I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 98: Who is faster?

Chapter 98: Who is faster?

In front of the company gate, I saw Li Zhenyu firing two security guards on the spot. '

Kim Bingho looked at the chief of staff around him, "heard what Director Lee Zhenyu said, let them go through the formalities... Find out what's going on."

In the last sentence, Jin Binghao deliberately lowered his voice, he wanted to know what happened inside.

What happened to the two security guards was quickly investigated.

They're nothing without Kim Jun-sung.

After finding out why Lee Zhenyu was so excited to call an emergency board meeting.

Jin Binghao almost laughed out loud, really a good son of the big brother house, well done, well done!

But Kim was obviously not so happy, so the next scene happened.

At the beginning of the board meeting, Mr. Kim, as chairman, made a proposal that no one had expected.

"For the sake of the overall development of the group, I propose that Vice Chairman Kim Joon-sung be relieved of his post and transferred to the management office of the warehouse company. I ask you to vote on this."

"Abji? Kim Jun-sung could not sit still.

How can he do this to himself, but he is his most beloved eldest son, the future heir of the Shuanglong group.

"Is there any objection?" Kim Jae-jung looked at the directors present and ignored Kim Jun-sung's protest.

The next second, someone raised their arm.

"I object," Lee joked.

Jin Juncheng's gratitude and incomprehension lasted only a second, and he understood that he was not helping himself to speak.

You're humiliating yourself, you fucking son of a bitch.

Kim frowned and continued, "Is there anyone else? ... Since it is not, the resolution takes effect on the spot. Please ask Chief of Staff Kim Joon-sung to leave.

Jin Juncheng looks livid, want to tell him even if the vice chairman is removed, he is still a director of the company, with shares of the double Long Group.

But in the end, he didn't have the courage to defy his father's authority.

So do, it is likely to let him completely lose shares and inheritance qualifications, Kim Juncheng can only bite the teeth to leave quietly.

That way, at least, he can save his face.

Although this face, already stained with footprints.

When the heavy wooden door was closed again, Kim Byeong-ho took over the chair and said, "OK, now let's welcome Lee Jin-woo to join us. From today on, we are one family."


A group of grey-haired old men, 'Congratulations on his arrival.' '

Lee Jin-woo also stood up in the applause, greeted the directors present with nods, and explained his ideas to them.

Interests first, who can bring more interests for themselves, can get the right support of 4.9 percent of the shares in his hands.

"If you think you can, come to me, and if you can convince me that you can transfer more profits to me, I will give you my precious vote." '

This voice sounded in the hearts of all people, and the smile on Kim Byung-ho's face was even brighter.

"Coming over tonight?"

"A man."

"He's back, but I can go to you."

"I prefer your bedroom..."

"How about a family party? Bring your date."

"Besides the ladies, there was wine... How about seven o 'clock?"

"Good," said Hermione.

And shu min show about time, Li Zhenyu let the driver go to the company to pick up people.

Tonight, he is taking Ha Ju-hee to a family reunion at Sook's house.

When the scene will be some chaos, considering the special identity of shu min show, Xia Zhuxi who is completely obedient is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"BOSS, Director Kim Byeong-ho is willing to help with the Ssangyong union. I have arranged to meet him at the office tomorrow. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Claire, in the passenger seat, is focused on her job and her duties.

"If he succeeds in disbanding the union, I will always support any resolution he makes in Twangloong."

There is no need for preconditions, because everyone knows that the so-called "support and resolution" must be beneficial or harmless to him.

Jumping into a pit dug by the other person is not support...

"Chairman Kim Jae-jung has also said before that he is willing to contribute to this issue."

"Well, give him the same answer." Lee Zhenyu said, who can bring profit to himself, he will support.

Since both want his support, it's up to each to see who can move faster.

Now that he has a controlling stake in Shuanglong Motor, the next order should be asset integration - resumption of work - production - sales.

There was only one thing that wasn't part of the plan... Disband the Twin Loong Auto Union.

They put the cancer of the union all on the shoulders of the Twin Lung Motor Company and carried on with their own relief.

It's okay. He would've done the same thing.

But now that the car is his, Li Zhenyu is going to happen for his own benefit.

Whether it's disbanding, or breaking up the union again, making their problems everyone's problems, carrying the burden, forcing them to take the initiative to solve the problem.

In short, Shuanglong Motor can not be reborn with this dead weight.

The fire must burn it to ashes before the twin Dragons can truly be reborn.

"What are you doing, Man Sik? ... If you don't mind, I'll meet my brother tonight. I have something to do. It'll finish around 2 am. I'll meet you at the same place."

In the company received well-dressed Xia Zhuxi, will Claire to the office downstairs, powder cute monster again on the road.

Standing on the side of the road looking at the car, Claire added a few more comments to him.

Strong executive, opinionated, with a unique vision and means, as long as you can achieve the purpose, do not mind using some dirty little means.

When she mentioned that "thousands of families will lose their income if we do this," he replied with a calm and cold voice that he could not forget.

"What do I have to do with this? Did I cause this?"

Blame them for not appreciating the erosion and corruption of the union leadership, and a country that's twisted to look more cyberpunk than reality.

Don't blame it on him. He's not the messiah, and he's not moving to Leshan.


Is that President Lee?


From the intercom came a woman's voice, delicate enchanting, sounds good burning.

Shu Min show mouth slightly warping, the sound line involuntarily thin a few points, dragging the sound: "Inside ~ now for you to open the door."

Elevator up, shu min show on the wall mirror finishing makeup, to ensure that everything is perfect.

"Are you coming? The kitchen dishes aren't ready yet. Don't you need to check them out? It's not about preparing a big meal."

Yoon, dressed casually in a T-shirt and long pants, appeared very comfortable.

"And is it okay for you to dress like that?" The skirt is just wrapped around the thigh root, the leg is sand like black silk stockings, and the upper shoulder shows sexy fragrant shoulders.

V-neck is full of temptation, Yin Shengji suddenly feel that today's wife is particularly sexy.

Shu min show inadvertently swept a glance, is very casual way: "It doesn't matter, Ji will look at do... You are not the husband who is praised for wearing such a dress."

Hear her say so, Yin Shengji really no longer mind, but rather enjoy showing some satisfaction.

And yes, in the end, people will say, 'That lucky man.' '

Yoon Seung-gil no longer feels lucky, but today... Is an exception.

As for what he was wearing... Shu min show no longer care.

When disappointments pile up to the limit, no longer respond to expectations, life, there is nothing to be disappointed.

Besides, she was preparing tonight's main course. '

Wipe off the lipstick and reapply a cherry color up one shade.

Shu Minxiu uses her finger belly to dye the color, purses her lips and smiles with satisfaction.

Tonight, Sook Min-soo is gone, she is a dark angel who stepped into the dirty politics.

"Rep. Sook, Deputy Yoon, thank you for inviting me... My female companion, Xia Zhuxi."

"Anihasei yo, I am Xia Zhuxi, this is the president prepared for the two gifts."

"I'm so kind, husband, husband..." Shu min show want to ask him to take the wine in the past, called a few but did not get a response.

Looking back, he found that his eyes were staring at Lee's female companion.


Lifting his foot and kicking it on his leg, Yin Shengji cried out in pain: "Ah ~ ah! Consammi."

Yin Shengji embarrassed nod to apologize, from her hands took the wine footsteps flustered into the room.

Shu min show look helpless, disappointed to look at Li Zhenyu, "president, Xia Zhuxi, inside please."

In the living room, the round table for the reception was open, and Aggie was serving the food.

"Please take your seats. We can start right away." Shu min show entertain two people sit down, Yin Shengji took the initiative to go to find a bottle opener, open the red wine.

"Oh, this wine is also very expensive, the last time President Li brought wine after drinking, but I have been obsessed with it!"

"Yin agent like, some day to my place to take a few more bottles, there are many..."

"Agu, our president Li is really generous, good neighbors, good neighbors!"

See laughing him, Li Zhenyu for a time do not know how to express their feelings.

But he was right about one thing.

I really am a good neighbor!

In any case, his care for his neighbors in every way is impeccable.

"That's all. We're ready to begin." Aware of his eyes more ambiguous odd, shu min show hurriedly urged a few people move chopsticks.

Li Zhenyu also withdrew his eyes, will focus on his female companion Xia Zhuxi.

After all, she's my date for the night.

As a couple, you can't leave your partner out...

The men chatted casually about the Olympics, developments in Seoul, the economy and, inevitably, the subprime crisis.

"President Lee Seoh, is there any problem with the development of your company this year? If you need me, you can come to me at any time. The people of South Korea should stick together and tide over difficulties."

Yin Shengji grabbed the forearm, Li Zhenyu helpless smile: "Kang sang Mi da, Yin agent, temporarily can."

"President Lee, don't be embarrassed, people, that is, to help each other." Since February, many people have come to me, begging me to save them.

But I only promised to help really good entrepreneurs, so that is also for the good of the Republic of Korea, you are not, I think President Lee must be an excellent entrepreneur, right!"

"Our president is certainly the best entrepreneur, but also the best new director and creator in South Korea, a film for the company earned 28 billion."

Of course, it is not much for agent Yin, but it is enough for the development of our company."


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