I.. Am God?

Chapter 145 Entity

In the Dwarven Lord's eyes, the man was surrounded by a solid earthen aura. The sheer amount of pressure that the man was exuding could be said to be greater than suffocating, an unexplainable feeling creeped on him and gripped on his heart.

The man expected it and looked at the Dwarven Lord with indifference, "March to battle." The man commanded with a deep voice. His eyes gazed at him with sheer coldness.

Even by just remembering it, Guqnir would still feel a cold sweat run down his back. He raised his war hammer and waved it down, "Dwarves of Arthron, Fight!" With his order, the dwarves raised their weapons and started their charge against the Ichtir.

"Garendor! They arrived!" Inside the battlefield, Princess Yuna saw their fluttering banners and exclaimed with joy. General Tuwa was also shocked. When she heard the absoluteness in the Dwarven Lord's voice before, she had already given up the idea of them marching to their aid. Seeing their presence, she was relieved.

"Haa!!" The people screamed with regained courage and started to kill Ichtir with fervor once again.

From the east, where the Will of Matthias scoped, thousands of Spirits emerged, waving the flags of Hayle and charged at the enemies with fervor.

In the middle of the Ichtir sea, Treants emerged from the ground and started crushing enemy bodies simultaneously.

Matthias also descended and, with his briefly unlocked godcraft, created a golden whip made of divine light, and started cracking it all around, killing hundreds every wave.

The Ichtir poured out for hours. Matthias and the others had to close in onto the crater and kill the Ichtir there.

Suddenly, a strong aura of death emanated from the depths. A huge entity made entirely from a ghastly aura of death materialized and showed itself to everyone.

"Kuaaang!!" The entity roared at everyone, spreading a strong energy of death. When the aura hit everyone, especially the men, they noticeably aged, with some even dying immediately.

When the Ichtir felt the existence of the entity, they growled and rushed towards it. As soon as they reached it, they quickly integrated with it, enlarging and solidifying its existence even more.

Although the pressure from the rampaging Ichtir had already been lifted, the soldiers' solemnity hadn't even lessened one bit– it even strengthened their fear.

Matthias noticed the graveness of the matter and shouted at them, "Retreat!"

"Go!" The leaders and generals yelled at their men. The soldiers, feeling a deep sense of fear just by looking at the entity and not wanting to be there longer, nodded shakily and retreated fast.

Matthias looked at the being with a grim face. The aura of death emanating from it was so strong that it affected a wide range of areas around.

"This–" Matthias was shocked when he heard the voice of Isabelle behind him. He turned abruptly and shouted angrily, "I told all of you to retreat!"

He saw that including Isabelle, with her were Princess Yuna, Raya, and Sally, and Generals Tarsus, Lauerio, Lanros, Tuwa, Tatec, and Lanros.

"Do you think we would let you shoulder this all by yourself?" Princess Yuna sneered, "This is our realm, not yours. We are obliged to protect it." She emphasized the 'Our' with pride.

Matthias was silenced for a while and later sighed, "I can never do anything about you guys." Although he said it deprecatingly, the smile on his face couldn't be hidden.

His light became even more bright as it showed his glory, "We shan't let it exist any longer." After he said that, he immediately disappeared from his position and appeared behind the entity.

"Boom!" Matthias materialized a huge hammer on his hands and swung it with his full power. When the hammer was about to hit the head of the entity, it suddenly flew and detached itself from the body and turned around before attaching on the body once more.

"AANgg!!" It roared with anger. Its mouth opened and elongated and snapped at Matthias.

Matthias was shocked by the sudden development of things, as well as the others. "Matthias!" Isabelle shouted worriedly.

Inside, Matthias felt his skin aging although it wasn't visible. Because of his body, the vitality inside his body is as immense as a huge planet. But for Matthias to feel that aging, it meant that this energy is highly dangerous for others, especially mortals.

After some seconds of having no reaction inside the entity's mouth, bright rays of light suddenly shone from its head and exploded it into pieces.

Seeing that as an opportunity, the others simultaneously attacked with their full strength.

Boom! "Aaaaakk!" The entity was pushed back as the attacks bombarded it. Matthias pointed his palm at it and fired a beam of light at the entity.

"Shrieeeek!" Before, the reaction of the entity was pure irritation and anger, but with what Matthias fired, the chest of the entity bursted wide open and revealed an unconscious woman inside.

She was shackled by a disgusting black goo. Her hair was disheveled, covering much of her face. Her clothes were melted like acid, almost exposing the woman's parts.

When Matthias saw her, he was shocked. Although he couldn't see her whole face, it was enough for him "Guin?" He uttered; It was Guin that kidnapped him. When the others heard him, they were angered. "Let's kill her, now!" General Lauerio snarled.

Matthias raised his hand and shot a beam of light at the sky. The huge circle at the sky suddenly shone bright and casted a strong light at the entity that was death.

Slowly, the death entity evaporated visibly. The entity screamed with pain and sorrow. It trashed wildly, wanting to escape from the light.

"Everyone, confine it!" Matthias yelled. Princess Raya and the Spirit Generals waved their hands and casted a confinement spell at the surroundings.

A huge wall of energy rose from the ground and solidified into a powerful confinement field.

Seeing the field, the entity was scared even more and jumped and rolled intensely. Suddenly, the entity did the unthinkable.

Focusing on one point, it suddenly gathered its immense deathly energy and slowly corrupted the energy that was confining it.

"Matthias! Destroy it, immediately!" General Lauerio yelled with urgency. They could already feel their energy being used up and consumed.

Matthias waved his hand in a circular motion and used all the laws in his authority. Nature, Light, Power, Faith, Blessing, Curse, Destruction.

The laws bounded down the embodiment of death and refined it with the divine light.

Desperate to live, the remaining power of the entity exploded and materialized into a humanoid form and destroyed the weakened part of the barrier. Unfortunately, it succeeded.

Everyone's expression turned grim and looked at where it was going; towards Matthias.

As the one who gives it the strongest suppression, the entity would of course prioritize to obliterate Matthias.

But, Matthias isn't just any foe. Although his power was suppressed, he was still a god.

Matthias sneered at the approaching figure but was shocked when Princess Raya suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Raya–" Matthias exclaimed.

"Princess!" General Tarsus and the others' complexion paled.

The entity extended his hand like a blade and slammed it on her chest.


The impact made the Princess throw up golden particles as her body flew towards Matthias.

Matthias caught her and tapped her cheeks, "Raya, can you still hear me?!" He shouted.

"Matthias.." She whispered weakly, "Put me down, don't make me a burden to you."

"But–" He wanted to refuse but he felt her determination. He sighed and shifted his location to the group, "Take care of her." He said.

"Of course." General Tarsus nodded gravely, "Princess!" He called to her with worry.

Matthias couldn't mind them anymore as the entity was already looking in his direction. Matthias narrowed his eyes coldly and disappeared from his direction.


A huge storm erupted as Matthias' fist hit the entity. The entity flew back because of the force and rushed back.

Zoom! Boom! Shang! In just seconds, the two had already exchanged hundreds of bouts.

The entity rushed forward and slammed its palm at his chest and sucked him of his energy.

It was already more than a hundredth time that the entity has siphoned him of his energy and vitality. Matthias was already slowly weakening because of the constant leaching of it.

Matthias drew his sword and slashed at it. Shiick! A huge gash appeared on the entity's body but it was as if the injury was nothing as the entity continued its barrage of attacks and slammed its palm once more on his body.

Bam! As powerful as his body was, Matthias' body slammed down the ground with the force from the entity's attack.

The entity descended and gazed at Matthias with haughtiness. It raised its arms, and wanted to slam it down at his body when..

Two soft arms surrounded the entity's body with love. The entity stopped in his attacks and turned to her. Princess Raya was forcing the entity to its core, suppressing it.


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