I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 282 - Bug Infestation

"I suppose falling out of the sky was a bit too much…" Ceone muttered after some thought.

"Seems like using the same plan again will not work. Let's see what other trick we can use from this [100 Tips to Seducing a Man]."

Having said that, Ceone flipped open a women's magazine before she started frowning after a brief read.

"Strange. The sense of fashion and beauty in this magazine is too different from what the stylists on Damocles told us. Are these phoenix dresses truly the latest fashion? I'm starting to doubt this," Ceone expressed her doubt.

"Comment; Cetwo also thinks there is a problem with our current appearances. Forgetting the current world's trend, Cetwo's own sense of style finds these dresses to be a little outlandish," Cetwo inserted her opinion.

As the two Regulators were exchanging their opinions in the middle of a small rural village on the outskirts of Stillwater City, several villagers were seen going about their daily lives.

"Mommy, those ladies' dresses are so weird."

"Shh, it's rude to speak ill of how other people like to dress. But you are right, son. Those aren't clothes that people would normally wear. They might be circus costumes or something."

A mother reprimanded her child for his careless remark in low whispers while walking past the two Regulators.

As the two Regulators overheard their words, their cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment as they gained newfound awareness of their preposterous appearances.

"Let find somewhere to change out of these outfits first, Cetwo."

"Agreed, Ceone."

A few moments later, the two Regulators disappeared in a flash.

Arriving at Stillwater City, Albion hopped off Pompom's back with Fenriri and sent it off before descending onto the rooftop of a 100-floor building.

"Master, master! The buildings in this city are even taller than the previous human city Fenriri was in!"

Fenriri gazed at the numerous skyscrapers that nearly doubled the height of Silvercove City's skyscrapers with awe.

The 100-floor building they stood on was not the tallest structure in the city as buildings reached as high as 120 floors.

"Silvercove City is just a backwater city that had been neglected while Stillwater City is a tier-3 city. However, Silvercove City will eventually become a tier-1 city if nothing unexpected happens to the Silvercove City's Dimension Rift in the following years."

Albion patiently explained before grabbing Fenriri and descended further to the ground level, where the busy pedestrians could be seen walking about on the crowded streets.

"Not only are the buildings taller, but there are also much more people in this city," Fenriri said with surprise.

Of course, it was only natural for densely populated cities to receive more city development to accommodate the population of the said city.

Due to the crowdedness of the streets, Fenriri found it hard to avoid bumping into people as they overlooked her short height.

"Ah, sorry!"

"Hmph! Watch where you are going, twerp."

After being bumped by a middle-aged man, Fenriri quickly apologized despite the other party being at fault. But instead of receiving an apology back, the other party even blamed her.

The incident occurred several more times, but without Fenriri taking the initiative to apologize, the people simply snorted before continuing on their way.

Albion quickly frowned at the oddity of the people's behavior.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with these people," Fenriri mentioned with creased brows before asking, "Are people usually this rude? Or is it because they noticed Fenriri is not a human like them?"

"I have also noticed something wrong with these people," Albion replied before patting Fenriri's head and said, "However, you can rest assured that it has nothing to do with your race."

Eyes of Ashura!

With the ocular technique activated, nothing could be hidden from Albion's vision as he quickly discovered the root of the people's odd and indifferent behaviors.

Among a crowd of 1000 people, he found at least a third of them to have a parasitic-looking insect attached to their chests!

He just wanted to wipe out the Bloodmoon Gang and collect his quest reward once and for all, but he did not expect to discover such a grave issue.

Albion began to scratch his head ruefully.

'These green parasitic insects should be the same as those found under Stronghold GC-01…' Albion pondered with a flash of insight.

He did not know how long the parasitic insects have been around in Stillwater City. But with so many people infected, it was not a minor problem that can be resolved with a snap of his fingers.

"If I have the infinity gauntlet, it might be possible," Albion softly muttered to himself with amusement.

Fenriri overheard his words before asking curiously, "What would be possible, Master?"

"Ahem, it's nothing," Albion coughed.

Shortly after, he sent silent voice transmission directly into Fenriri's mind, telling her to act normal despite what she may have noticed and discovered.

Although Fenriri was surprised by her master's ability, she quickly recovered before nodding with compliance.

'Many people have been infected with insects. We'll explore the city first and see if we can discover their breeding ground. Continue to act normal along the way,' Albion transmitted.

'Understood, Master!' Fenriri mentally said without knowing whether her words reached her master or not.

Shortly after, Fenriri followed Albion until they reached a less crowded area before Albion suddenly exclaimed, "Ah, right. I should give someone a call."

Ring, ring~!

The phone rang after a number was dialed.

Within a few breaths, the call connected as the other side picked up the call in a rush before Cao Wudi's voice was heard.

"Is there something you need, Master?"

"Are you interested in earning some merits and becoming a bigger hero in the eyes of the world?" Albion casually asked.


The other side quickly fell silent for a moment before Cao Wudi's voice was eventually heard again, asking, "Will Wudi's opinion affect Master's plans in any way?"


Albion's flat answer filled with indifference and inviolable authority made Cao Wudi want to cry in his heart.

"Drop whatever you are doing and come to Stillwater City to meet me," Albion ordered.

"Haiz…" Cao Wudi issued a long sigh before asking, "I can, at least, finish my toilet break, right? Master?"



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