I.. Am God?

Chapter 154 Hidden Dragons In Hidden Dragon Sect

Matthias turned and walked to the throne while answering, "The Go board and the stones are a part of a set of Immortal Treasure that I created. I call it The Immortal Gameboard. It simulates warfare and battlefields while improving the energy and mental power of the players."

"The Immortal Gameboard?" Alexander gawked, "You're bad at naming." He replied, causing Matthias to almost trip.

He turned around to his son and heard his son add, "A cool name for it would be The Golden Immortal's Universal Stage." Matthias gawked even more so when he heard his son's alternative.

"I guess I'll stick with The Immortal Gameboard." He replied.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye. For those two months, the dynasty developed and advanced even more. With trades going on between the dynasty and the other states and territories, the territory's economy grew once again.

Matthias also created spirit plants inside an independent realm that he created. The plants were then grown inside and had the realm's time accelerated. With Matthias placing different types of spiritual stones inside with different types of laws, the plants grew to become top-notch spirit herbs. The herbs were then released in the commerce and auctioned outside the territory, making the commerce earn big.

The two universities also accepted more talented and genius individuals. He also let his subordinates teach inside the university sometimes, propelling the development of the students to a higher level.

With his spare time, he also guided Alexander through a game of Go, teaching him in the arts of commanding and strategizing. Alexander, being the talent that he is, grasped the ideas easily and masterfully. Soon, he started winning against Matthias, making the father smile with approval.

Matthias also visited the Hidden Dragon Sect that he established inside another independent realm that he created atop a mountain.

Inside, he was greeted with a heavenly sight of pagodas, bridges branching to other peaks, golden clouds that were manifestations of the rich spirit energy inside.

At the time that he created the realm, he planted different types of spirit herbs inside that can enrich the spirit energy inside the realm. Matthias also wrote different cultivation techniques and skills and placed them inside a nine-story pagoda that he created after he returned.

Currently, the Hidden Dragon Sect has only accepted a little more than a thousand disciples because of its strict rules and high standards. Matthias even personally created a testing pillar to choose suitable individuals to join the sect.

Inside, the ranks or classes of disciples are divided into three sectors; The Earth Stratum that has the Junior Disciples and Senior Disciples, and the Heaven Stratum that includes the Elder's Disciples, Master Disciples, and the Pillars, where the Dragon Disciples, direct disciples of Matthias and Sect Masters resides.

As the Founding Sect Master and the hope of the Pillars, Matthias found it laughable that his term on the position didn't even last for a day when he handed over the position of Sect Master to Sigien. Anyways, as long as Qin's power improves, and he is free from additional burden, he's good with anything.

Matthias discovered that the kid that he saw at the Martial University, Han Shiwu, had graduated in advance and entered the Hidden Dragon Sect. Since he became a disciple, his ranking stayed at the Top 5 consistently, which made Matthias raise his eyebrow with intrigue. "Who can excel an MC-Level figure?" He muttered while looking at the list.

He looked at the number one and saw a teen named Tokugawa Yuto. 'Tokugawa? Why is a royal from the Shogunate here?' He thought.

Matthias flew and looked for Yuto. After a while, he saw the teen practicing the art of the blade. Matthias descended and walked towards him.

"Greetings." Matthias said. Yuto was silent as he continued training.

Matthias felt awkward but still continued, "I see you're proficient with the way of the blade. Should we spar?" Matthias asked.

Out of nowhere, Yuto suddenly charged at him with the point of the katana pointed at him. Matthias was shocked but was quick to react. He spun around, running to the blade rack and unsheathing a katana for himself. Matthias angled his blade and charged.

"Ha!" Yuto growled and hacked at Matthias. Matthias blocked Yuto's attack and pushed the teen and slashed down.

Yuto narrowed his eyes and jumped back. He spun his blade and pointed it at Matthias. Suddenly, Yuto's aura changed as an invisible energy wrapped around him.

Suddenly, Matthias raised his eyebrows as thousands of blade energy shot forward, directed at him. Matthias then smiled as his hand that was holding the blade became blurry. After a while, Yuto's facial expression changed as he looked at Matthias; Not even a single gash!

"I acknowledge you as someone who can talk to me." Yuto finally talked to him but it suddenly made his eyes twitch, "Excuse me?"

"You're the first person who has defeated me. No one had the chance to do so before, so I didn't want to talk nonsense with them." Yuto replied.

"Do you know who I am?" Matthias laughed and asked with intrigue.

"I do want to know. Who are you?" Yuto asked back while gazing at him.

"You do know that I only won because of my broad experience and seniority, right?" Matthias looked him straight at the eye.

Yuto then shook his head, "No. All of the seniors in my clan didn't have a chance against me, so I traveled around." He replied.

Hearing him, Matthias gawked. "Is this kid a monster?" Matthias thought.

"I want to be your disciple." Yuto said abruptly. Matthias widened his eyes and gasped, "What?"

"Why? Do I need to do missions for the sect to have the ability to be one?" Matthias shook his head.

"Then, what do I need to do to become your disciple?" He asked.

"I still have to ask the Tokugawa Clan Head about it."


"Because I am the Emperor of Qin. I can't have one of my stout allies look at me badly, saying that I am holding a clan member of theirs." Matthias sighed.

It was Yuto's turn to be shocked, "You're Emperor Han Shen?" He gasped.

"Mhmm. More or less." Matthias nodded.

This time, knowing that the man that defeated him was the Emperor of Qin, Tokugawa Yuto became even more persistent with having Matthias as his master.

Seeing his stubbornness, Matthias sighed and nodded reluctantly, "I'm just giving you an honorary position as my disciple first. I still have to confirm with your clan."

"Mhm." Yuto nodded firmly. When the teen finally let Matthias go, he quickly flew away and looked for Han Shiwu. He saw the boy inside the Pagoda of Virtuosity, peacefully reading books.

He was wearing a white and blue hanfu while his hair was tied with a hairstick. While reading, he sometimes picked up a tea cup that was on a table and elegantly sipped on it. Looking from afar, he looked like a celestial that descended the mortal realm and disguised himself to live peacefully.

But, the more that the kid was like that, Matthias became even more determined that the kid was either a reincarnated old man or a system host.

"He can even hide his cultivation from my Divine Eye." Matthias chuckled. 'Should I test him?"

He descended down and entered the pagoda and shed his previous clothes, turning into a normal disciple's clothes. His facial features and body also changed. Fortunately, no one was around to see him transform, or they would've fainted.

Matthias ascended to the seventh floor, where Han Shiwu was and walked to a table near him and bowed, "Hello, fellow disciple." Matthias greeted the kid.

Han Shiwu looked at him and nodded back. Inside his head, Han Shiwu ordered his system to identify the newcomer.

[Name: Xiao Xiaoxiao, Human, 16, Female, Disciple of The Hidden Dragon Sect. Cultivation Level: Soul Warrior Realm]

Seeing the information, Han Shiwu sighed secretly and continued reading. Suddenly, he heard a melody coming from "Xiao Xiaoxiao" that alerted him.

"Xue hua piao piao, bei feng xiao xiao, tian di yi pian cang mao…"

Han Shiwu raised his head abruptly and turned to the girl, "How.."

"..did I know Yi Jian Mei, you want to ask?" The female smirked. "Then, can you answer this question?"

Han Shiwu had his eyes wide open as he gazed at the girl that was eyeing him. "What do you want to ask?"

"Do you have a system?" Matthias asked casually.

Inside Han Shiwu's head, several alarms sounded as he looked at 'Xiao Xiaoxiao' with a terrified expression.

[Warning! Someone discovered the system! Host is given a task: Kill Xiao Xiaoxiao! Reward: Ten thousand years of cultivation.]

With that, Han Shiwu's gaze turned cold. He slowly released an aura of a Peak Divine King Realm expert. Seeing his reaction, Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded with approval and waved her hand.

Suddenly, Han Shiwu's system went silent and the task was erased from the taskbar. Han Shiwu's eyes widened in alarm and looked at the girl in horror.


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