I.. Am God?

Chapter 170 Blocking A Whole Road

Everyone on the road went mad as soon as the light changed to red. But, they were silenced when they saw an array of military soldiers rushing to make a line to stop any car from continuing. All of them had rifles on their bodies, so the people couldn't even argue and could only silently curse at them.

Two cars away from the blocked road, a white minibus van where five girls were inside was stuck in traffic. If Andre could see them, he would recognize them immediately. They were five of the nine girls of NICE. Inside were the three girls that Andre met in the Mall of Asia, and two other girls, one small and one taller than any of them.

"What's going on there?" Nezumi asked.

"I think it's the military. They have been like this for months already." The smaller girl replied. "Chuyi, do you know anything about this? Your mother has connections with the higher-ups, right?" She asked the tallest one.

"I don't know either, Nature. My mother has been secretive about these kinds of matters. But, as far as I know, these kinds of things are happening all around the world, we don't know why." Chuyi sighed.

Nature, the smaller girl, sighed. "Uncle Son has also been secretive. With what I heard, something major happened that influenced the whole world."

"Hey, look! Something's happening there!" Moring interrupted them as she pointed at the front. The five girls looked and saw five armoured vehicles coming from the east stop in front. There, people wearing uniforms poured out from the vehicles, numbering to twenty. After that, they stayed there, as if waiting for something, or someone.

To avoid hassle, the military made the civilians take a different route, reasoning that it may take a couple of minutes or even half an hour. Although the people were pissed, they had no choice but to follow instructions.

Slowly, the road that they were in was cleared of vehicles. When it was the van's turn to leave, roars of engines came from the other side of Wiryeseong road. There, fifteen vehicles drove fast towards the five armoured vehicles that were stopped on the road.

"Manager Song, can we wait here?" Nature suddenly requested the driver. "I want to see it!"

"We're blocking the pathway, Nature. We would delay everyone." Manager Song replied. "Don't worry." Nature replied back with a grin and returned her gaze to the vehicles.

Seeing the vehicles approaching, the military personnel from the five vehicles stood straight and stayed their gaze at the vehicle in the middle.

Soon, the approaching vehicles stopped in the middle. Men poured out from them and arranged themselves in a neat line.

The car in the center then opened its door. From the inside, Andre came out clothed in a clean tuxedo suit. He took his shades from his pocket and wore it before striding towards the personnel in front.

The waiting soldiers, seeing Andre nearing, immediately saluted, "Greetings, President Ouroboros!"

"Lieutenant Ahn Do Yeon, welcomes President Ouroboros in our country!" The person leading the second party greeted him with respect.

"Let's finish the business." Andre said unemotionally, "Lead me to the Aztec."

"Yes, President. Follow us." Lieutenant Ahn nodded and returned to their vehicles. Andre also returned to his and the other men too before leaving immediately.

When they left, the soldiers finally left and the traffic lights turned green, letting the vehicles continue on their way.

Inside the van, Nature gasped with amazement as the lines of soldiers left the scene. "Cool.." She muttered.

"It's weird." Nari uttered. "What do you mean, Nari-ya?" Nature asked curiously.

"The man that led the latter group seemed awfully familiar to me, but I can't point it out." She said to them. On the other hand, Moring had her eyes narrowed all the time, looking as if she was suspicious of something.

Having nothing to barricade the road anymore, the van and the other cars that hadn't left zoomed to the other side of the road, avoiding anything like the previous incident happening once more.

Inside Andre's vehicle, he glanced at Lieutenant Felipe and said, "Why did they have to stop the flow of traffic? It's such a hassle. It would certainly be posted on social media."

"Don't worry, President. We have dispatched EMP drones around the area so that every electronics fifty kilometres from our position would not be able to take or record anything that has happened here. Everything they saw here would be treated as but an imagination." Lieutenant Villaruel replied with a smile on his face.

"Still.." Andre reprimanded, "Don't do this kind of action in the future. What would've happened if there's an ambulance there that contains a patient that needs immediate treatment in the hospital? Something this illogical just wastes our time and the time of others."

Lieutenant Villaruel, was placed in an awkward position, could only reply, "Yes, President."

After saying that, Andre leaned back and closed his eyes. The trip continued at a fast pace, as the Wiryeseong road was cleared of the vehicles. After that, they went to the south, entering the palace through its South Gate.

Namhansanseong Fortress. In the olden age of the Joseon Dynasty, it was a mountain fortress that's defense was said to be as solid as the seal of the Five Elements Mountain that contained the Great Sun Wukong. Currently, it was a very active tourist spot, as legends of different events were said to have happened there. To others, it was a mystical place of myths and legends, but for the Foundation, it is considered a highly dangerous forbidden site that only selected personnels can enter, as ordered by the Foundation President.

It is the first time that a massive amount of men under the Ouroboros Foundation has ever stepped inside the perimeters of Namhansanseong, so everyone was anticipating what the "highly dangerous something" that was hidden inside was.

When the vehicles entered the Fortress' perimeters, they immediately saw the great amount of security all around. "This would certainly catch The Society's eye." Andre said with seriousness before alighting the vehicle and walking straight inside.

"Don't worry, President. We have secured the perimeters of the fortress with every nook and cranny watched by our men. The Kepler Society would surely not be able to hide from us." Lieutenant Ahn caught up with him and spoke with confidence.

"Hmph. You better be sure." Andre snorted, "If the Society gets ahold of the fortress, they would definitely discover something." He said while walking.

"President!" The soldiers stationed at their posts saluted him.

After entering, Andre was then greeted by a professional-looking man wearing a researcher suit leading several other people with the same attire. "We meet again, President Ouroboros." The leading researcher greeted him with a smile.

"Professor Lee Jung." Andre extended his hand. Professor Lee then shook his hand before placing it down. "We have been anticipating your arrival. Come, the person is in Sueojangdae." Professor Lee said.

"Alright. Let's get through this." Andre nodded and strode to the gates.

They walked north, passing by the West Gate and going down to the command post of Namhansanseong in the olden era.

As seen from the outside, a Korean man that has the complexion of a Native American was seated inside in a cross-legged position while reading old stitched binded books from the old dynasties.

He didn't even raise his head when Andre arrived. Seeing that, Andre didn't get mad and instead calmly walked to him, "Are you the Aztec Remnant?" Andre asked when he reached the person.

Finally, the man raised his head and scrutinized Andre before gasping, "You really do resemble Him."

"Who do you mean?" Andre narrowed his eyes and asked slowly.

The man stood up from his seat and went straight to the point, "You resemble the Creator."

Hearing him, Andre scoffed, "There is no 'Creator'. Do not fool yourself."

"Then how did you come into existence? Surely you did not just pop out. After all, you don't have a mother." The man wasn't offended and even smiled.

"What do you want to say?" Andre didn't have patience any more and directly asked the man.

"I am Ken Techalotzi, descendant of the Prophet." The man said, "I know you, for it is written. You are Ándras Ouroboros, The Manifestation, The Sole Avatar of The True Creator. In this world and its realms, you are near-omnipotent and near-omnipresent. You represent the world's will and the creation of the entirety."

Andre's eyes widened in disbelief. He turned around and gestured everyone to leave the premises before moving towards Ken with a speed that cannot be seen by the naked eye. "Who are you, really?" Andre growled as he glared at Ken.

"I have said it. I am Ken–" He hadn't had the chance to speak when Andre waved his hand and sent the man to another dimension that was filled with darkness.

Ken looked around the dark, trying to see anything. Inside the darkness, a green flame flickered as it came to life. Although it was small, it lightened Ken and Andre's figures. "Do you know what this is?" Andre asked chillingly.


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