I.. Am God?

Chapter 140 Battle Against The Thirteen Blackest Generals

The thirteen were the first one to attack with all-out strength. Matthias conjured the elements to fight with him and it was answered.

When one of the generals dashed towards him, a huge chunk of rock rose from the ground and shackled the attacker. Behind him, a general that was supposed to club him from behind was slapped by a strong wind.

Princess Yuna dashed and evaded countless attacks from the generals, but because she was greatly inferior from the generals that once dominated the Old Age with their ruthlessness, she was ultimately defeated.

"Princess!" Matthias yelled and dashed towards her. "You're not going anywhere!" Behind him, one of the generals that were attacked by the elements bolted towards Matthias with the intention to kill.

Matthias glared at him and waved his hand. Suddenly, a huge tree flew from the forest and slammed at the general's face.

Matthias continued to run to the princess and slammed his hand on the ground. "Matthias?" Princess Yuna voiced out weakly. The consecutive attacks from the generals weakened her considerably.

"Don't worry, I can handle this." Matthias assured and continued to cast his magic down the ground. A rock dome encapsulated Princess Yuna's weakened body and detached from the ground, flying to the direction where Matthias fixated his sight before. With his will, the wind, earth, and the other elements assisted the rock capsule with high speed to get away from the battlefield.

"Get her!" A general yelled. "No need, Detos." Another general stopped the one that yelled.

"We already have our objective." The general added as he looked at Matthias wickedly.

Matthias grunted and hissed, "No one's going to be able to go near me unscathed!" He took his stance with hostility.

"Then, suffer." The general spat out coldly and dashed towards him. The other twelve also charged at him.

Matthias then waved his hands successively, ordering the elements to do his bidding. Several attacks flew past him as he evaded while counter-attacking as well.

A general bolted towards him with daggers on both hands. The general jumped and spun rapidly. Matthias sneered and opened a gap below the general. A huge stone pillar soared, aimed directly at the general's crotch.

But suddenly, the general's waist turned to an impossible angle and evaded the pillar from hitting his area. Successfully evading it, the general sneered but suddenly saw Matthias' expression of mockery.

The general became cautious and he suddenly heard one of his allies shouting, "Siph, behind you!"

He turned around and saw a huge flaming rock hurling towards his face. His reaction, although fast, was still slow and his face was slammed by the rock painfully.

Boom! His body was dragged by the flaming rock, flying past the trees.

Matthias then faced the other generals and smirked, "Who's next?!" He taunted.

"Bastard!" The general shouted and slammed his chest with his own palm. From his chest, he retrieved a dark and ominous medallion the size of his palm, "Fuse!"

Within the generals, a dark aura suddenly erupted from them as they turned into a dark gas, fusing into the medallion.

The medallion, now larger than ever, as large as his whole face, floated above him as he also turned into gas.

Then, from the medallion, a huge explosion erupted and casted huge debris of soil, launching Matthias back. He glared at the medallion with caution.

When the soil subsided, Matthias saw a nine-feet tall buffed creature. "Witness true power!" A mutated and echoing voice sounded when the creature opened its mouth.

From the creature's hand, a huge axe suddenly appeared. The creature raised its arms and hacked down at Matthias.

Boom! Matthias rolled sideways as he avoided the attack. "A moving target!" He smirked and waved his hands once again.

Swords made from different elements manifested around him, orbiting him rapidly. Matthias then waved his hand once more to order the swords to fly straight to the creature's chest, where the medallion was when suddenly…


Matthias' hairs stood on end as a sharp needle whizzed towards his nape. Fortunately for him, with the wind as his ally, it forced the needle to stop, but it was still close as it would've reached him by only centimeters away. Because of the needle's interruption, the swords also disintegrated.

He instinctively knew that if that tip of the needle punctured him, something bad would happen, so he was frightened.

Matthias swiftly turned around and saw a hooded figure, standing on one of the trees' branches. He feels the figure's gaze at him to be filled with that of utmost greediness. Matthias entered into a cautious state while keeping his gaze at the figure.

But because of him being too focused on the figure, from behind him, the creature suddenly sneaked an attack at him and hit straight at his left waist, sending him flying and slamming onto a tree.

Matthias was shocked by the sudden attack and spat saliva. He glared at the creature that was now laughing with glee. Remembering something, Matthias quickly turned his gaze at the tree branch.

His eyes widened when he saw that the figure vanished from its standing, startling Matthias and causing him to be even more cautious. Although he knew that he would survive because of his identity as a god, his soul being immortal, he was still slightly shocked by the figure's prowess.

Matthias suddenly felt something and jumped forward, facing backwards. From where he was once standing, a huge explosion suddenly blew the soil and caused smoke to rise up.

When it subsided, Matthias saw a small needle in the middle of the explosion, causing him to gawk.

"Nemuru." Behind him, he suddenly heard a whisper. When he heard it, he suddenly felt sleepy, his eyelids becoming heavy. He was startled by the suddenness of it. He still wanted to turn and see who was the one who whispered but his body grew weary and he slumped down the ground.

Within his sight, he saw a woman creeping up on him and whispering with a craziness-inducing voice, "Finally, you're all mine." His body then finally gave up from resisting and he fell asleep.

At the Forest of Ganae, the capsule where Princess Yuna was stored finally landed down. The capsule cracked open, revealing the sleeping Princess Yuna devoid of wounds and gashes.

The guards happened to catch sight of the rock landing and rushed to it. "Princess Yuna!" The guards yelled with urgency. One of the guards turned to one of his companions and instructed, "Alert the Spirit Princess and the others that the Princess has returned, quick!" The guard that was instructed nodded and rushed to the palace with haste.

He then looked at the others and said, "Carry the princess to the palace!" He moved forward and crouched down with the others to lift the fainted princess.

Inside one of the palace quarters, Isabelle was reading a story to Alexander peacefully when they suddenly heard the shout of a guard, "Princess Yuna has returned!"

Isabelle perked up and handed the book to her child as she stood up to go outside.

The generals that were inside of the palace, when they heard the announcement, hastened their stride towards the palace entrance.

As the security level of the forest was raised to the highest level, the whole forest was cautious of anything before the princess returned, and now that she has arrived, they were happy.

They were excited to know what happened with the talks between the two groups so they waited for the Princess to arrive.

Then, they saw the state of the Princess; unconscious. Their excitement suddenly turned into that of a terrified expression.

"Princess!" They cried out.

General Lauerio rushed to the soldiers and grabbed their necks, "What happened?!" He yelled angrily.

"Father! Put them down!" General Lanros saw what his father was doing and was shocked. He shouted at his father with distress.

Realizing what he was doing, General Lauerio was shocked and released the soldiers, "I apologize." He said.

"Just what happened to Her Excellency?!" General Lauerio asked with worry.

"We just saw her landing here contained in a rock capsule. When we reached her, she was already like that; unconscious." The guard caught his breath and answered while panting.

Behind, Isabelle arrived and asked worriedly, "Where is Matthias?"

"Unfortunately, the great gentleman was not there with her, Missus Isabelle." The guard sighed and answered.

Isabelle slumped down, weak on her knees. "W-Where is he?" She muttered with worry and anxiety.

"Princess?!" They heard a guard speak. They turned to the princess and saw her gaining consciousness. "W-Where am I?" She asked weakly.

"You are in Ganae, Your Excellency! What happened?! Why are you unconscious? Where is Matthias?" Isabelle, out of panic, rushed and grabbed her.

"Isabelle!" General Lauerio and Lanros exclaimed as they rushed to grab Isabelle.

"Let me go!" Isabelle cried out, "Where is he?!" She exclaimed with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Isabelle.." Princess Yuna sat up weakly. The two elven generals rushed to her and helped her sit.


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