I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 15 - Parting

Ganymede Ocean, central region, 12-thousand feet below sea level.

"Nothing but fishes and more fishes—No, there isn't even a single fish in sight anymore at this depth. Will we really find what we are looking for down here? Why do I feel like we will only find some old wreckage from the last world war?"

A crewmate sighed.

"Why does it matter as long as we are getting paid well? We just need to carry out what we are tasked to do and report back dutifully. It is not up to us to question what the higher-ups are thinking."

The captain said.

"But just think about it. We have been sweeping the seafloor of the Ganymede Ocean for 2 years. Although this is the last region we have yet to search, it is also the deepest region with a terrifying depth of 36,000fts."

"Even with state-of-the-art technology, our sub is only able to stay in such depths for a short period before we are required to return to Ptolemy for resupply and maintenance. How is it possible for anyone to survive down here?"

The crewmate questioned.

"We are not looking for just anyone. We are looking for a god—a god, do you understand? It is not easy for the gods to die."

"A god? The 4 emperors and 7 kings are all godlike beings to me. What is so special about this one?"

"Hahaha, you know nothing. The 4 emperors and 7 kings rose to fame after the Apocalypse started. We are talking about a god from before the Apocalypse here! How strong do you think a god will become after receiving benefits from the system?"

The captain said with zealous veneration.

"But that is impossible! How is it possible for anyone to be godlike before the coming of the Apocalypse? There was no system and no interdimensional creatures to hunt back then. The technology was limited, and ancient martial arts could only take a person so far. If there is a godlike person from back then, why haven't I heard of this person before?"

The crewmate denied.

"Haiz, you sure are ignorant. I'm not sure if you have seen the person before, but I can be pretty damn sure that you have, at least, heard of one of that person's name before."

The captain sighed with a disparaging look.

"I've heard of such a person before?"

The crewmate was confused.

After pondering hard for some time, the crewmate was immediately given a huge fright as he jumped up with alarm.

"The Dark Emperor?! The Dark Hands behind the curtains?! The Slaughterer of Mankind?! The higher-ups want us to look for that Devil?! Are they crazy!? That person is evil! He will plunge the world into fear and chaos once more!"

"I don't know what the higher-ups are planning, but that is exactly what I am hoping for! Someone is needed to break the chain of monopoly the world government has on the dimensional rifts!"

The captain said with fervor.

"You are crazy! The world government represents stability and order! It is natural for them to monopolize the dimensional rifts to keep the normal people safe! I no longer want to be a part of this crazy mission! I want out!"

The crewmate said.

"Are you sure?"

The captain deeply asked to confirm.


Hearing the crewmate's determined answer, the captain gave the crewmate a long look before he nodded.


"Thank you, captain."

"No problem."

Before the crewmate could react, the captain drove his pointed hand into the person's chest and crushed his heart.


The crewmate struggled with disbelief written over his face. Over time, his strength faded, and drew his last breath with eyes wide open.

The captain took out a white handkerchief to clean his bloodstained hand before casually ordering, "Get someone clean up this mess and throw the body out to feed the fishes."

"Yes, captain!"

The other crewmates answered.

The floor was cleaned, and the body was ejected into the deep waters. Blood seeped from the corpse in steams, but nothing was attracted.

The submarine reached a depth of 20-thousand feet, but not a single marine life could be discovered nor detected in these waters.

Back in the control room, the body could be seen on one of the screens.

"He wanted out, so out he went. Anyone else wants out?" The captain nonchalantly asked.

"No, captain!"

The crewmates grinned.

Not a single person grieved for the dead crewmate. Instead, they shook their heads with derision.

"Rookies these days are unbelievable. He had not done his research before joining the organization. Who doesn't know that Lord Polemos was an ardent follower of the Dark Emperor?"

"Well, it's quite chaotic times. With all the efforts, attention, and resource placed on nurturing Hunters to combat the interdimensional creatures from the dimensional rifts, it's quite difficult for ordinary people to make a living and survive. For an organization as big as ours, we might not even get the chance to meet the boss. Who would still bother to research the person behind the company as long as the job offers came with good pay?"

"True. It is what is it, I suppose."


A crewmate suddenly cried.

"Hm? What is it? You got something for me?" The captain asked.

"Yes, Captain. The sonar is picking up multiple large movements below us."

"Multiple large movements, huh? It could be some old marine life the world had yet to discover. Focus the beams and rotate the cameras. Let us see what is down there."

The crewmate in charge of sonar reading gulped and said, "It is probably not a good idea to beam them…"

"Why is that?"

The captain furrowed in question.

"They… they are huge… these creatures should not have known light all their life. If we beam them, it will provoke them into attacking our sub. I do not think our ship should take any hits at this depth."

The captain strolled over and glanced at the sonar screen before jumping with a start. The sonar displayed numerous large dots drawing close to their submarine.

The size of these unknown sea creatures was not inferior to the size of their own sub.

"Take us back to Ptolemy now. We are abandoning the mission, and make sure to record the data of this sonar reading."

"Yes, captain."

The crewmate answered in unison.

They did not question the captain's decision. Even they could sense the danger of the ocean depths.

Meanwhile, Albion continued to ride his ancient sea serpent towards the surface.

At around 10-thousand feet below sea level, Pompom began to squirm painfully and resist his control to swim back to deeper waters.

Albion was surprised by this change.

Their journey together was short, but it was enough for him to understand that Pompom was a timid sea creature that likes to bully the weak but fears the strong.

It would not rebel unless the threat to its life was more significant than its fear of him.

'I see, deep-sea creatures cannot adapt to the hydrostatic pressure of shallower waters. Explains why humans have not learned about the existence of these ancient sea serpents. If they could swim in shallow waters, they would already have.'

Albion shortly understood.

"It seems this is where we part ways. Thank you for the pleasant ride. It was short, but it was fun. Go on, you are free now."

After giving Pompom a soft rubbed, he shooed it away.

Pompom swam some distance away before looking back with doubt. Was this little human really letting go? Why does it feel slightly reluctant?

Never mind, this person is too scary. It is better to escape while it still can.

After hesitating briefly, the ancient sea serpent disappeared back into the dark depths of the Ganymede Ocean. Albion felt a bit sentimental as it left.

However, the mood was ruined in the next moment.

[Host should have killed it for EXP.]

Goldfinger stated.



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