I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 146: open rules

Chapter 146: open rules

As soon as he met Williams, Li Zhenyu knew that this acquisition would be fruitful.

The opponent's attitude of 'can't wait to leave and don't want to worry about this mess anymore' is too obvious.

The influence of Twitter has not yet been demonstrated, and the team has never been able to find a profit point.

Free and open rules are destined to be accompanied by various disputes and troubles as they grow.

Williams was fed up with the pressure. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time, so he went to a bar to have a drink and invite like-minded girls to have sex.

Rather than the potential of Twitter, he wants to live like a human being.

Everyone has different pursuits and naturally makes different choices.

What's more, he really can't find a way out of Twitter.

How to make money? ! ! !

This stumps everyone. If it can solve the problem of profitability, Twitter's valuation will be at least several times higher than its current value.

He won't accept the other party's $320 million offer here, and is really considering whether to accept it.

Williams clenched his fists in humiliation, but had to compromise with reality.

"It's not enough. 400 million is my base price... I need to be responsible for other founders and investors."

"With 320 million dollars, each of you can become a billionaire. Isn't this responsible enough?"

"Twitter is worth it. More..." Li Zhenyu tilted his head and leaned back, indicating that it was Claire's turn.

I carefully observed Williams' expressions and actions, and read and wrote his true inner thoughts.

With keen insight,

Li Zhenyu can easily read and write his facial changes, and then deduce his true inner thoughts.

This was the first time he used this ability with full concentration, and the effect was extremely remarkable.

Through observation, Li Zhenyu judged that his inner price was around 350 million, because when Claire proposed this price, his performance range was the largest.

The corners of his eyes tightened, the corners of his mouth sank, and his eyes flickered and wandered.

'Got you. '

Confirming that his observation was correct, Li Zhenyu stood up angrily: "350 million, William, this is my last sincerity. If you and your team can't accept it, I can only say it's a pity."


left with the contract At that moment, Li Zhenyu dialed Lu Rong's number: "Dear Lu, I think you should speed up your pace."

Lu Rong needed a month to hand over the business and resign from Goldman Sachs, but now Li Zhenyu didn't have that much time for her.

The handover of Twitter can be handled by Carlisle, but subsequent business will begin to require Lu Rong's cooperation.

Li Zhenyu will put his ideas on paper, and Lu Rong's responsibility is to let the company follow the route he designed and unswervingly follow it.

"Three weeks, give me three weeks."

"Okay, just three weeks."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenyu looked at Claire who pretended not to care.

That deceptive manner is really cute...


"Hey, BOSS, is there anything you need me to do?"

Claire asked knowingly, but her heart was full of expectations.

"Congratulations, Universal Investment's business is yours."

The annual agency fee is US$5 million, which is only a hair's breadth away from the giants.

Claire won the largest agency contract in recent years.

"BOSS, can you sign the contract now? I've brought it with me."

Looking at the contract she eagerly took out from her bag, Li Zhenyu had the urge to poach someone for a moment.

Such dedicated employees are worth it even if they are given shares!

After finding a random coffee shop, the two signed the contract face to face, and then Claire said she needed to call the law firm and tell her colleagues about it.

Li Zhenyu was left alone, bored, and raised his hand to order a cup of coffee to pass the time.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a bearded man sitting in the far corner on the left front.

He has sparse white hair, a thick beard, a thick nose like a flat strawberry, and a bloated body that forced him to push the table out a few centimeters.

A man sat there quietly with a notebook in front of him.

The palm holding the pencil held his head, and there was a slight sadness between his brows.

"Martin?" Li Zhenyu was a little unsure.

This man does look a lot like Mr. Martin, but why is he here?

Holding the coffee, Li Zhenyu walked towards the other party, "Sorry, are you George Martin?"

Whitebeard glanced up at him, his sorrow disappeared, and he smiled: "Yes, what's the matter, my friend?"

"Oh, this is such an honor." Li Zhenyu pointed to the seat next to him: "Can I sit down?"

"Of course."

Martin acted very kindly and pulled the table towards his arms to give him enough space.

Li Zhenyu sat sideways and put his long legs in the aisle: "I didn't expect to meet you here. I am a loyal fan of Game of Thrones."

"Game of Thrones, that is the story of the first season, my friend, you shouldn't Miss the story behind. "

The first season of A Song of Ice and Fire was called "Game of Thrones" before it was changed to a TV series. Martin thought he only loved the story of the first season.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I like to call it Game of Thrones. It sounds more attractive."

After being praised by the fans, Martin laughed loudly: "You're right, the battle for power is like a fierce battle . "What a coveted name."

"Young man, have you brought a book? I can sign it,"

Martin offered to sign his book.

Li Zhenyu shook his head helplessly and said disappointedly: "Unfortunately, I left it at home."

"Oh, that's really bad." Martin thought for a moment and said, "If it's not far away, I'd be willing to wait for you here."

"I hope so too, but it's on the other side of the ocean."

This time, Martin only Neng spread his hands helplessly, saying that he was helpless.

Li Zhenyu also restrained his expression and asked indirectly about the topic he cared about most.

"When will it be put on the screen?"

"Unfortunately, I can't guarantee this. Everything is under negotiation... But I think it won't be too long before it comes out."

The rights to Game of Thrones have not yet been negotiated, and HBO has not been able to give a price that satisfies Martin?

Hahaha... Xiba, this is great.

"Martin, actually I am also a filmmaker. This time I am bringing my film to discuss cooperation and distribution. You will see it soon, "Parasite"..."

I learned that he is a producer +Director, Martin's attitude is a bit colder.

Li Zhenyu saw his vigilance and displeasure. It seemed that he thought that he was deliberately using his identity as a fan to get closer to him, and all previous performances were fake.

"Martin, I didn't come here just to meet you. Believe it or not, in fact, I just negotiated an acquisition case and completed the legal agency contract with my lawyer here...

I also didn't expect that I would meet you here. To you. Because you should be in New Mexico. If I want to create a chance encounter, where should I look for opportunities?"

Martin was stunned for a moment and realized that he was right.

I was stuck in a creative bottleneck, so I came to San Francisco by chance to relax on a whim.

I accidentally saw this cafe when I was tired from walking, so I came in on the spur of the moment.

If such a random choice can also 'create' a chance encounter, then he must be more sincere than anyone he has ever met.

Putting down his guard, Martin became friendly and talkative again, talking to him about the difficulties he encountered during his creation.

There are no clear stories or characters, just general descriptions within a broad framework.

But Li Zhenyu still accurately guessed from his description that his creation was stuck in the fifth volume, A Dance with Dragons.

After the release of Volume 4, "A Feast for Crows", it went straight to the top of the New York Times bestseller list, and Time Magazine even called him "The Tolkien of Bad Times."

But in fact, book fans' evaluation of Volume 4 was not Very high.

What was supposed to be one volume was split into two volumes, leaving many popular characters unavailable after the gripping ending of volume three.

The content of the entire fourth volume appears to be very hollow, lacking important elements that make people's blood boil.

This made Martin feel even more stressed. At the same time, invitations from producers from all over the world often disrupted his thoughts and creations, making him unable to rest at ease.

Money attracts people's hearts, and Martin is just an ordinary person. How could he refuse the temptation of money?

But he didn't want the tragedy of "Nightcrawler" to happen again, and insisted on waiting for the most appropriate time before handing over the copyright.

Moreover, this time he will be personally involved, including changes to the script and the entire shooting plan.


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