I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 97: Suffering

Chapter 97: Suffering

Inside the forest near the Spriggan faction, where a certain someone's footsteps were sounding from the dry leaves as she walked. Looking straight in front of her, Tanya stopped while narrowing her eyes.

Suddenly, a silhouette emerged from the thickness of the trees and jumped directly at her.


What came next was a destructive strike of blades that instantly demolished even the boulder of rocks Tanya created to block the assault of the assailant.

"It's not enough to stop me, Tanya!" As the boulders were cleared, Captain Teivel rushed on her while swinging his dual blade.

But his arms immediately got stopped by the vines that came out from the ground.

However, the sadistic smile on Captain Teivel's face became wider as he stared at Tanya's stoic face. "You are mine now Tanya!"

Suddenly, the vines holding Captain Teivel's back corroded while making a loud sizzling sound.

"Acid field!"

As Captain Teivel let out the words, yellow liquid materialized right at Tanya's feet and jumped on her.

A powerful gust of wind demolished the incoming attack as Tanya jumped out, leaving Captain Teivel behind while maniacally laughing.

"How do you like it, Tanya?" Captain Teivel said as he raised his blades.

"Acid," Tanya responded while attentively staring at him.

Captain Teivel walked towards her with his terrifying grin still intact in him. "Not really, it has an acidic property, but it's more of a poison. Once it manages to inflict even just a little wound to you, the poison will destroy you from the inside while the acid slowly erodes you outside. That's the power of my Poison-type advanced class skill, Poison torment. All I need is just a little wound to eliminate even a class S like you. Amazing, right?"

"Then, let's see if you can."

The ground crumbled as countless vines emerged from the ground, but Captain Teivel's response was a much louder sadistic laugh.

"I want to see what your suffering face looks like! Tanya!"

All at once, countless stones spikes, ice spikes, and vines emerged from the ground and rushed toward Captain Teivel, but he immediately disappeared thanks to his overwhelming speed that none of Tanya's attacks could keep up.

Captain Teivel jumped around the thickness of the forest with great speed while skillfully dodging the incoming attacks and the moment he got near to Tanya, he jumped in while expressing a sadistic smile.

His blades were instantly covered in yellow liquid, as an indication of how dangerous it could be if it managed to hit Tanya.

Even a slight touch could mean death.

"Your face of despair, show it to me! Tanya!" Captain Teivel shouted while rushing mid-air.

"Would you mind not calling my name while making that disturbing face?"

That's what Captain Teivel heard before a powerful gust of wind threw him away from Tanya. He rolled to the ground, leaving a trace of blood on his way.

As he crashed against a tree, he unleashed a violent groan and stood up. "Damn it!" He stared at the trail of blood in front of him and raised his left hand. "Eh?" His left hand was no longer there.

"I will admit, you are fast, you have managed to dodge my attack even in mid-air, quite commendable if I must say." Tanya stood up a few meters away from him while expressing a proud smile. "But nothing is outstanding about you. You said that you wanted to see my face of suffering? Haven't you noticed? I have been making a face of suffering since the first time I heard your infuriating voice." Tanya put her hand on her mouth. "Oh my, what an unpleasant scum."

"You... damn witch!"

Captain Teivel tried to stand up to attack Tanya and at the same time, yellow liquid emerged beneath her. However, a powerful gust of wind just eradicated them. And the next thing that happened was Captain Teivel's other hand rolling to the ground.

"Huh?" His loud scream echoed throughout the place as he rolled to the ground.

"You still don't realize it, don't you?"

All Captain Teivel could do was stare at Tanya with hatred in his eyes. But that same hatred instantly vanished upon seeing the greater outrage Tanya's eyes were expressing.

"You have just made me really angry, Hive mind legion of the kingdom of Milana. To think that you stoop this low just to gain victory is unthinkable. The hero, Ragnar Aegle, would be very ashamed of all of you. Perhaps other human kingdoms would, but Ragnar himself will never end up doing such a disgraceful tactic. That's why he ended up being the greatest hero of humanity that earned not only the respect of humans but even demi-humans. However, he dreamed of a glorious nation, but what we are fighting right now is just a mockery of that dream of his." Tanya shook her head.

Captain Teivel stood up and anger was visible on his face. "You know nothing about the Hero Ragnar and what his dream was! You know nothing, Demi-human!"

Tanya stared at him for a few seconds, before releasing a huge sigh. "Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore. He is already dead and could no longer see this mess that his own son created, fortunately for him. Nevertheless, let's go back to the current matter. You tried to sneak into the town and harm the non-combatants. Do you know the possible consequences of such a despicable action? So you know, the very thing that you are trying to do will lead humanity upon its fall." She crossed her arms. "Captain... do you know what would happen once meruems lose their heart?"

"What do you mean?" Captain Teivel asked with confusion on his pained face.

"Would they die and fall to the ground, or their body would slowly disappear and get crumbled by the wind? The answer is neither. Once you took away the only thing that makes the meruems want to protect, which is their heart, they will seek to destroy instead." Tanya's eyes narrowed. "Believe me, I know. After all, I was once a heart of a meruem as well."

"What's that story about an extinct tribe having to do with this battle?"

Half of Tanya's lips rose. "I see. So you all still don't know. Nonetheless, to say the least, I am doing your entire race a favor. You should be grateful because if you happen to manage to get inside the town and harm the meruem's heart. Your entire race will be obliterated. Haven't you wondered why I and Mehrad are here? Haven't you asked yourself... who is leading the entire army?"

Captain Teivel walked back while shaking his head. His expression was full of disbelief. "No... you are lying... that can't be true... if what you're saying is true...then... that means... Commander is."

By using his final attempt to escape, Captain Teivel jumped away from Tanya with great desperation on his face.

"Commander! You need to get out of there!"

[Captain Teivel?]

[Captain Teivel! Say something? What are you saying?]

[Captain Teivel! Please, not you too!]

The person Commander Einar was talking to could no longer talk, due to his body being completely frozen. Cold smoke was coming out from his body as he slowly groaned and his eyes were expressing great despair.

[All units near the location of the Shadow fairy! Hasten your movement! Captain Teivel needs your assistance!]

[We can't afford to lose him.]

"Now, try to melt the ice inside your body with your poison." Certain footsteps passed through him. "You are the type of person who loves seeing the suffering of your victims, right? Although I am not the kind of person who enjoys seeing people's suffering, I will make an exception just for you. After all, You deserve it."

Captain Teivel's shivering eyes slowly moved towards the direction of Tanya walking away from him. His body still seemed normal, but it was a different story inside. It was frozen solid, and all of his organs were slowly breaking apart. Unabling him to talk or even think properly.

All he could do was groan in pain while waiting for his still distant death.


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