haven't even done anything for the last three months."

"That is your sin!" The Nine Godkings simultaneously shouted with immense power in their voices.

With the combined force in their voices, a strong billowing wind sent Andre's hair and clothes flying.

"When the mortals suffered, you didn't do a thing!" Hleferoc shouted.

"When the world suffered, you didn't do a thing!" All the gods yelled.

"Therefore, we shall enact judgement upon you." Hleferoc looked at him straight in the eye and uttered coldly. "As you are an immortal, everyone that is connected to you shall be the subjects of judgement. Your punishment shall be seeing the people you know suffer." As soon as Andre heard that, his expression darkened. The atmosphere around him slowly changed without the gods noticing.

"I ask of the Council of Gods, does anyone not accept the judgement that was placed upon this being?" Hleferoc ran his gaze at the gods that were gathered below.


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