I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 81: Erela

Chapter 81: Erela

The great forest of Fiora, the vast forest separating the boundaries of the demon continent and the land of beastkins. Where could be found the sanctuary of magical beings known for their tremendous pride and disdain to other races who did not belong in their race. The elves.

Different tribes of elves were scattered throughout the forest of Fiora and living in harmony with the other elven tribes.

Due to their unyielding pride, they strived on their own without interacting with or even building a good relationship with other races.

At the very center of the great forest of Fiora was a towering tree that could pass through the clouds, which the elves believed as the very center of the world. The tree of Erela. Located at the very foot of the tree was the kingdom of Erela. Protected by what they believed as an impenetrable magic barrier protecting the kingdom from any harm from outside.

The trunk of the tree of Erela was filled with magical balls of light the size of a human head known as the nature spirits. Every nature spirit had different colors as they glowed and flew around through the kingdom, however, most of the time, most of them were gathered at the body of the tree of Erela making the tree seem like it was glowing from afar due to the bright nature spirits attached on it.

Right at the foot of the giant tree was where could be found the castle of Erela, a white massive infrastructure at the very center of the kingdom. 

At the edge of the white throne room were 2 thrones with 2 individuals currently sitting, in front of them were a group of elven knights equipped with light armors.

The elven king, Asmit Durmada crumpled the paper in his hand as he spoke with his voice filled with authority and pride. "Humans, how many times they will face defeat before they learn their lessons?" He unleashed a long chuckle as he threw the paper. "One of the 3 main kingdoms of humanity, the army of the kingdom of Nardia are already on their way here. They decided to attack us first because they know that the other inferior races will never come for our aid, but we don't need their help anyway. No army of mere humans can defeat the greatest race in this world."

As he stood up, his long silky blonde hair swayed and covered his back. Wearing a white silky robe, that shined as the sunlight touched its luxurious fabrics. A smile emerged on his seemed like a delicate and fragile white face. Such beauty and elegance fit such a proud king.

As he walked out from his throne, the elven warriors currently standing immediately bowed their heads with such synchronized and elegant manners that conveyed nothing but grace. 

"Gather all of our people around the forest of Fiora and bring them here for momentary evacuation. Tell them that the foolish humans once more are attempting to confront us. Tell them don't fret about their homes. This battle will never last for long. And once more, victory will be ours so easily." An elegant smile emerged on his beautiful face. "Just like what happened the last time."

"Yes, My Lord." The elven knights moved in synchronization and walked out from the room, leaving only one knight behind.

"My lord, the entirety of our army is now preparing for the incoming battle."

"Tell them to be prepared, because I will lead our army for this war, and I will never accept any form of failure under my command."

The knight bowed his head and left the throne room. As the last knight finally left. King Asmit shifted his gaze towards the person sitting on the other throne. A beautiful woman with a white complexion, long straight blonde hair, and a pair of gem-like green eyes. Wearing a silky white dress that greatly complimented her unfading beauty, who despite her age still seemed much younger than her actual age. The queen of the kingdom of Erela. Queen Ayani Durmada.

"Is there a problem, my love?"

Queen Ayani slowly shook her head. "Nothing. It just worried me. Another war will start again."

King Asmit raised his hands. "Worry not, my love. This war is just like before. Just humans who will never learn and keep on being swayed by their own greed. They can't defeat us. Perhaps the other inferior races, but not us. We are indestructible."

Queen Ayani looked down with visible concern in her eyes. "I hope our sons will be alright throughout this new era of war."

King Asmit chuckled, but this time, a soft chuckle. "They easily withstood the last seven years of war, I am confident that all of them will be fine. And I meant all of them. Just like you, our sons were born strong. Fitting as princes of this dominant kingdom. I have my fate for all 3 of them."

"All 3 of them?" Queen Ayani smiled.

"Yes, of course, my love. All 3 of my beloved sons."


The former lawless town of Agrona, which was now officially named as the town of Agrona. Flying through the sky was a certain brown hawk raised and trained to deliver a crucial letter from the king of the kingdom of Inizio to the town of Agrona.

As the hawk landed inside the territory of the Spriggan faction. At the backside of a certain mansion, over the white metal tea table.

Upon sensing the arrival of the feathered messenger, the door of the mansion opened. Tanya emerged from the door and walked towards the messenger hawk staring right at her. She stood next to the tea table and stared at the scrolled paper at the foot of the hawk.

"A letter from Tirion."

She took the letter and opened it. As she read the message written in it, her eyes slowly widened. She put down the letter and patted the body of the hawk. She created a small weightless rock shaped like her wings and put it to where the letter formerly was as proof that she received the message before sending the hawk back to where it came from.

Tanya exhaled as she watched the hawk slowly disappear from the sky. "So it's finally happening now. The new era of war will come and the first battle of this war will take place in this town."


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