I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 127: From Wooden Forks to Silkworms

Chapter 127: From Wooden Forks to Silkworms

The manufacture of wooden forks is essential because they can be used in many aspects of agricultural labor, such as "turning the field," "lifting the field," and stacking oilseed stalks or other dry grass. With wooden forks, these tasks become more convenient and efficient.

For example, tasks like "turning the field," "lifting the field," and stacking oilseed stalks or other dry hay can be more convenient using wooden forks.

It is worth mentioning that, while accompanied by his Eldest Senior Brother and Tie Tou, Han Cheng unexpectedly discovered the presence of mulberry trees when searching for suitable talent to make wooden forks in the nearby forest.

These mulberry trees are not much different from those in later generations.

This unexpected discovery made Han Cheng ecstatic, not because he found suitable materials for making wooden forks, but because he thought of the creature closely associated with mulberry treessilkworms!

The small, deeply imprinted insect on the Chinese nation, Han Cheng, has never felt so adorable.

Fed up with the airtight leather pants he wore, he longed to have an intimate item made of cloth.

People in this era cannot understand this kind of obsession!

In fact, over the past year, Han Cheng has also been looking for traces of hemp. Unfortunately, he has not found the wild hemp that grows everywhere in later generations. In sorrow, he continues to endure the leather pants that he detests.

After discovering the mulberry tree and associating it with silkworms and the making of silk pants, Han Cheng's enthusiasm erupted, astonishing those who followed him, including the Eldest Senior Brother and Tie Tou.

Normally, climbing trees is not something Han Cheng excels at, but this time, he agilely climbed the tree like a monkey. Crawling through the branches, he kept looking around, hoping to find mulberry leaves with missing parts and those cute little creatures.

Unfortunately, the joy given to him by the heavens was false. After searching for a while, he found no trace of silkworms.

Unwilling to accept this outcome, Han Cheng slipped down from the tree and bent over inch by inch, searching through the dry branches and fallen leaves on the ground, hoping to find some silkworm droppings.

Eating requires elimination, and with branches and leaves blocking the view from the tree, searching for silkworm droppings is unreliable. Han Cheng's determination to find them on the ground was stronger.

The Eldest Senior Brother and Tie Tou, who followed him, looked at the eagerly searching Divine Child, squatting with buttocks exposed under the animal skin skirt, displaying the hated leather pants, with a puzzled expression. They looked at each other, all wearing faces of confusion. Obviously, they couldn't understand why the usually stable Divine Child was now acting in such a puzzling manner.

After being puzzled, the Eldest Senior Brother approached Han Cheng and asked what he was looking for. Eager to find traces of silkworms, Han Cheng kept his head down, searching urgently through the dry branches and fallen leaves.

Hearing the Eldest Senior Brother's question, Han Cheng didn't lift his head and simply said, "Silkworm droppings, silkworm droppings."

After hearing Han Cheng's answer, the Eldest Senior Brother's perplexity did not diminish. After a moment of confusion, his eyes suddenly widened, looking at the Divine Child, who was eagerly squatting on the ground, full of disbelief.

The Eldest Senior Brother didn't know what the Divine Child meant by "silkworm." Still, the following word, "droppings," was not unfamiliar, especially since the Divine Child once used this to almost overturn the entire tribe

Now the Divine Child was eagerly looking for that "something" droppings again, this This

The Eldest Senior Brother dared not think further.

Following closely behind Han Cheng, not far away, he stared at Han Cheng carefully. He had prepared to stop the Divine Child promptly in case he showed any unusual behavior, even if it meant risking offending the Divine Child.

Fortunately, after searching all around, none of them found anything in the vicinity. The Eldest Senior Brother, who had been holding his breath, finally exhaled slowly.

However, as soon as he saw the Divine Child sitting on the ground with a heavy look of disappointment, the Eldest Senior Brother, who had just relaxed, tensed up again.

From now on, someone should always accompany the Divine Child to prevent him from doing anything irrational.

Han Cheng, immersed in the silk-making and pants-making affairs involving silkworms, only realized this two days later. After learning about the situation from Heiwa, who had been following him for the past two days, not burning pottery and speaking vaguely, Han Cheng's face was black-lined. He kicked Heiwa's butt several times before feeling slightly relieved.

However, when he looked at his Eldest Senior Brother, who was looking at him with some concern, Han Cheng still couldn't help but want to go up and strangle him alive!

In these two days, the Eldest Senior Brother's gaze towards him had a hint of concern, and Han Cheng also noticed it to some extent. He thought the Eldest Senior Brother was worried about his current distracted state and didn't pay much attention to the matter related to silkworms, nor did he explain.

It wasn't until today, when he learned about the reason from Heiwa, that Han Cheng suddenly woke up!

Damn it, does he look like someone with a perverted hobby? This unscrupulous primitive man!

Thinking angrily, Han Cheng recalled his behavior in the past two days, especially the scene of squatting under the mulberry tree searching for silkworm droppings. He muttered reluctantly and decided not to compete with the not-so-bright Eldest Senior Brother.

To whitewash himself and cover-up, he concocted a plausible story and, on that very evening, called the Eldest Senior Brother into the inner cave to discuss the matter with the shaman.

What the Divine Child said sounded confusing for Shaman because these things were difficult for him to understand, having never encountered them before. What silkworms, silk, silk making, mulberry treesit was all baffling.

Expressing his confusion, Shaman nodded when the Divine Child said everything about this complex chain of things was for making a fabric called "silk."

However, the Divine Child noticed that Shaman's thoughts were not on this matter. When the Divine Child suddenly turned his head to ask him, Shaman looked surprised, then avoided eye contact with a somewhat evasive gaze. After that, he stammered, struggling to express a coherent thought.

The Divine Child understood what this guy was thinking at a glance.

"Come here!"

Han Cheng's expression turned stern as he spoke to the Eldest Senior Brother.

The following scene would surely drop the jaws of anyone from other tribes who witnessed it.

This fierce tribal leader, upon hearing the child-like Divine Child speak to him in such a manner, not only did not get angry but obediently went over with lowered eyebrows.

Han Cheng kicked the Eldest Senior Brother's legs lightly, not too hard. Instead of feeling upset, the Eldest Senior Brother became even more delighted. He intentionally leaned closer to make it more comfortable for the Divine Child to beat him up.

He did this not because he enjoyed being beaten but because he realized he had misunderstood the Divine Child's intention, and it was a rather serious misunderstanding.

In the eyes of the Eldest Senior Brother, accepting punishment from the respected Divine Child was necessary. Only by accepting the Divine Child's punishment could he feel at ease. This psychological aspect is easy to understand. When you make a mistake as a child, the scariest thing is not getting spanked but your parents ignoring you.

The internal torment is the most unbearable.

The paddle hitting your butt gives you peace of mind because once you're hit, it's done.

Han Cheng noticed this after discovering the Eldest Senior Brother's state and recalling his childhood experiences of getting spanked, so he decided to act like this.

From the current perspective, the effect seems pretty good. Didn't this guy put on a smiling face after being kicked several times in a row?


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