I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 57: Walls without a center front door

Chapter 57: Walls without a center front door

Shaman stood on the side, watching as the leader, Elder Senior Brother, struggled with the wall. When he saw the strong Elder Senior Brother sweating but unable to progress against the newly constructed wall, a genuine smile appeared on Shaman's face.

Although the wall is not yet high enough to deter wild beasts, it has already proven the truth of the divine child's words. If they persist in building it, the wall will eventually be completed.

He looked at this small section of the wall and then at the cleared foundations that had not yet been built, and the image described by the divine child appeared in his mind once again.

The sturdy wall stood here, creating a safe space. Outside the wall were various fierce beasts, while inside the wall, children played peacefully.

Ferocious beasts outside listened to the sounds of joy and laughter smelled the wafting aroma of meat, but could only leave reluctantly, unable to cross the wall.

A small wall separated the two worlds. One was dangerous, and the other was a warm and comfortable home.

When Shaman first heard these words from Han Cheng, he was full of disbelief. Such a place was something he didn't dare to dream of. In his understanding, even the residence of the gods wouldn't be much different.

He was even more worried, especially after the recent incident of the devil's curse. If the place where his tribe is located is cursed by the devil, how could the scenes described by the divine child happen?

But now, the appearance of the wall has wholly unraveled the knot in his heart, which had left him gloomy and worried for more than ten days.

All the tribe members were bustling about, building the wall diligently. The events about the devil's curse recorded by Shaman in the past did not occur. Everyone was healthy and seemed to have more strength than before.

These trees, seemingly pushed down by the devil, were a blessing from the gods, just as the divine child had said.

Not to mention anything else, in the construction of the wall, these fallen trees played a significant role.

Han Cheng looked at Shaman, who was smiling silently, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

This old guy should be at ease now.

After confirming that the wall was effective, everyone became more energetic in their work.

They were naturally energetic.

At Han Cheng's suggestion, the previous two meals a day had become three meals a day.

Although they mostly ate fish, which lacked the taste of meat, it was enough to make them happy.

After all, not long ago, they sometimes went hungry with only two meals a day.

Moreover, with salt, the fish meat now had flavor, especially the fish soup made from the sun-dried salted fish at noon, which was particularly tasty.

After rolling in the soup, the wild grasses that the divine child called "vegetables" in the fish soup were highly refreshing to eat.

At first, many people were unwilling to eat them, thinking that only prey would eat grass, like the group of fearless deer at the Salt Mountain and the dozen or so rabbits that had developed in the cave.

However, after trying it once, they immediately fell in love with eating these wild grasses that the divine child had brought. They didn't expect that these "vegetables" identified by the divine child, when boiled in the soup, would absorb the oil and saltiness, making them so delicious.

So much so that now, if there aren't a few green vegetables floating in the pot, they feel that the soup and rice lack some flavor.

These wild vegetables, from being ignored initially, have become popular now.

Han Cheng found these two types of vegetables in his spare time. There are two kinds. One that looks very similar to a vegetable called "Wild Spinach" he had eaten in his later years, and another one that he has no comparison for, but it tastes good.

Walking further into the distance, you can find quite a few.

For new vegetables, Han Cheng naturally wouldn't be reckless and directly give them to the people in the tribe. He still needed to go through the process of tasting first.

After feeding the rabbits with these two types of vegetables separately for half a month, they did not have any problems and even produced a bunch of rabbit babies.

As for the food in the tribe, there was no need to worry. The heavy rain caused the small river to flood, and after the flood receded, more fish were in the river.

Eight fish traps submerged together, in addition to three meals a day, could also dry nearly a hundred pieces of fish every day.

Fish traps naturally had wear and tear, but with Lames skillful and enthusiastic fishing, there was no need to worry.

With him around, not only did the fish traps not decrease, but they even increased to twelve.

If it weren't for Han Cheng saying they dont need so many fish traps, Lame even wanted to make another ten or eight and put them all in the small river to catch fish together.

A lot of effort was put into the foundation of the wall.

After digging the foundation and nailing the tree stumps, the speed immediately became apparent when the formal construction of the wall started.

Under the people's hard work in the tribe, the wall changed its appearance every day.

After a month, to the west of the tribe, a tall wall made of clay stood about two meters high.

This was the fruit of the people's hard work in the tribe.

Looking at the wall standing there, blocking the line of sight, everyone felt an inexplicable sense of security.

After the first wall was completed, Han Cheng deliberately gave everyone two days off, allowing them to rest for two days before building the wall to the south, facing the tribe cave.

This wall was very long, reaching five hundred meters, almost the length of the other two walls.

However, this wall would be built in two phases because a gate needed to be left on this wall.

The gate would be placed slightly to the west in the middle of the wall, with a width of two meters.

It's not that Han Cheng didn't want to make the gate wider, but the technology for making gates was not good at this time. If the gate were too large, it would not be conducive to defense without a sturdy door.

As for why the main gate wasn't in the center of the wall, there were some sayings about it.

Han Cheng had heard from the older generation that, since ancient times, only emperors walked through the main gate. Therefore, ordinary families couldn't afford a main gate except for places like the imperial palace and imperial city.

Han Cheng naturally didn't believe these things, but when building it, he still made the gate slightly off-center, which was also a kind of nostalgia.

The first to be built was the two hundred meters west of the gate. Still following the old procedure, first, dig the foundation, then nail the wooden stakes into the ground. After nailing the stakes, start pounding the wall with wooden planks.

For the people in the tribe, all these steps had become familiar, and the speed of building was much faster than when building the first wall.

Of course, another reason was that this wall was the southernmost one, close to the small river, making it convenient to fetch water. Two more people could join the wall-building process.

In fact, at the beginning, more people were needed to fetch water, with a maximum of seven people.

And because of the long-term water fetching, the grass ropes woven from rope grass had rubbed their hands raw, bloody.

After seeing this, Han Cheng once again slapped his forehead.


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