I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 84: Prince’s Rebellion

Chapter 84: Prince's Rebellion

After the cooperation with SAIC is concluded, the two sides will sit down with the trade union representatives and sign the tripartite agreement together.

The company represented by Li Zhenyu, U. L. I. T., obtained 48.9 percent of the equity held by SAIC and exercised its shareholders' rights and interests on behalf of SAIC Motor.

Saic fully withdrew from the operation of Shuanglong Automobile and launched a new cooperative relationship with Shuanglong as a strategic partner.

No longer serve on the board of directors, and participate in the specific management, do not make any decisions.

U·L·I·T must guarantee all rights and interests of SAIC, if there is... In the above cases, all losses shall be borne by the Party.

Five years later, the unconditional return of SAIC investment funds used 500 million US dollars, during the period of profit and loss, are responsible for U·L·I·T.

The trade union, as a direct participant and witness, approves and endorses this transaction.

U·L·I·T is not a substitute, it is a new investor to join the Shuanglong motor family.

The specific content of the agreement is far more complicated than the above, and those naturally have legal and commercial affairs to finalize.

The three teams will do their best to win more benefits for themselves.

As for who can excel, it depends on skill.

Oh, right.

The complexity of this big family reminds Li Zhenyu of an American TV series: Shameless.

All the men and women in this room are fucking shameless, Xiba!

The signing of the agreement is going well, but this is only the beginning of the whole thing, the first step...

Because, the next Li Zhenyu to meet from all sides of the question and attack, can resist the pressure to integrate resources, so that Shuanglong smooth start is the main course.

"President Lee, if you have any ideas, you can talk to us now."

The men in the next door to confirm the details, as the main people of the three big men are in the VIP room to drink tea and chat.

What's next for him to do with the most troubling parts.

"Make a deal." Mr. Lee looked relaxed, at least more so than anyone else in the room.

"Deal, what kind of deal?" Right Yilong puzzled, SAIC representative is the same.

He's making a deal with someone, modern... Or Sanxin?

Whatever it is, what he uses to impress them.

Normally, this is a difficult task, no one can easily take away the double dragon.

Hyundai just wants it to die, so it has one less potential threat.

There is no need to think about annexation. The market occupied by Hyundai has caused so much dissatisfaction that greed will only cause indigestion.

It is Sanxin, while wanting to swallow it again open the auto business, while worrying about the failure of the past to re-stage, in entanglement.

The situation of Sanxin Renault has just been improved and is currently on the rise.

There are two possible scenarios for swallowing the double dragon: either digest it gradually, get technical support and start a multi-line layout, and get bigger and bigger.

Or, by the double dragon to eat the top, can not swallow, spit out, let it directly to choke to death.

Even if we do, we'll be half dead.

But there is one thing it is consistent with modern thinking, and that is to let the twin Dragons continue to rot.

Although, Li Zhenyu disparaged it as worthless.

However, Shuanglong was still the top three car manufacturers in local sales, and its brilliant past and technological accumulation in the war era are a valuable asset.

Had it not been so, it would not have attracted the giants of all parties to incorporate it into their overseas systems.

New energy technology, Shuanglong entered the research and development stage soon, some small achievements can not be taken.

However, in the technology and accumulation of diesel engines, Shuanglong has enough to be proud of its achievements and patent chain.

Li Zhenyu took over Shuanglong automobile, Sanxin may stay out of the way.

Even if the old man of the family does not want to, Li Zhenyu will convince him.

After lending Li Fuzhen the equity of Sanxin Electronics, he has been waiting for the other party to take the initiative to contact himself.

But the old fox is still calm, and has not shown any sign of it.

In this case, it is reasonable to pay a visit to your elders on your own initiative.

Besides, I brought him a big gift.

The old man must be very happy to see the rare thing that a snake swallows an elephant and a tiger snatches food from his mouth!

As for Hyundai, it will not sit idly by.

Sanxin tangled, modern car can not be the same, let double long bath reborn, with the knife frame on their own neck no difference.

And, you know, put your neck up on your own initiative, begging for someone else to fight.

How much does that owe you?

But Li Zhenyu has his own way, who let him not ordinary people!

"Trust me, I'll take care of it." Lee did not answer their questions, but raised his glass and smiled, Cheers.

"Cheers." The two men looked at each other and raised their glasses.

I hope things will go as smoothly as he wants, and there will be no more complications.

Whether it is right Yilong, or SAIC, can not withstand more waves...

Small place has its advantages.

As long as you have a certain social status and influence, you will find acquaintances everywhere.

Mr. Lee didn't know any of the modern Jeong family, but that didn't matter because there were people who knew them.

Like Lee Bu-jung, like Cho Young-yeong, or Jeon Jun-wook.

For another example, he can take the initiative to come to the door and report his identity, forcing the other side to receive himself.

Or, you know, find the widow at Hyundai.

Don't look at the modern Zheng family low-key, do things can not be low-key at all, the second generation is all ruthless people.

Founder Lao Zhou has eight sons and a daughter, which is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Originally, the eldest son was a fixed prince, the power was in hand, and Old Zhou was a firm supporter of the "eldest son system".

As long as the prince is on the throne, no one will be able to stand out.

At that time, the modern day, long ranked first in the South Korean chaebol, three Xin in front of him is a brother.

When the old week retired, the prince took over naturally, and there was no chance to cause trouble.

But the prince died, let a car accident took his life.

At this point, modern into a long quarrel and internal fighting, the remaining eight children who are not satisfied with who, eight immortals across the sea, each show their magic.

The old week first let the old four temporarily replace the crown prince, who knows the old four is not good, the old week and feel the urgency of time, hope for a dragon, give too much pressure accidentally give pressure collapse.

The old four suffered from severe depression, a moment of hard to put their own to Ga.

Under the crown prince again suspended, but at this time the old Zhou brain axis, to a crown prince to be determined, each by ability.

Since the death of his eldest son, he has been looking into the position of Prince Prince, and the second brother with outstanding ability has taken the lead in launching the offensive.

First, he forced his uncle out of Hyundai Motor, and then he took power and installed his own people in Hyundai Motor.

In this way, Hyundai's outstanding industry, the automobile company, has firmly controlled its own hands.

At the same time, the fifth son, who was most loved by the old Zhou, also entered the headquarters to work under his arrangement, and made the second child feel a huge threat.

In the eyes of the second, since it is the "eldest son system," the eldest brother should turn to himself.

But the old week first set up the old four, and then he was interested in the brown-noser five.

Turns a blind eye to his superior ability, which makes the second brother feel that he is unfair and resentful.

To what extent has this anger reached, the second brother has publicly shouted to the fifth: "Any project, no matter how much money is made or lost, as long as your father is happy you do it, this can also be called business?"

Where this is in the face of the old five, it is clear that the old week is caught two big force pocket.

Therefore, when he learned that old Zhou still intended to let the fifth take over, the second brother did not choose to sit idly by, but openly challenged the family conflict.

First, take advantage of the fifth business trip to neon, clean the company's top management loyal to him, and wantonly install cronies into the board of directors.

Such as five hurry back, things are a foregone conclusion, two people put the "lawsuit" to serious illness in front of the old week.

This incident was also referred to by the media as the "modern prince chaos," which directly led to the modern infighting problem in full public, and the selection of heirs was imminent.

Old Zhou was forced to make a choice.

A week later, he still chose his "favorite" fifth as the chairman of the group.

But then he mixed up, and gave the great potential of the high-quality automobile industry to the resentful second, and gave the same high-quality heavy industry to the old six who participated in the prince's battle.

In the eyes of others, this is a way for Zhou to compensate his sons.

Can plant the evil fruit, but must be borne by the fifth alone.

Just three months after Mr. Zhou's death, the second brother announced Hyundai Motor's separation from the Hyundai Group, which had already completed its deployment through a complex equity swap.

Following closely, the old six announced that Modern Heavy Industry was also out of the modern Group, and the means were equal to the second.

At this point, the modern Group "self-broken" arms, the market value is from the chaebol first fell out of the top ten, by the media and peers dubbed "small modern." '

But the trouble did not end there, the new zong (tong) came to power, the Ministry of Justice frequently summoned the fifth, the judicial investigation.

The main reason is that old Zhou was alive at the beginning, promoted the North-South meeting, took the opportunity to open up the Northern Dynasty business, and has given the Northern Dynasty 500 million US dollars in public relations expenses.

At that time, it was the fifth who was taken by the old Week, and now the old Week is gone.

Internal troubles and foreign attacks, so that the ability is insufficient, indecisive old five can not bear, made the same choice with the fourth brother.

Threw open the window of the president's office and jumped from the 12th floor.

Brothers turned against each other, took away Hyundai Group's excellent automobile and heavy industry, and separated themselves from the group.

The emperor threw down the stone, forced his man to die for the casting power, leaving orphans and widows facing such a mess.

So that at home husband teaching son Hyun Jeong-eun, had to strong support on the front desk to stabilize the situation.

And as soon as she stepped on the stage, she was severely tested.

Hyundai's stock price fell sharply due to the internal unrest, and Hyundai elevator, its core industry, faced a merger crisis, and overseas companies aggressively bought Hyundai shares.

In desperation, she can only hope that blood is thicker than water to help each room when the family, hoping to solve the modern encircling first.

However, the hatred in her heart led her to exclude the second brother.

Not surprisingly, everyone refused to help her unless she was willing to hand over control of the Hyundai Group.

Although the group lost its two high-quality industries, automobile and heavy industry, it still holds core industrial technologies such as elevators, shipping and finance.

In addition, the Hyundai Group is orthodox, who do not want to be able to legitimize their inheritance of the grand unification.

Except for one: his own man's brother-in-law.

Hyun Jeong-eun to the uncle, can be said to be grateful, he regarded as able to rely on the family.

By his purchase of a certain proportion of equity, overseas institutions found that they could not reach a holding and chose to give up, so far the overseas crisis was lifted.

However, this uncle not only did not stop, but accelerated the speed of acquisition, clearly to hold the Hyundai Group.

On that day, Hyun was taught a lesson.


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