I.. Am God?

Chapter 131 A Faction Hidden In The Forest

Knowing that they just encountered a surviving group, they rushed over. But, they were shocked when they saw not a group, but an entire territory facing an army of Ichtir.

The army of the territory were comprised of different races but was so organized and hardened that no Ichtir can go past their shield walls.

Matthias and their group charged and then fought the rear of the Ichtir Army.

Matthias drew his sword and slashed past every Ichtir, harvesting one head after another. General Tuwa and Tatec charged side by side and acted like a bladed spin top, spinning while attacking and defending but without leaving the back of one another exposed to the enemy.

General Lanros drew two of his swords and attached each other at their pommels, creating a double bladed glaive that would later four souls every slash.

Isabelle also got her bow that was at her waist and drew the string and fired a barrage of arrows at the enemy.

The army of survivors were shocked by the sudden loss of pressure in the front line and when they saw Matthias' group harvesting enemies in the back, they were amazed. Because of that, one of the generals of the army raised his sword and pointed it at the enemies, "Charge!"

The shield wall was raised and the soldiers who were holding it threw the shields at the Ichtir, which pushed them back. The soldiers that were behind the shield wall then charged forward with the spears pointed forward.

The spears skewered the enemies and pushed them back once again, and when the spears were filled with the bodies of Ichtir, the soldiers kneeled down and the soldiers behind them stepped on their backs and jumped up, their swords prepared to kill, and landed down in the ranks of Ichtir, harvesting bodies upon bodies of enemies.

Suddenly, "Ahh!" A scream that pierced the ears of everyone was heard at the west of the battlefield. There, a woman that was curled up with fear was being charged at by ten Ichtir.

When Matthias saw that, something surged inside him, and momentarily released the shackles on his power.

He struck his sword down the ground and slammed his two hands together and separated it again, faced the palms down the ground and smashed it down.


The land quaked and the earth suddenly raged. Huge rock columns rose and charged at the Ichtir. When the columns reached the charging Ichtir, they were launched up into the air.

Matthias then stood straight and opened his arms, summoning the laws to do his bidding.

Around the flying Ichtir, the air compressed onto them, crashing them into a pulp.

When Matthias realized it all, the power was drained in him and he slumped down. The seal on his powers came back and restricted his authority once more.

The pulped Ichtir fell down from the sky, with their blood not even touching the curled up woman.

The woman, as if shocked, gasped and looked in his direction. She suddenly got brave and snatched Ichtir claws from the bodies and used those to kill her enemies and rush to him.

"Mister, are you okay?" The woman asked.

Matthias then muttered weakly, "..na.." He then completely lost consciousness.

Isabelle also noticed that he was down so she rushed to him while retracting her bow and drawing her daggers. She hacked and slashed until she reached near them, "Matthias, are you okay?!" She yelled. Of course, as Matthias had already lost consciousness, he did not respond. So the woman was the one who responded to her, "Mister Matthias has lost consciousness, Miss."

Isabelle looked and saw the woman clearly. A beautiful woman of maybe 25 years old with black hair and brown eyes. She has moles on the bridge of her nose and the bottom and top of her lips.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Isabelle was truly jealous of her beauty. But she wasn't an insensitive person, "You, Miss. Are you okay?"

The woman was flustered but she still nodded, "Y-Yes. Thank you for your concern."

Inside the battlefield, the flames of battle continued as the Ichtir were slowly eliminated by the joint efforts of the army and Matthias' group.

General Lanros spun his blade as rapidly as a boomerang that was thrown by a powerful and experienced man.

His kills were definitely greater than any other person inside this battlefield right now. The speed of his attacks is greater than any other man present.

Ichtir flew past him as they jumped at him but was ultimately avoided by him with a narrow gap. He slowly became the focal point of the battle as tons of Ichtir dashed at him to end his life.

But as one of the most experienced fighters and generals of the Forest of Ganae, he wouldn't go down by just going against mindless pawns.

After a while, the Ichtir army was wiped out to their last. Seeing that the burden was lifted on them, General Tatec rushed to Matthias and carried him.

One of the generals of the surviving army dashed to them and invited, "You could bring him inside."

"Thank you, human general." Tatec bowed down slightly and ran to the territory with the group and the woman that was rescued by Matthias that tagged with them behind him. "Christopher, Aleon, bring twenty men and guide them inside." The general faced two of his men and ordered them.

"Yes, General Saro." The two nodded and signalled men to follow them as they rushed to follow the group. They reached the group and shouted, "Follow us, benefactors!" They pointed straight at a huge tree which shocked the group.

Suddenly, the tree became hallucinatory and became a pathway. The soldiers rushed inside and vanished. Placing their trust on the soldiers, Tatec grunted and rushed inside too.

When they entered, they saw tree houses, stone houses, training grounds, croplands, farms, and a huge camp straight ahead.

"Let's bring him to the infirmary!" The man named Christopher said. Tatec nodded and followed the man to a wooden house on their left.

Christopher turned to the others and Aleon and said, "Just wait here." He then followed Tatec inside, leaving the group gasping for air because of running.

Inside, herbs, tools, and beds were neatly arranged. The doctor saw them and gasped with a face of horror, "A Spirit!" Christopher eyed him, confirming that they're allies and the doctor sighed with relief, "Bring him down."

Tatec immediately placed Matthias down and checked on him. The doctor rushed to Matthias and checked on him, "He just exhausted his energy greatly, which made him enter hibernation to regain that lost energy. He'll be fine in a few hours." The doctor said to Tatec.

The doctor then moved towards Christopher and whispered with urgency, "What's this? Why did you let a Spirit enter our hideout?! Are you insane?!"

"Don't worry, they're allies. They helped us clear the Ichtir wave outside earlier." Christopher assured the doctor.

​ "What if this is all just the enemy's ploy?! You know how scheming the Ichtir are!" The doctor rebutted.

"I don't know about that. But they are together with the Demon Harvester of the Elves, so I think that he's of the Loyal Spirits." Christopher sighed.

"I'm hearing what you're saying." Suddenly, Tatec butted in with their conversation, which startled them.

"Why are you being hostile with the Spirits? What's with the Loyal Spirits?" He asked.

"With the actions that they are doing for the past couple months, you shouldn't be surprised." The doctor muttered with a slight contempt.

"What did the Spirits do?" Tatec asked with nervousness. The Spirits have built their reputation as a righteous and merciful entity. Seeing the hate and disgust that the doctor has made him worry.

"Wait, you don't know about what your race is doing? Where did you come from?" The doctor gasped.

"The Forest of Ganae. Although we did go out a year ago, we haven't had the time to go out for the past 5 months since we are developing our army to combat that of The Tyrant's legions." Tatec replied with apprehensiveness.

"The Forest of Ganae really still stands?!" The doctor and Christopher chirped.

"Yes. Why? The Forest of Ganae is just fifty kilometres away from here. Hadn't you checked?" Tatec asked with bafflement.

"We hadn't have the time to, as we had been really busy with either protecting the Abode from the Ichtir or training." Christopher sighed.

"But, this means that we now have another ally!" They cried with great relief, which baffled Tatec.

"Another ally? Did this territory successfully established contact the Dwarven Land of Garendor?" He inquired.

When Christopher heard 'Garendor', his face changed from happiness to that of disgust, "Garendor, those cowards." He spat with anger.

"They turned you down too?" Tatec gasped.

Christopher looked at Tatec and asked, "The Forest of Ganae also tried to establish an alliance with those cowards but was turned down. It's not surprising that we have also been turned down by them."


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