I.. Am God?

Chapter 184 Mysterious Meteorite

"Anyways," said Solomon, "Your body is not protected once you enter this realm. Outside, you will just be a sleeping man that could easily be killed, so find a safe place before entering this realm."

"Understand everything that is written in the book. Although it's just the basics, it's still important. After you read and understand everything that is written on the book itself, go to the mansion and continue to learn. I'll be leaving you then. So long!" Solomon saluted jokingly before dashing away.

,m Andre shook his head with indignation but he still compromised. He returned to his body outside and there, he opened his eyes once more and saw the damp, rocky, and mossy cavern.

After thinking for a long time, Andre decided to bring everything in here with him, considering that he would probably need them sooner or later as the supposed chaos awaits.

When he returned to the surface, Andre was bewildered when he saw that the Snow Court was currently in a state of havoc. He grabbed one of the personnels that were running and asked, "What's going on?"

"President!" The man exclaimed with joy and continued to explain, "President, there's a lot happening. Let me escort you to the command room right away." Andre nodded and together, they rushed straight to the staircase where the command room was.

Basically, the Command Room is a huge glass dome on top of the main building. It serves as both a command post and a lookout for the Snow Court's men.

When they arrived inside, Andre could see the panicking personnels and researchers as they analyzed several datas and charts. On the big screen that is projected at the glass, a map showing the entire world was on screen. At the center of the Pacific Ocean, a huge red circle that stretches to over 300 miles in diameter was displayed, followed by a yellow circle that is triple the size of the red one and a green one that extends all the way past the United States. It's kind of like an IMD, but way, way larger.

As soon as Andre saw it, he exclaimed with terror, "What the hell is that?!"

"President." When they saw the President, a man that seemed to be the commander strode towards him and saluted. Andre turned to him and asked stressfully, "Commander Calliroth, tell me what is happening here!" While saying that, he walked forward to the monitors and analyzed it.

Commander Calliroth moved behind him and replied, "A meteorite the size of a horse crashed in the middle of the ocean. Although the impact dealt at most a medium-sized tsunami to form in the middle of nowhere, the energy that it is releasing is way off the charts."

He proceeded to click on the screen and show some series of data that shows an extreme amount of differences in the energy meter before and after the crash.

"From 0, the energy that is currently being radiated in the area of impact is already at a level that we can't even measure. The wavelengths of this are also too bizarre to even be categorized." The Commander added.

"What do you mean it's too bizarre? We don't know what type of energy it is? How bizarre is it?" Andre exclaimed and threw questions at the Commander consecutively.

"We really don't know at the moment, President." Calliroth shook his head repetitively and sighed, "Take a look at it yourself." He then showed the wavelength data to Andre and even he was shocked and confused.

"This energy is too chaotic to be even called an energy. What is this?"

"That is also the reason why we're panicking, President." The commander sighed with worry, "The energy is so chaotic and messy that it could be said that it can even alter the DNA structure and even the whole genome of any species that goes near it. Sooner or later, it would result to–"

"Mutations of all species." Andre finished what Calliroth wanted to say with narrowed eyes. Commander Calliroth continued with a grim face, "With the mutation that happened months prior, and this, I can't even imagine the chaos that would happen once the mutated creatures arrive near society. Only God knows how large of a slaughter would erupt in that place."

With his mind thinking of different things and scenarios, he turned to the Commander and asked, "Is there any land mass that has any buildings near it?"

"I am afraid not, President." The commander shook his head.

As soon as he said that, Andre rushed out of the Snow Court. He was seen by every rushing personnels but he continued running outside. As soon as he exited the building and his feet touched the icy ground, he smashed his palm on the ice with a powerful smack and pushed it down.

Crack! Somehow, a precise rectangular piece of ice separated itself from the ground. Andre lifted the chunk of ice up and threw it beside him.

He then straightened up and waved his right hand before flipping his open hand with his palm facing upwards. From his palm, a small wisp-like spirit emerged. "My friend Geist, it's been a long time. It's time to wake up." He then drove the spirit into the ice forcefully.

Noticeably, the chunk of ice transformed, slowly chipping away chunks of ice and forming a chopper motorcycle. When the motorcycle was fully formed, icy blue smog enveloped the icy motorcycle as it revved up on its own.

Andre got no time to waste and directly mounted the newly formed motorcycle and throttled up and shot forward at an estimated speed of 400 mph.

He did not even stop when he was already near the waters. Instead, the ice on the ground started floating and merging together with the motorcycle, forming a speedboat.

The newly transformed speedboat did not waste any second and continued, propelling its propellers incredibly fast.

The boat zoomed, sometimes being launched upwards because of the wave, sailing through different currents.

When they reached a certain perimeter, Andre started to feel the chaotic energy that was enveloping the entirety of the area. Andre enclosed himself and the boat in a thin layer of his energy to protect himself from this unknown existence and to avoid any unnecessary problems arising.

When he felt the chaotic energy was already at its peak, he looked down on the waters and saw a rock that was emitting a strange red light in the bottom of the ocean. "Here goes nothing." He breathed in deeply before diving down. When he unmounted the boat, it immediately collapsed and changed its form, enveloping Andre like a scuba gear.

Andre raced to the bottom of the ocean where the meteorite landed. Unsurprisingly, Andre swam to the bottom at the speed of about 60m/s, reaching the bottom in just a couple of minutes.

When he reached the bottom, he finally saw it personally. The meteorite that was still hot boiled the water around it. It was the size of a horse, and it emitted a fiery red glow as it released tons of chaotic energy. At the time of impact until now, it was just about 2 hours, but Andre could already notice the peculiarities of the creatures around it.

'They have already started to mutate..' He thought.

He turned his gaze back at the meteorite and placed his hand on its surface. "!!"

He suddenly felt a tremendous amount of energy inside it. A small portion of it then separated from the source and coursed through his body in a blink of an eye. He didn't even have the time to process what happened as a great amount of pain assaulted him. "Guurrgghh!!!" He gritted his teeth through the pain as his muscles contracted, trying to suppress the pain.

Geist was also affected as it detached itself from him and swam far from him.

"What the hell is happening?!" He thought. His eyes reddened and blood flowed down from his eyes like tears. Blood also oozed out from his pores and his head, tainting the surrounding waters in a shiny red hue.

Andre gripped onto his consciousness to stay awake. He saw his skin slowly transforming, becoming more durable and smooth, his hair grew long and became short in a span of a minute, and his eyesight also became a lot more sharper.

Inside him, he felt his heart pumped more blood to supplement the blood loss earlier. The blood was so pure and strong that he felt that it can influence the power of his attacks to an incredible degree. He also felt that his unbelievable control of his energy improved even more, which amazed him.

A while later, the pain finally subsided. Andre felt his whole body to have become new and fresh. He seemed to become a whole new person as he seemed to become more attractive.

But, of course, he doesn't care about his looks, he cares about his new capabilities that was bestowed to him by the meteorite.


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