I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 93: Right Hand

Chapter 93: Right Hand

[Damn it! Captain Alro's and Gellon's troop has been eliminated. All units, merge with at least 2 troops, they were eliminating the isolated troops one after another! I repeat! Join force! Don't leave any troop in isolation!]

"This is Captain Amira of the main front, we are on our way now to meet Captain Morel's troop."

[Be careful, Captain. If anything happens, report immediately.]

"I understand." Captain Amira replied as she walked through the thickness of the forest. Even with her helmet, her violet eyes could be seen as she wandered her eyes throughout the area.

Leading one of the major forces of the legion, consisting of 200 personnel, including mages and healers. The main front.

While traveling, all of their Mana perceptions were activated while observing the surrounding area.

"We are almost at the location of Captain Morel's group, but don't let your guard down, the Marionette corps is just lurking around waiting for us to make any mistakes."

"Those voluptuous mercenaries are not here, I am afraid."

The entire troop stopped the moment they heard the voice, their eyes darted to the person standing right in front of them.

"You are..."

As he turned his pair of jet-black eyes towards the massive crowd in front of him, a menacing smirk emerged on his face. The gentle wind blew his long wavy black hair up but it just made his already intimidating atmosphere into a more threatening image. Both of his hands were drenched in blood while holding something hairy in his hand. His lion ears twitched as his smirk became wider. "So... which one of you is the Captain?"

Leo threw the thing he was holding, it rolled towards the location of the troop. Upon realizing what was thrown at them, horror was immediately expressed on their faces.

"Is that... Captain Morel's head?"

"I see. So his name is Morel. I just knew that he was the Captain because he kept on talking to himself, just like the other Captains I eliminated did." Leo walked towards them while his tail was swaying on his back. "This group is much larger than the other groups, does that mean your Captain is more capable than the others?"

"Be careful! That person possesses a physical enhancement type advanced class skill! He is known as Leo the Invincible!" One of the knights shouted.

Leo shifted his gaze at the knight. "Oh, you know me? Are you the Captain? I don't think so, you don't seem like one." Leo raised his hand. "And for anyone who still doesn't know. I am talking to you, mages in the backline. The name is Leo Dhruv. I am one of the members of the Dark triad. The second in command and the right hand of the ruler of Agrona!" He cracked his neck. "Now that the introduction is finally done... Let's begin."

"Engage!" Captain Amira shouted and all at once the entire troop rushed towards their one enemy.

Leo smirked as his eyes darted to Captain Amira. "So you are the Captain."

At the backline, with outstanding synchronization, the mages fired elemental magic in Leo's direction. Fire, Electricity, Earth, and Ice magic were hurled to assault him.

"Don't stop firing! We only have one enemy, focus our attack on him!"

The explosion of elements created a massive smoke from where Leo was standing. However, an extremely fast entity jumped out from the huge cloud of smoke and landed on the mages' position in great precision.

The moment they realized it, Leo was already standing right in the middle of their formation with his menacing smile still intact on his face.

"What an annoying bunch." Leo waved his hand and instantly, all of the mages within 3 meters around him were cut in half in their stomachs by a powerful gushing wind that acted like a blade.

All the ones who managed to get out in time could do was stare at him with terror in their eyes.

"I don't know why, but for some reason, my cast range became wider recently and my wind magic became much stronger, even though I wasn't training my magic. You all are mages, right? Do you have any idea about this matter?"

"Monster! Attack him!" All at once, the mages surrounding him cast their elemental magic.

"Well, it doesn't matter right now." Leo jumped towards the nearest mages and cut them up using his devastating Wind magic combined with his greatly enhanced physical capabilities built up from the battle he had with the other troops earlier.

One after another, the formation of the mages fell apart and they couldn't do anything against their fast and brutal foe.

Once more, Leo jumped towards the location of the nearest mage, but before he could reach them, a swift swing of sword stopped his advancement. He jumped out to dodge the incoming another strike.

"Fun is over, freak." Captain Amira said while raising her sword with her eyes concentrated on Leo.

"Captain Amira, I thought I was going to die!" Shouted by one of the mages while slowly walking back.

"Go back to the backline, and aid me while fighting this monster. All the knights, prepare for battle, don't forget that we are against one of the most powerful individuals of the town of Agrona."

"Captain Amira, huh? Then, Captain, show me what you are capable of." Leo gestured at Captain Amira to attack him.

"Now, observe, Leo the Invincible." By activating her Extreme speed, Captain Amira rushed toward Leo and sliced him with swords.

However, Leo easily dodged the attack, even the next swing of swords was easily evaded due to Leo's remarkable speed.

"Is that all?"

But captain Amira responded with a smirk. "No."

As Captain Amira swung her sword towards Leo's neck that he easily evaded by just leaning his head backward, a gust of wind flew out of her sword and instantly passed through Leo's neck. The wind attack was so sharp that it could even slice metal.

Upon receiving the attack, Leo's arms fell and remained unmoved.

"I was not dubbed as metal slicer Amira for nothing."

The knights surrounding them cheered upon seeing the apparent win of their Captain.


"Revealing your trump card the very moment the enemy least expected it is a very good idea. However, I have met someone who did that better and with more devastating surprise." Leo's head moved and faced Captain Amira while expressing a terrifying grin. "But I must admit, quite commendable. You would have actually managed to kill me if we had just met a lot sooner when my body was still not enhanced with my Warrior's rage. But at this point, it's already futile."

"Just who are you?" Captain Amira asked with great disbelief in her eyes.

"Who am I? Wasn't I already told you earlier? I am the right hand of the ruler of the town of Agrona."

All at once, all the knights surrounding them jumped towards him, but the moment they got near, all of them fell with their cut in half through their stomachs with only Captain Amira who remained standing.

"You are right, Captain. Fun is over. It's time to take my job seriously." Leo said as he walked toward Captain Amira.

"Monster!" Captain Amira swung her sword but it was immediately stopped mid-air.

Her eyes widened upon seeing what stopped her sword. Leo's hand. And in just one tilt of his hand, her sword was cut in half. Putting her in great despair.

"It's over, Captain." Leo grabbed her helmeted head and crushed the helmet using his bare hand, instantly ending her life. "Farewell."

It only took a second, their idolized Captain was no longer moving while blood was coming out from her helmet. Leo threw the lifeless corpse to the ground.

The very scenery of the death of their  Captain put the entire troop in an immeasurable fear that was completely visible on their faces as they stared at Leo with their shivering eyes.

"That's the fourth Captain." Leo cracked his fingers while staring at the remaining members of the troop currently staring back at him with great horror in their eyes. "Now, it's time to clean this troop up."

Upon realizing their impending fate, the remaining members of the troops could only stare at each other with pure despair on their faces.



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