I.. Am God?

Chapter 118 Princess Raya, The Realm Of Aqiartha

"Why would they chase a princess and not the King or Queen?" Matthias thought.

"Ruling systems inside Spiritual Realms are different from the outside world." Old Man Sanyi replied. "This whole realm is the kingdom itself, and there can only be one king. As rebellions took place, that means there's more than one domain inside, so their ruling system ends with the prince or princess as their absolute ruler."

Matthias nodded in understanding. Then, other light beings arrived with weapons made of light. "Surrender now, Princess Raya! The Kingdom is ours and ours alone!"

"Enough of your illusions, Talos! The throne that my father left is for the royals and the royals alone!" The light being beside Matthias named Raya answered coldly.

"Raagh!" Out of frustration, the light being Talos rushed and charged towards her. Matthias unsheathed his blade and slashed towards Talos. But surprisingly, Talos was unscathed. "You dare?!" He yelled angrily.

"Yes, I dare!" Matthias rebutted. He then thought, "Hey, Old Man, what's that?"

"Do you expect a physical object to hurt light?" Old Man Sanyi reprimanded.

​ Matthias then did four hand signs, calling upon the laws of the world. From the bottom of Talos' feet, three chains bound his feet and arms.

Matthias was then shocked, "That's odd. Usually, I can summon ten soul chains when I cast the spell." He muttered. Soul Chains was a spell that Matthias learned when he was inspired from the Emissaries of Hell's soul chains. By reaching through the world laws and space, Matthias could conjure at least ten soul chains and hundreds at most to unconditionally bind his enemies as long as the enemy is below his level and at most three levels more powerful than him.

"Remember, kid. You aren't a god now. At most, you're a knowledgeable Divine Prince Realm cultivator. You are also in a Spiritual Realm where the influence of the laws of the outside world is at its weakest. Don't expect your strength here to equal that of your old one." The old man replied inside his head.

"Sigh." Matthias refocused his attention towards Talos and his allies. He then shouted to the Princess without looking back, "Go, Princess Raya! I'll hold them off. Without enough knowledge of this realm, I cannot kill this being."

"Okay. Thank you for helping me, human. We would meet again if Fate so wishes. Thank Sarqisi for me." Princess Raya thanked him by bowing down. After thanking him, she turned around and ran deep inside the forest.

"Sarqisi?" Matthias wondered with confusion.

"Catch her!" Talos yelled at his companions. "No, you won't." Matthias sneered and did twenty hand signs simultaneously in just under 5 seconds. A huge array suddenly surrounded Talos and the others on the ground. Numerous soul chains shot out and bound the others too.

Matthias then slapped his palm down. A smaller, palm-sized duplicate of the huge array formed and connected to the larger one. The smaller array became a pillar of the main array's power and bound the others even without the support from Matthias' energy.

Matthias then slowly backed down and also ran deep inside the forest.

The furious screams of Talos resounded throughout the forest, startling the animal life.

After that brief encounter with a princess, Matthias then continued his journey towards what he believed as North.

And when he looked at this world closely, he then saw its wonders clearer.

There was a Sun and a Moon, but there's still a huge circle of light directly above the realm. Matthias believed it to be the rim of the well where they entered.

Knowing his current circumstance of not being able to use his godcraft and authority, He trained his magic while traveling and also with the limitations placed upon him by the laws of the realm.

His Divine Sense Ability, which cultivators of the Divine Ranks have, was being honed by him by constantly using it and observing everything around him and expanding his reach.

Usually, a Divine Prince's Divine Sense can reach an area of 99 kilometres that can be observed. With Matthias' authority as a god enhancing it, it can reach up to a tremendous area of 9,999,999 kilometres, a little more than Canada's size.

But here, his reach was only a meager 6 kilometres of area, incredibly, pitifully, overwhelmingly small compared to how wide it is in the surface world!

So, by constantly using and expanding his use, he reached an observable area of 10 kilometres in an hour.

After seven hours of travel and training, Matthias stopped to rest. Traveling with the speed of a cheetah and consuming his energy to expand his observable area made him worn out with his energy sapped. He was fatigued.

His constant usage of his energy drained him, so he cultivated first to refill his consumed energy. Because of the limitations from the realm laws, the consumption of energy here was also doubled, and with him expanding the maximum reach of his Divine Sense Ability, it was extremely tiring for his soul and mind.

After five hours, Matthias' reservoir of energy was fully refilled. With the natural Spirit Energy inside the realm now inside his body, Matthias then refined his body with the energy, improving the adaptability of his body with the powers and laws of the realm.

After three hours, in the middle of his refining, Matthias suddenly sensed ten light beings rushing to his direction.


Ten spear heads were aimed at him. "Human! What is your kind doing here! You must leave!" One of the light beings yelled at him.

"I mean no harm, aboriginals of this realm. All I want is to cultivate." Matthias replied.

"You!" The light being hissed. Suddenly, an ethereal woman's voice sounded behind them, "General Tarsus, stand down."

Matthias looked over and scrutinized the light woman, "Who's she?"

"Princess Raya! You're okay?!" General Tarsus exclaimed with happiness. Princess Raya, who just appeared, nodded. "Don't be too hostile towards him anymore." She said.

"Princess Raya?" He thought.

"But, this human is trespassing our realm!" The light being shouted indignantly.

"Enough, General. I know him." Princess Raya replied. "He helped me escape from the rebels that is Talos."

"..Is it true?" The light being named Tarsus turned to look at Matthias and said questioningly. Matthias' face had a shocked look, "That was her? Isn't that too much of a coincidence?"

"You dare question me now, Tarsus?" Princess Raya snapped coldly.

Tarsus bowed and backed down, "I apologize, Your Highness." He resignedly answered. Princess Raya walked towards Matthias and stopped in front of him, "Hello again, Human. Fate willed us to meet again." She said.

"I guess it did, Raya." He sighed.

When General Tarsus and the others heard him say the Princess' name directly, they glared at him with much hostility. Noticing them, Princess Raya looked at them meaningfully and they toned down, but they still glared at him.

"I'm sorry, human. Although it is okay for me for you to call me by my name, I am afraid it isn't acceptable to others." Princess Raya bowed slightly to apologize. "May I ask, Human. What is your name?" She suddenly asked.

Noticing that there really wasn't anything wrong with introducing, Matthias stood up, "I am Han Jianyu, a warrior from the Immortal Territories." He answered. "The Surface? You're from the surface?!" General Tarsus and Princess Raya exclaimed.

"Wait, you don't know I'm from the outside world?" Matthias blurted out.

"I only thought that you're a wandering human from the human Princedom of Sarqisi. As the Kingdom of Hayle and Sarqisi has been allies, that's why I asked for your help." She replied.

"So that's what Sarqisi is all about." Matthias 'ahhed' when he realized what she was talking about before. "So that means there's more than one race here in this realm?" He gasped.

"You're really not from here, huh." Princess Raya sighed. She then began to explain things about the Spiritual Realm.

"Our world is called Aqiartha. Inhibiting this realm are five races. There's our race, the Spirits who governs the east. There's the Humans, dominating the lands of the south with their huge armies. There's also the noble Elves that rule the forests and the hardened Dwarves that hold dominance over the mountains of the north."

"These four races are the glory of Aqiartha, protecting it against them." Princess Raya straightened her back with pride but emitted a hostile aura when she said the last sentence.


"The race of Ichtir. Pests, the embodiments of evil, the cancer of our world." She spat with anger. "They influence beings of other races to commit rebellions, ruining the peace that has since been established for thousands of years."

"It's highly likely that they're also the one backing that Traitor Talos." General Tarsus added. She nodded.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Matthias asked and leaned towards them.

"You have no need to know, outside human." General Tarsus spat out coldly.

"Enough of this unfounded hostility, Tarsus." Princess Raya waved his hand. She turned to Matthias and replied, "I'll tell you about it."


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