I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 105

“What’s happening?” Lynn asked, observing the restless demons in the marketplace, sensing that something significant must have occurred.

“A plane is being dragged into the Abyss,” the fly demon explained.

“The Bottomless Abyss has always been expanding, often dragging fragments of planes into its depths,” it continued.

Lynn felt a stir of curiosity. From their reactions, it seemed that the commotion originated from the Bottomless Abyss?

“The disturbance over there indicates a plane being pulled into the Bottomless Abyss,” the fly demon informed Lynn.

“But it’s strange. Even if a plane is pulled into the Bottomless Abyss, it shouldn’t be happening here,” the fly demon scratched its head, finding it difficult to explain this complex and challenging situation based on its knowledge.

“Isn’t this place also the Bottomless Abyss?” Lynn inquired.

With their belongings packed up, the fly demon headed towards the direction of the disturbance, where many other demons were already rushing.

For low-level demons, invading other planes on ordinary days was quite challenging. Aside from waiting for the elusive demon-summoning array, which they never knew when it would occur, they could only follow their lords to invade other planes. If their own lords weren’t capable, they might wait indefinitely for the opportunity to invade other planes.

However, for low-level demons, opportunities to travel to other planes weren’t entirely absent.

For instance, every so often, fragments of planes would be dragged into the Bottomless Abyss. Some of these planes might already be dead worlds, devoid of anything except countless dead energy; they were automatically pulled into the Abyss.

Others were the result of massive world sacrificial rituals, where worlds were plunged into the Abyss. The sacrificers could gain immense power bestowed by the Abyss. If the sacrificed world was significant enough, this power could even elevate the ritual’s leader to become an Abyss Lord or even an Abyss Demon God.

Besides these methods, there were various other ways that could lead to a world being dragged into the Abyss. Each time a new world joined the Abyss, it was a cause for celebration among countless demons.

Observing the frenzied demons around him, Lynn gained a deeper understanding of the aggressive nature of this race.

“This place belongs to the Abyss, but there has never been a world descending here before. And before your wizards arrived, this layer of the plane didn’t exist,” the fly demon explained to Lynn.

The fly demon dropped a bombshell on Lynn. What did it mean that this layer of the plane didn’t exist before the arrival of the wizards?

Could the birth of this layer of the plane be related to the wizards?

Researching gods was one thing, but now they were even messing around with the Abyss.

Was even the Abyss going to take on the shape of wizards?

Lynn fell silent.

Following the fly demon, they walked ahead, and everyone arrived at the forefront.

At the far end of the horizon, a vast world, reminiscent of a setting sun, slowly descended from the sky.

The dusky sky was tinged with red clouds, and within that vast world were mountains, rivers, oceans, and plains. But at the center of the world, there was a large area missing, as if a tremendous force had wiped out a vast expanse of land, leaving behind a deep, bottomless black pit.

This extremely shocking scene left Lynn standing in place, staring in astonishment at the spectacle before him.

Apart from the thunderous rumbling, the fusion of the two planes was lighter than Lynn had anticipated.

There was no earth-shattering collision as imagined; it was like two drops of water merging into one.

Only at the horizon’s edge did an endless expanse of illusory world extend diagonally to the world’s end.

And at the intersection of the two worlds, a continuously rotating portal appeared in sight.

As the portal took shape, figures of all kinds flew towards it, employing various means.

Among them were wizards and demons.

“You can go in, but be careful,” a faint voice appeared in Lynn’s ears.

Lynn recognized the voice’s owner; it was Harin, with whom contact had been lost for a long time.

“I just observed it. This world dragged into the Abyss seems to be a plane with abundant resources,” the fly demon said excitedly.

Lynn looked back at the brute force demon behind him. “Are we going in?” he asked.

The brute force demon patted its large belly and a bloodthirsty smile spread across its face. “There’s good food inside. Let’s go!”

Lynn pondered. Harin’s warning to be cautious suggested that there was certainly danger inside, but it didn’t seem to be extremely perilous. It appeared to be a situation where danger and opportunity coexisted.

“Then let’s go,” Lynn resolved after some contemplation.

Opportunities like this were rare, and more importantly…

Lynn felt that there was something fishy about this plane’s arrival.

This layer of the plane might be the work of the wizards, and since there had never been a plane descent before, this arrival might just be the wizards’ plan.

Considering that this market belonged to the Abyss Wizard Academy, this layer of the plane might have some connection to the academy. Lynn himself was a genuine apprentice of the Abyss Wizard Academy.

Lynn felt that there couldn’t be danger everywhere inside.

With numerous demons lining up, Lynn and his group followed behind. When it was their turn, Lynn looked up at the gigantic portal, which was about the height of a large building. It didn’t seem so imposing from afar, but now that they were closer, Lynn keenly felt the enormity of the portal.

“Wizard, would you like to explore together?” the fly demon beside Lynn asked.

Watching the greatly enlarged fly head buzzing around in front of him, Lynn remained unfazed.

“This trip was sudden, and I didn’t bring any of my demons. I see the big guy behind you seems pretty good,” the fly demon continued.

Lynn knew full well that as a mere apprentice, the fly demon must value someone else, not him. It must be the brute force demon who had accompanied him.

In reality, Lynn had misjudged. Lynn knew the relationship between himself and the brute force demon. But this fly demon didn’t know. In the eyes of the fly demon, the brute force demon was Lynn’s follower. This human wizard apprentice must be the descendent of some powerful wizard, and the brute force demon was the follower sent to protect him.

“It’s up to you,” the brute force demon scratched its head. It had just been pondering for a moment and felt as if it were growing a brain, which gave it a terrible headache. It didn’t want to think about complicated things; thinking too much made its head hurt, and who would want that over time?

The brute force demon believed in Lynn because it thought this human wizard must be smarter than itself and, coupled with the introduction from the lord, it trusted Lynn.

“We can act together,” Lynn nodded.

This fly demon seemed to have experience invading planes from its tone of voice.

Lynn decided to follow its lead for a while. The most crucial aspect to understand was that the fly demon was a demon, and demons’ needs differed from those of wizards. This distinction formed the fundamental basis for cooperation between wizards and demons.

“Then let’s stick together, preferably holding hands. In such partially descended planes like this one, we’ll be randomly teleported once we enter,” the fly demon explained.

Looking at the hook-like spikes on the fly demon’s claw-shaped arms and then at his own fair palms, Lynn couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

In the end, the brute force demon and the fly demon held hands, and Lynn clung to one of the brute force demon’s fingers. The two demons and one human entered the portal in a rather strange posture.

Just as they were about to pass through the portal, Lynn suddenly felt a buzzing sensation in his ears. In that instant, as he lifted his head, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a vast network, spanning the entire world.

The threads of this network were transparent, each exuding a mysterious aura. They varied in thickness, crisscrossing through the world around them and even permeating through all life forms nearby.

Though Lynn didn’t know what it was, the moment he saw this network, he somehow knew its name—Wizard Network.

As Lynn passed through the portal, he heard a cold, emotionless mechanical voice in his ears.

“Detecting wizard en route to other planes. Verifying wizard’s identity. Identity confirmed. Loading information and injecting coordinates. Wizard Network auxiliary functions are being accessed.”



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