I.. Am God?

Chapter 181 The Hall Of Lost Glory

Eight pillars made from different meteorites held the hall's high ceiling while old and dusty engravings of wars, bloodshed, ruination, and chaos that reached up to all the different corners of the world and the realms were portrayed on the side walls and the ceiling. In contrast to the chaotic images on the two sides of the hall, the image that was depicted in front was that of an eternal glory, with a huge sun, with the older gods Uranus, Hathor, Ancient Heaven, Buddha Antiquity, the Tianzun, Brahma, together with the new gods Zeus, Ra, Hleferoc, The Buddhas, Odin, Vishnu, and the Jade Emperor below it, basking in the glorious eternity that the sun had made.

Although the images were covered with dust and muck, the glories of those images still basked the entire hall with greatness, so much so that anyone who was inside would feel the pride of every single being that was portrayed coursing deep in their soul.

Andre then muttered as he looked at the images, "Numerous Godkings have gone and existed in this world. They basked in their glories, not knowing that there is someone even more glorious than them. He once was a man whose glory surpasses that of Godkings, someone who assisted them from the dark, and someone who gave them support since time immemorial."

"He was the Godking of Godkings, true to his name, Ándras Ouroboros." He conjured a flame on his hand while speaking and threw it upwards.


As the flame hit the ceiling, it was absorbed by the images. The outlines of the images glowed like fire and traced all of the images and it all met at the sun. When the glow reached the sun, the light then moved as if it was following a maze-like path and finally left a huge circle in the middle of the sun.

Andre waved his finger like he was drawing something. Light particles appeared from his fingertips as it slowly flowed to the vacant center of the sun drawing.

Slowly, the image of a serpent devouring its own tail emerged. Others knew it as Jörmungandr, while others knew it as the symbol of The Ouroboros.

When the image was fully created, the whole hall shook violently as almost everything shifted. The dirtiness fell on their own while the images became incredibly shiny, greater than of pearls, quartz, diamond, and gold.

The images were plated with different minerals and metals of unknown origin, the flames of war that were depicted seemed to become alive, while the clouds in the sky shone with a golden glow.

The drawing of the sun also changed, as the maze patterns dimmed and instead showed an image of a man clothed in a glorious silvery cloak, with a rolled black whip made of snake leather and scales in his right hand and flames on his left.

On his head, a crown with an image of the sun, moon, and the world was upon him.

Looking at the man, Andre sighed. This image– this place– was not made by him but was made for him. A glorification for his image, an offering from his believers, his subjects, and his subordinates.

He ran his gaze on the image before sighing, "This hall was once called The Hall of Eternal Glory, said to last 'til the end of time. But now, it is but a lost place, The Hall of Lost Glory."

The sound of clanking then reverberated, as the ground below the image of glory parted ways, revealing an old spiral staircase leading deeper.

While going down, Andre reminisced the long lost past of his and the past of this place.

Long before Antarctica became a huge chunk of ice, it was a beautiful paradise filled with people and infrastructures and greeneries. The people lived in harmony even when the other continents waged wars one after another.

At that age, Andre was still known by everyone in the world with his original name; Ándras Ouroboros.

He was a legendary king that created the Empire of Ouro, and led the prehistoric men to become a civilized society. He created rules and laws that benefited his people while those in the other continents were still just discovering tribal systems.

When chaos arrived in their continent, he once again led his people to defend their homeland and prevent any of the kingdoms from the other continents invading them.

He became known as the Immortal King by his people while the gods call him as The Thousand Faces Godking for him living different lives while transferring to other continents.

Time passed, and his identity as the Immortal King became prevalent. His people then created the Hall of Eternal Glory when they saw him fight together with different gods in the heavens and become glorious.

Generations after generations passed, and the gods have also changed. Even when that happened, the Empire of Ouro still prevailed against time. Although he was still the Immortal King, his descendants finally took the helm as the ruler of the empire. The people of the empire wrote history and even etched the images of the other gods together with the olden gods. They watched everything come into being, showing the world how glorious their empire was.

But even then, there's nothing that lasts forever. The anomalies arrived, with the bloody demon first to appear. It was an ancient terror, none other than the predecessor of the Sanguine King; The Sanguine Godking.

If the Sanguine King slaughtered a lot of civilizations, the Sanguine Godking, on the other hand, slaughtered all of them, one of them was the Empire of Ouro that he was ruling over.

If what he was feeling towards the Sanguine King was that of irritation and furiousness, the feeling that he felt against the Sanguine Godking was of profound anger that could burn all the realms if materialized. With his anger, gods will suffer and mortalkind would be erased.

He still remembered how the river of blood ran down from all the continents from the death of countless lives, humanity and beasts alike, painting the oceans sanguine red from all the blood.

He saw the anguished faces of his people, striking down deep pain in his soul. That was when he absorbed the souls of his people, making him feel every single emotion that they felt, creating a soul that made him nigh immune to spiritual and mental attacks and also be able to fake his emotions while not being noticeable to others in the level of gods.

He then called upon all the gods and his subordinates from all the realms to come forward and face the Great Evil that is the Sanguine Godking. Before, his subordinates numbered to three hundred while the gods numbered to thousands.

The battle took them three thousand years of fighting to defeat the Sanguine Godking and vanquish his soul for eternity. After that battle, his subordinates that were left were four while of the thousands of gods, less than a hundred were left alive.

Looking at the aftermath of the war that left the world in ruin, with the lands scorched and no life saved, Andre once cried with deep melancholy, making the whole world weep with him. Eternal rain then came, as it washed away the blood and flames from the continents and flooded the world. The realms separated themselves from the world, knowing what would happen if they were affected by the aftermath.

But, although they separated, no one was spared as Andre wiped out everyone's memories, causing him to hibernate because of the immense energy that was needed to do such an action.

When he woke up from his slumber, everything had then changed, with the world coming back to normal. He looked at Antarctica, and saw that it was now buried in ice.

Time passed, and the ice still didn't melt. Because of that, Andre covered the continent with soil and grew trees and greenery on it. What happened next was history, as the Age of Divinity arrived and the Flood happened, then the continent of Antarctica was once again covered in ice.

He found it ironic, as what happened from the past happened once again with the same reason; a Flood.

Going back to the present, Andre reached the bottom of the Hall. Different from the top, it looked plain below. Mossy rocks covered the whole room while small torches hung on the walls.

Doing nothing fancy, Andre lit up the torches by sending small flames towards them separately. He then pierced deep into his left palm. Blood oozed out as he continued to puncture deep into his own hand. He then pulled something from it; a small medal of a serpent.

He then threw it on the ground and as soon as he did so, several tiles on the rocky floor parted, and podiums that only reached to four feet made its way up from down under.


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