I.. Am God?

Chapter 138 The Triant King Verdana

"Knowing that the mortal weakness of the Ichtir is an attack from the laws, It would mean that anything that he releases would annihilate enemy lines en masse." Princess Yuna smiled with a hint of arrogance.

"I-I see. He really is a huge weapon that we can use against them." Princess Sally was still overwhelmed by the information that was presented to her that she stuttered.

The talks continued for a while more and finished with Princess Yuna standing, "It would be inappropriate for me to stay here any longer. Ganae is now under high alert and as its ruler, I ought to be present there at all times."

"I agree." Princess Sally nodded and stood up, extending her hand to Yuna, "May this endeavour of ours succeed, as this would be our one and only chance of defeating and ending the Tyrant's reign of chaos."

"I also hope so, Princess Sally. May the odds be in our favor." The elven princess replied.

They left the tent and went to the body of the Triant King to once again marvel at its beauty and majesty. The Princess Yuna, being an elf that is closely associated with the Treants as their protector and lords, bowed down and prayed vehemently.

As being here the second time, Matthias just gazed at its heavenly beauty, with its glorious Manifestation behind.

While gazing at it, Matthias suddenly saw something terrifying. The Manifestation of the Triant King Verdana suddenly opened its eyelids, revealing two shining eyes. The light illuminated Matthias and he suddenly entered an unknown place.

He saw that his body was standing in a shallow ocean that was as clear as a mirror. He saw his reflection below him clearly.

Matthias looked around and saw a wide white space, with light pervading every corner of the world.

He then looked straight ahead and saw a stupendously humongous tree, potentially near the size of the World Tree in Matthias' domain, standing imposingly at the far horizon.

Matthias walked almost endlessly and arrived at the foot of the tree. There, he saw an old druid wearing a green robe with a crown of laurel atop of his head. He held a long and thick brown branch as his staff. His white hair reaches down to his back while his beard reaches down to his stomach.

p His eyes were cloudy yet deep with knowledge. He paced back and forth in front of a table and two chairs that were neatly arranged. On the table, a tea set was prepared for the two of them and were set properly and elegantly.

As if noticing his arrival, the old druid looked in his direction and smiled amiably, "Gentleman, sit here."

Matthias nodded and walked towards the table and sat on the chair.

The old man picked up the teapot and poured tea for Matthias, "I thought no one would be able to enter the Manifestation Domain that I created. It seems that there really is one." He chuckled.

"What do you mean? Who are you?" Matthias asked. Although he already had a guess, he still wanted to confirm it.

The old man turned his head to look at him and laughed, "You know who I am yet you still want me to introduce myself? Then I'll rightfully do so."

"I am Verdana, ruler of the Treants of Ciandor. I guess you know me, since you prayed to me." Verdana introduced himself with honor.

"I knew it." Matthias murmured with delight. "You aren't surprised? Is that because you are a god yourself?" Verdana suddenly said, surprising Matthias.

"You know?" He gasped. Verdana nodded, "Yes."

"When you prayed to me, I sensed a different kind of energy, like that of the ancient humans that planted me here." Verdana revealed. "Wait, you came from the Immortal Territories?!" Matthias gasped.

Because of what Lanros said, he thought that the Treants were the aboriginals of this realm. But it was suddenly revealed to him by the first Treant that he was just planted here.

Verdana nodded, "Yes. I was placed here by humans, but not from the Immortal Territories. I was just a huge amalgamation of soil, dead branches, and grass when that human harvested me. He wielded a black staff and, using that, he gave me sentience and placed me into a pot filled with infinite energy from my universe. I remembered that he sundered the void with the head of his staff and we entered this universe that was incredibly unfamiliar to me. He then planted me inside a well inside the Immortal Territories that you are speaking of."

He waved his hand. All of a sudden, the white world turned into a small village with a well at its center. A silhouette of a man holding a long staff could be seen looking down at the well.

"Before leaving, he gave the well the power to develop itself into a Spiritual Realm and with the help of the energy that was inside the pot that circulated inside the well, the Spiritual Realm was finally completed. Back then, the realm was but a barren land. But, as time went by and the grass on me spread, nature flourished. Because of my existence, many living things were created."

The scene changed into a world full of lush lands, beautiful forests, heavenly landscapes filled with life, and creatures running about.

"After many years, I bore six children. They bred together and produced the three races of Spirits, Elves, and Dwarves, and an extra child that was a fusion of the Spirits, Elves, and my genes."

"The three races bred within themselves and multiplied their numbers. The extra child that I called Amalachadh was detested by the three races, being casted off by them. Because of being alone, Amalachadh bred on its own using the land as their mother."

"The land bore fruit with the Erdenkind, races of absolute power and authority over the laws that it even exceeded that of the spirits. Because of that, jealousy arose."

"The three races suddenly pleaded to me with annihilating the Erdenkind and imprisoning Amalachadh forever."

The surroundings then depicted a huge tree with different creatures of all shapes and sizes bowing and pleading at it.

"I didn't answer them because I had to let them live their life, and because Amalachadh and the Erdenkind is still my kin. But out of the blue, the three races suddenly started attacking the Erdenkind, killing them and offering them my name, which shocked me."

Verdana then slammed his stick on the ground, letting a whole movie play around them.

"One day, an odd spirit approached me, asking for vengeance for his family that was supposedly done injustice by spirits. I heard his prayer and taught him the laws and all the powers of Aqiartha."

"After I did so, he marched and massacred the spirits that did his family evil. I thought it was the end of his vengeance and the start of his calm life, but I was wrong." Verdana's voice audibly deepened.

"His mind formed the idea to end all injustice. He realized that power is the key to everything. To end all injustice, he must possess power. At first, it was with good intentions, so I left him in himself's care."

"He traveled all across Aqiartha, freeing the Erdenkind and those that were maltreated. He slowly garnered fanatics, those that worshipped him. Years later, his influence covered the entirety of the world. His reputation of freeing innocents drove different creatures to him."

"I don't know why, but maybe because of power, it inflated his ego and twisted his mind. He swore to become his own god, and soon, the true god of this world."

"Soon, he dreamed of ruling over his believers, forming the first ecclesiastical power and theocracy driven under his palms, forming the first ever large-scale dominion in Aqiartha. He started turning back on his original agenda, enslaving everyone unto doing his bidding."

"Out of disbelief with what he was doing, his worshippers suddenly started turning their backs at him, enraging him. He started ordering his loyal followers and the Erdenkind that were grateful for his help to slaughter anyone who dares to rebel."

"All were terrified of him. He became the one he sought to destroy. He abused everyone and ruined his own image from everyone's eyes."

"Because of anger, I created the Treants to ravage his dominion and I took his Core, disabling him from being able to cast any laws. With that, the worshippers that were terrified of him left in droves and formed their own domains, triggering his anger even more."

"His hatred towards me reached deep into the crevices of his very being and, on his own, formed a new type of core to achieve power above all else; Dark Core. With his newly formed core, instead of mastering the usual powers of the Spirits and Erdenkind which are the laws, he touched the boundaries outside this realm's power structure; Chaos." Verdana looked at the eyes of the spirit that was brimming with hate and prejudice.

"He captured maidens from all the races and implanted Inside them individual Dark Cores, in turn shattering the maidens' own cores. He then destroyed their consciousness and made them into mindless reproduction vessels of his creatures of abomination; The Corrupted Ichtir."


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