I.. Am God?

Chapter 175 Cris Simmons

"Just tell me what I need to know, Aztec! Then, you can leave unscathed!" Professor Lee yelled once again. Ken didn't respond.

"Just answer the f*cking question or I'll pulverise your head!" Professor Lee finally lost his patience and dashed towards Ken with his fist up in the air, ready to punch.

Splat! Without warning, the professor's head suddenly bursted into clumps of brain matter all around the walls, ceiling, and the ground of the infirmary.

Ken paled at the site as the headless professor stood in front of him. A while later, the carcass fell down, showing Ken who was behind the professor; Andre.

"Lord Ándras!" Ken exclaimed. Andre did a swinging motion with his two fingers at the bracelets on the former's wrists. The bracelets were then sliced open, freeing Ken from his shackles.

"Thank you for saving me, Lord." Ken bowed towards Andre with sincerity. "I just did what I needed to do; Annihilate spies and traitors." Andre responded indifferently.

"The Society has infiltrated the internal structure of the Foundation. I think it's time for cleansing." He muttered while looking at the south, thinking of something deeply.

After that day, everyone under the Foundation immediately left Namhansanseong. Some who were near and had no duties visited the place while others scheduled for other days to tour the newly available site.

Andre left Ken in Korea while he went to the airport and boarded his jet, flying Northwest, towards the large dominion of the Reds; The Soviet Union.

Not delving into the huge nation too deeply for now, the jet went directly to October Revolution Island to descend. Once they deplaned, they were met by soldiers wearing an arctic tundra camouflage suit with a Soviet Union badge surrounded by a dragon eating its tail– an Ouroboros– on their shoulder pads. They are Soviet soldiers that were under the command of a special general of the Soviets that is under the Foundation; The Infinite Brigade.

"President, we welcome you to our humble abode." The man leading the group greeted them with a strong Russian accent. He was a muscular man whose looks could be described as "someone who would survive the Siberian Tundra naked". His sharp eyes pierced through souls like a grim reaper looking at its person.

"Thank you, Colonel Tsarovsky." Andre nodded with appreciation, "Shall we?" Colonel Tsarovsky asked as he pointed his hands inside the island. Without further ado, they immediately went and strode inside the icy land.

They went in front of an igloo beside the Red Army Strait and entered it. Although it looked like an igloo from the outside, inside it leads to the bottom of the island, where the hidden technology of the Foundation is kept from the public eye.

"Is the Hover ready?" Andre asked the Colonel behind him.

"Yes, President." Colonel Tsarovsky nodded, "The Hover is prepared, charged and loaded."

"Good." When they reached a balcony below the island, they saw a huge field filled with hovercrafts, vehicles, and quad tiltrotors that looked like they came from a sci-fi movie. Numerous researchers wearing lab coats and soldiers armed to the teeth could be seen wandering around below.

While descending the stairs, Colonel Tsarovsky explained how the Hover developed. "In the past two years, we have improved and developed the nano pulsars and the materials of the hovercraft, using top-notch Serenium to build its skeleton, making it silent, smoother, and faster to go past harsh winds. The pulsars were also upgraded using Ilsar NanoTech that can boost the hovering speed and lessen the energy consumption of the quad pulsars."

"The HoloProjector that the airship is using also utilizes nanoparticles to project images and messages from signals. The projector is also present on all the Hover's corners, enhancing the stealth capabilities of the craft."

"With the Selective Jamming Wave surrounding the hovercraft, no technology is good enough to track this masterpiece."

While listening, Andre gazed at the sleek black hovercraft being taken care of in the middle of the field. Its structure is as wide as a typical classroom, and its height is not lower than 17 feet.

Halfway through the field, they were met by a person Andre himself knew from way back, "You're here, Director Cris." Andre smiled as he extended his hand.

"No need for these formalities, Andre." Director Cris, an 80-year old man, smiled back as he shook Andre's hand. Chuckling, Andre grabbed Cris as they walked together.

Director Cris, also known as Cris Simons, was known by the personnels of the Foundation to be one of the most enigmatic Continental Directors in charge of the European Continent. For Andre, however, Cris Simons is a comrade, a peer from the early ages of humanity, about 500 million years ago.

Cris Simonns was a normal man inside a normal kingdom that lived in the ancient lands that now makes up Europe and Africa. In his middle ages, he entered the military force of that kingdom and became a living legend as he harvested countless lives.

Unfortunately, his glory also became the reason for his fall. The royalty of that kingdom feared his existence and ordered his execution years after the war. Obviously, as someone who killed a lot, Cris was very skilled and almost no one can capture him. Although no one can, he still couldn't stay inside the kingdom that was hunting him down, so he traveled and stayed within a cave for centuries, living off of killing beasts and monsters.

In his 90s, he met Andre who was already a recluse at that time, just recently defeating the otherworldly man Solomon. Together, they fought beasts inside the forest and sometimes migrated to others.

They had fun, fighting different kinds of monsters, even fighting against an anomaly that ruled the forest.

But, as a mortal, he reached his old age, and finally died at the age of 140. Although Andre was saddened, he didn't do anything to heal Cris or anything.

But unexpectedly, fifteen years later, Andre met a ten-year old boy on his journey that shocked him when the boy called his name; It was Cris, but he reincarnated with his memories intact!

From then on, Andre and Cris continued their journey along the way, with Andre training Cris in some arts. But time came for Cris once more as he died the second time.

But, hoping for another reincarnation, Andre smiled as Cris breathed his last. And just as he expected, Andre saw Cris once again twenty years later as a fifteen years old teen!

They finally discovered that Cris had a mysterious soul that grants him the ability of having no need to pass through the paths of reincarnation and instead continue his life directly with his memories and some of his skills and talents from his past life intact.

Having been through numerous lives and deaths and experiencing different lifestyles, Cris developed a strength and skill level similar if not greater than Andre's, although Andre is confident that he would be able to defeat Cris with his authority as the Manifestation of the world's will and creation.

With Cris, Andre created the Ouroboros Foundation, having all of Cris' past life riches combined with Andre's to become the Foundation's foundation. With Cris' reincarnations, Andre created a false lineage for him, having the European Continental Directorate be an inherited title under the Simmons Lineage, therefore solidifying Cris' hold over the Director's position.

In the recent century, Cris had been part of different world-scale events, like the two world wars and the Hidden World Organization Conflicts of 1990s, with him leading the Foundation's forces to wipe out one of the Seven Hidden World Organizations; Primus N*zi.

"So, how is life so far, Cris?" Andre asked as they walked to the Hover.

Cris tilted his hand left to right repeatedly as he replied with a sigh, "Eh. It's just so-so. After the war against the Primus N*zis, apart from some annoying things that bothers me, life has been pretty uneventful.."

"Don't worry, Cris. Your boredom will be over soon." Andre smirked. Cris narrowed his eyes and looked at Andre, "What are you planning to do now?" He asked.

"You'll know once we get to the Snow Court." Andre grinned before quickening his pace to the Hover. Gawking, Cris rushed his old body to catch up with Andre.

Inside the Hover, Andre nodded with approval with the interior of the hovercraft. Neon blue lights created a cool ambience inside, with seats similar to that of a luxurious limousine with a touch of sci-fi. The back of the seats were made with carbon black metal that is shaped like an oval pod.

Andre sat on one of the seats. As soon as his back lay on the backrest, a mechanism activated as the cushion inflated and enveloped his body with comfort without restraining his movements. Next, a glass screen then slid from the top of the oval pod and lit up, letting Andre see what is like outside and some details for the Hover.


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