I.. Am God?

Chapter 112 Parliament, The Responsibility Of A Ruler

"At ease." He responded. Everyone went back to their kneeling position on both sides of the path to the throne.

Different from his aura outside, the majesty around him now that he is in the throne seemed too great to be hidden from anyone.

"Everyone, We have made this huge decision to establish a parliament to aid me in governing the state."

"Your Majesty?"

"Why do you want to do so, Your Majesty?" They asked.

"Due to reasons. It is also of great importance now that we're slowly developing and soon-to-be expanding." He replied. "We shall form the Parliamentary System for the state and form the three chambers of the parliament; The Royal House of Qin and The Empire, The Court of The Rightful Nobles Who Guards The Realm and The Dragon Throne, and The Representing Court of The Lawful and Hardworking People of Qin and The Empire."

The officials were in shock with what their Emperor just informed them.

"It's.. so sudden, Your Majesty. Are you sure about this move?" Cane asked beside him.

"Yes, Cane. This time, we also need to put strict standards and qualities and investigation for the future members of the parliament to avoid or even just lessen the infiltration from outside forces into the parliament." He nodded.

"I now establish the cabinet of the Royal House, fully representing the authority and stance of the Royal Court." He declared. The officials straightened their postures with nervousness.

"Advisor to the Throne, Cane Maxwell, granted permanent position in the Royal House as the Steward and R of the Party of the Royal House." One by one, those who were called stood up.

"Protector General of The Land, Wang Xuan and his brother, The Grand General of Qin, Wang Long, granted permanent position in the Royal House as the Heads of the Guardians of the Throne and the Protectors of the Royal House. Their family will be granted an immediate position inside either one of the Courts and a chance to enter the Royal House."

"The Royal Magus, Sigien Brunhilde, granted permanent position in the Royal House as the International Relations Representative of the Party of the Royal House. His family will be granted immediate entry to either one of the Courts and a chance to enter the Royal House."

"Duke Zhang of Qin Gongsun Yi and three generations of his clan, granted position as members of the Royal House's Ministry of War and Representatives of The Court of Nobles."

"Minister of Works, Huang Beixuan, granted the position as Representative of The Court of The People."

Others were also called, thus fully forming the Royal House chamber. Those who weren't called slumped down. In total, there were thirteen formal members of the Royal House.

"The members of the other chambers will be decided by the nobles and the common people tomorrow. Are there any other questions that are very important that cannot be talked about tomorrow?" Matthias inquired.

"Nothing else, Your Majesty." After a brief conversation between the officials, they answered him simultaneously. He nodded and then stood up, "I now formally conclude the Imperial Court Assembly. It's night now, You can go home." He declared.

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" They all bowed. As per usual, Matthias and The Four Pillars were the first ones to leave, then the officials left the Throne Hall and the Palace and rode their palanquins or carriages. They needed to sleep because they know that they're in for a long day tomorrow.

"Your Majesty, what are your plans after your ascension? What would be your era name?" Cane asked when they reached a smaller meeting hall.

"I have long since decided my era name. It shall be called shén shèng shí dài (Divine Era/Sacred Era), fitting for my goals of advancements, unification, and to our future glory." He replied with confidence.

"The whole of the continent will at the least know of our presence and existence if ever I abdicate."

"You will abdicate, Your Majesty?! When?!" The four gasped and asked with nervousness and fear.

"You don't need to be so surprised, because it is inevitable." Matthias replied. He stood up and looked outside the window, "I do not know for myself yet, but I feel, I know that I am an Immortal. Not just having a long life, but an undying one."

"If I do not abdicate, time will come that the people will be weary of my rule and will do all that it takes to make me abdicate. Chaos will rule upon the land. The corrupt would seize the chance to destroy the interior of the empire and would split it all for themselves."

"Even though it sounds good, an eternity of a monarch's rule will never be good for ruling a domain. Changes will and must happen for the domain to properly circulate." He then faced the four who were looking at him with sadness, "And also, I still have my creation to manage and protect. They might function by themselves for hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, but once they need my existence and I'm not there, the galaxy will all come tumbling down."

"That is the responsibility of a creator, a ruler, and a god, my subjects." Matthias sighed. "Maybe you think I have plenty of time for myself all because I am Immortal, but I have worlds, people, and creation to manage and defend. I took this responsibility because the former Emperor asked me for a favor to do so. Once I fulfill that, I've got to go."

"I- We understand, Your Majesty. As thanks, You shall also be our god." Cane declared, to which Matthias reacted with shock, "What do you mean?" He asked confusedly.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor, in accordance with my authority as one of the Confucians of the Southern Regions, I with the rectified name 'Huizhong", grant you, Emperor of Qin, the rectified name of Han Shen. May Qin be guided by you to prosperity!" Cane said all that and knelt down with the other three, "Congratulations for your rectified name, Emperor!" They shouted

"The Han Religion would also be started, fully going with your doctrine and authority." Cane added.

"I think that that isn't appropriate." Matthias replied, "This world is filled with powerful beings capable of defeating me. Making a religion out of me, worshipping me as a god would offend the other kingdoms just like how the old empire's name 'Sun Devouring Empire' offended the other territories."

"Oh.." Cane realized and backed down, "I apologize for my unthoughtfulness, Your Majesty." He bowed.

"At ease, Cane. You've just been overwhelmed by the information that you received."

After a long while, Cane asked Matthias, "Your Majesty, what about your plans?"

"Right." Matthias nodded, "For the dynasty, I will fully revolutionize the dynasty's economy, agriculture, technology, and development. We will talk about it a week later at the first Assembly of the Parliament." He replied.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." They all nodded. "Then, go. We have a long day tomorrow, rest." They nodded once more and left. Matthias stood up and went to his chamber and slept soundly.

Inside the Matheon Palace, Matheon Territory, God's Land.

"This is a highly unprecedented calamity, Lord Asileius." Inside the Conference Hall of the Matheon Palace, all of the Stellar-Level Beings that had been a part of the First Highest Supreme Conference were here in addition to a lot more people with powerful energies.

Asileius, leading the conference in front, standing on the podium in front of the empty throne that belongs to their ruler, "That is why I gathered you all here today. In accordance with the rules that were constituted by our ruler and your creator Lord Matthias; now that we're all here, I formally inaugurate the Second Highest Supreme Conference of the Stellar Beings of Matheon Galaxy." He declared with solemnity.

"Although we had just already finished the first one seventy years ago, and the Highest Supreme Conference should have been inaugurated once after a century, with the reason that our galaxy is in great peril, I have made this move according to one of the conditions of the Inauguration of the Highest Supreme Conference."

Seeing his seriousness and understanding the seriousness of the matter, all of them went solemn.

"The mysterious black ball that intruded our galaxy is at a level that even I can't combat against, thus confirming the seriousness of the matter." Asileius stated. "Although His Majesty Lord Matthias has already confirmed that he cannot go against me in terms of power, I am afraid that only he can go against that mysterious ball that spreads chaos all across the galaxy."

"I have also checked.." The Void Lord Franc d' Ornillo spoke, "From the tracks that the mysterious ball left that I traced, I saw another galaxy near us."

"Everything was destroyed. Chaos ruled upon that galaxy." He continued, "Worlds destroyed and burned, robots ruled one civilization, stars died down, and a lot more weird things. Even demons wouldn't want to live in that kind of galaxy. The gods shuddered.


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