I.. Am God?

Chapter 147 Ten Years After The War

"Hail the Empress!"

"Hail the Empress!"

With the recognition from the citizens of the realm, the crown shone with light to an even more powerful degree, illuminating the land like its second sun.

The light changed the Princess, be it her physical body, soul, clothes, and even presence.

Her will merged with the Will of The Realm, enabling her to govern it with absoluteness. From the land, a huge natural green tower charged upwards from the bottom of the crater.

Adorned with flowers, greenery, and vines, it symbolises the ascension of the Elven Empress of The Realm. Blessed with the laws of Aqiartha, the tower's strength inside the realm could be said to be immeasurable. It symbolises the authority that the new Realm Empress wields over the land.

Below her, hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the realm bowed down in front of her presence. From all over, they felt that something changed inside the realm. All of them, beasts and nature, bowed towards the center of the realm.

Realm Empress Yuna, now having a mature body and a green dress of nature, opened her closed eyes. While suspended in the air, Yuna knelt on her knee and greeted Matthias.

"I come before you as the face of Aqiartha. We hail you as our god, our most high! Ruler of the lands, its true Emperor!" She declared.

Hearing her, the people had no objections, "We hail you as our god, our protector, the glorious, our saviour. We worship you with fervor as our godking!"

Matthias stayed silent. The people gulped with nervousness as he might refuse it. To be refused by a god can sentence death upon all mortals, and that is the unfortunate fact.

After a while, Matthias nodded, "I welcome you as my subjects, my subjects."

When they heard him, they rejoiced with glee, "Glory!"


"Glory to the Divine Coroner!" Their chants and praises marked the start of the Coroner's Religion in Aqiartha.

He dismissed everyone, having the people return to their own domains. The Spirits, now that Hayle has been freed,

Matthias then wrote a doctrine for his religion for his worshippers. Different from the old scripture that he created the first time he established his religion, his doctrines and divinity have already been refined to near-perfection.

Although the morally right doctrines of the religion can't change the whimsical decisions and nature of mortals, it could still teach them some proper conduct and beneficial morality in life.

Matthias also volunteered with fixing the problems that the Tyrant Lord had done on the realm. The territories that were corrupted by his dark energy were cleansed by his energy while the enslaved were freed from the trauma by his will. He grew lush lands and beautiful and enchanting sceneries around the land.

With the situation going back to normal, although the Elven Empress Yuna was the one who ascended the throne as the Realmic Spiritual Deity, it could be said that the Spirits still have their powerful authority over the realm with their ability to place upon curses and blessings.

The Spirit Princedom of Hayle, without the Spirit Princess' presence, became devoid of a leader. To solve that problem, Matthias, after examining the laws of Aqiartha once again, modified General Tarsus' authority. Also, he baptized him with a new name as a Royal Spirit; Raiel.

With that, Raiel's descendant, Tuwa, also had her name changed into Rasha. Her authority as a Spirit strengthened by a significant degree following her baptismal.

Also, because of change in Royalty, had to change its name to the Spirit Princedom of Arti. With Raiel ascending to the position as the Prince, he had to change some customs from the old regime that he saw as a burden for the development of the dominion.

Being someone that followed and assisted the royals for a long time, Raiel could be said to be experienced in governing. So, with the Spirits having a leader once again, they began to return to their usual state and even improve.

Matthias also helped the other races with their problems. Like that, ten years passed by.

Inside the Empress's Palace, Empress Yuna sat together with Matthias.

The Empress was clad in a silver green A line dress with a Juliet sleeve and a skirt that reached the ground. Matthias on the other hand, wore a long white kimono with sleeves that lowered down near the ground and golden strings designed like dragons embroidered on the cloth.

His long hair cascaded down his back with the front tied to the back like a bun being secured by the wooden hairstick that he made before going inside Aqiartha.

"You're leaving already, Lord Matthias?" Empress Yuna asked with sadness.

"I have to, Empress Yuna. This isn't my world and definitely will not be. My world is wider than any other people inside this realm. I need to manage my world." Matthias answered.

Empress Yuna became silent for a while. Later, Matthias stood up, "We need to go." He stated.

The Empress stood up then bowed towards him, "I wish your utmost safety, Lord Matthias." She said respectfully.

Matthias smiled and nodded. He turned around to leave but stopped when he was already at the gate, "Another thing.." He spoke.

"What is it?" Empress Yuna asked. "You can leave this realm if you wanted to, am I right?" He asked, to which the Empress nodded. "When I became one with the Will of The Realm, I also gained Transcendental Knowledge. I learned that I can access the gateway above and go in and out of the realm as I want. I also became a Spirit God. Because of that, I gained an immense amount of transcendent-level energy that I can use to improve the realm and the outside." She explained.

"Then, safeguard the Empire of Qin for me once the time comes." He requested earnestly.

"As you wish, Lord." After a while of thinking, Empress Yuna nodded to his request.

Hearing her approval, Matthias smiled and left the palace, flying to the New Spirit Capital established by the Spirit Prince Raiel.

Looking at the city in front of him, Matthias smiled. How the spirits have changed in just ten years time.

Inside the city, shining white buildings with panels above them that had engravings of energy runes powered the lights inside the houses of Spirits. Inside those houses, one could see at least a Refrigerator and a stove in use inside their kitchens, which was odd for spirits who could just feed on the energies.

Also, prototypes of marbled ships and shuttles zoomed past the skies all around the Spirit Territory. A huge television hung on the walls of a tall building, reporting news about the territory and even advertisements from different races.

On the streets, trapezoid-shaped hover cars that were powered by energy of Spirits moved about, increasing the convenience of travel without polluting the realm.

Traffic was also almost nonexistent because the cars that were stuck behind would just hover above the car in front of them.

Matthias traced back to almost a decade ago when the Spirits were still readjusting. Because of the battles and tragedies that befell the Eastern Territories because of the Spirits, they had a bad reputation in the eyes of those who suffered their cruelty. So, in an attempt to clean their reputation, after the chaos, the Spirits sought to improve their livelihood and, with the teachings of Matthias, merged their abilities with advanced technology to help everyone.

With the help of the Elves and Dwarves, industries like phones, vehicles , appliances, softwares, hardwares, and other related industries boomed, with different inventions appearing almost every month.

Concepts of Spirit Magic also improved as countless theories in the usage of energy emerged in academies that Tuwa– or Princess Rasha– established.

They joined the stereotype and created permanent faces for themselves. As they could choose what they look like, their faces could be considered hellishly beautiful and flawless. They also invented a magic that could change their outer forms and create clothes with their energy. Because of that, no one had the problem of "same clothes" as they could just change into another almost instantly. They also do not need to buy individual clothing and could, instead, buy designs from others and create one themselves.

Before, when the Royal Academy announced these ideas and have proven them to the masses, people called it "The Start of The Spirit Revolution" as almost everything that the Spirits were renowned for had changed.

They also spread the use of magic and laws for every races, creating a New Era of Magic in Aqiartha. Things that were once unimaginable became possible. Light could be used to cast solid barriers, droplets of water could summon flame upon the land, sound magic was introduced, and even laws that could change gravity came about.

Laws of reincarnation were also being researched, to which even Matthias participated.

Returning to the present, Matthias continued to fly towards a huge shining palace in the northeast of the city. It was the abode of the Artian Royal Family. It was also where Isabelle and his son Alexander stayed for the decade.

Matthias entered directly at the window of the room where the two were staying at.


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