I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 66. Haruka and Kanako

Chapter 66. Haruka and Kanako

66. Haruka and Kanako

Im Haruka Shijouin.

Right now Im sitting on a park bench in the city, facing a very troubling problem.

(still havent been able to contact Nihama-kun)

Thanks to them, my mind was very light during yesterdays tea party, but the matter of Nihama-kun and the strange girl walking together still weighs heavily on my heart.

(The two of you told me that Im afraid that my best friend, Nihama-kun, will be taken away. Its really true.)

But still, is it possible for the heart to tremble so much?

Its so scary that it even feels like the soft parts of my heart are being torn to shreds.

Ive been staring at the cell phone in my right hand for a while now.

Its amazing what civilization can do. One push of this phone and Im connected to Nihama-kun.

And then all Id have to do is ask, Who was the girl you were walking with yesterday? Thats the only way to make progress with this problem.

I know that, but

(it seems like a pointless question if you think about it calmly. Whoever Nihama-kun is with, he should be free to do as he pleases and I have nothing to do with it. If youre asking why I want to know about it)


Thats the only way I can describe my feelings.

When I realized this, I suddenly felt ashamed.

What a childish feeling I have

From yesterday until now, Ive been thinking about Nihama-kun all the time like this.

TIts probably because I havent been able to see him during the summer vacation. Before I knew it, talking to him every day at school had become the norm.

I want to see him.

I found myself muttering unconsciously.

For the first time, I could recognize my desire to see his face.

And then

A cold drop of water hit my cheek.

Eh? Wha!

The weather had been fine just a few minutes ago, but suddenly there was heavy rain.

It was getting heavier and heavier.

(Yup, I let my guard down! It was sunny in the morning, so I didnt look at the weather forecast at all!) [ED: big mood]

The rain was getting stronger and stronger, and the people on the street, also caught off guard, rushed to find a place to take shelter from the rain.

This is What should I do?

I was going to take a short walk today, so I didnt have a car to take me home.

It would be better to buy a plastic umbrella at a convenience store.

Oh my God, what is this? I didnt see the weather forecast at all!

When I looked toward the voice, I saw a middle school-aged girl with straight hair screaming in the sudden rain. Apparently, she also forgot her umbrella like I did.

(Huh? Do I know her?)

Oh my God! Rain showers are the worst!

The strangely familiar girl raises her bag above her head and starts running, using it as protection from the rain. But then-


The zipper of the bag that the girl lifted over her head seemed to be slightly unzipped, and her purse fell out of it, rolling onto the water-soaked asphalt.

But the girl ran off at a glance without noticing it, her back becoming smaller and smaller.


I dont hesitate for even a second. As the streets filled with the sound of rain, I quickly picked up her purse and followed the girl.

Oh my God, Im soaked Its raining down a lot!

I, Kanako Niihama, was dashing through a residential area, drenched by the rain.

I ate too many parfaits yesterday and gained a lot of calories.Because of this, my brother and I were not able to eat dinner, and my mom got angry with us.I thought Id go for a short walk while window shopping today, but here I am.

Thank God our house is located in a very convenient place near the city center. Otherwise, the unnecessary expense of buying an umbrella at a convenience store would have been mandatory.

! Come on!

Come on? Eh?

I thought I heard something over the sound of the rain, so I turned around and saw a woman of high school age running behind me without an umbrella.

She is shouting something at me, and is obviously chasing me.

Wait! Wait, please!

What? Whats going on?

As I stiffened, unable to grasp the situation, the person came up to me, breathing heavily. She looked like she was running as fast as possible to catch up to me.

Hah hah Ive finally caught up with its a lost and found!


My wallet! How did this get out of my bag?

Then I finally understood the situation.

I had accidentally dropped my wallet out of my bag, and this person had chased me, its owner, through this rain. !

Oh, thank you, maam! Wait, youre soaking wet! Didnt you have an umbrella?

Yes, yes, youre welcome About that, I accidentally missed the weather forecast Oh, but Im glad I caught up

The woman, who looked sincerely relieved, was, upon closer inspection, an incredibly beautiful woman. Her long hair is shiny, her eyes and nose are beautiful, and even though she is slender, she has very ample breasts and buttocks.

(Yes what? Shes beautiful and also has such a beautiful heart that shes willing to run in the rain to deliver a wallet to a complete stranger? What is she, a goddess or something?)

Hmmm? Where have I seen this womans face before?

I think if you meet a beautiful woman like this, you usually dont forget her.

Well then, Ill take this and try not to catch a cold. Kya!

The rain was getting stronger and stronger, and the woman screamed.

Its raining really badly, with lightning crashing in the distance.

Wait, wait, wait! Youre going to run into town without an umbrella again?

Yes This is a residential area, so sheltering from the rain seems a bit impossible, and there are no convenience stores to buy umbrellas until you go back a bit further.

Youre the one whos going to catch a cold if you do that! Were almost at my house, come with me! I can at least lend you a towel!

Please, you dont have to

I dont care! I owe you for delivering my wallet. Dont be shy! Come on, lets go!

It would be heartbreaking if the person who ran in the rain for me caught a cold because of me.

I forcefully pull her hesitant hand and run to my house.


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