Hyperion Evergrowing

Chapter 77: Sprouting

Chapter 77: Sprouting

Level up! Class [Amber Blight Spriggan] is now level 16!

For defeating a host of undead in defence of the living you have gained a level!

+1 to [Might] +5 free points!

Level up! Class [Amber Blight Spriggan] is now level 17!

For defeating a foe over twice your strength you have gained a level!

+1 to [Intelligence] +1 to [Willpower] +5 free points!

Level up! Class [Amber Blight Spriggan] is now level 18!

For defending your domain and those who dwell within from repeated undead incursions you have gained a level!

+5 free points!

Leif studied the first batch of level up notifications. Yeah, that’s the good stuff. He thought, already planning how to spend the free points. But, of course, there was more to come. Though before he read over the brawler level up notifications he frowned internally at the last level up.

Not just because it hadn’t given him any attributes beyond the usual five free points [Amber Blight Spriggan] always granted, though he was slightly annoyed. Instead he read the description of what actions had resulted in the experience gain for the level up.

He sensed another pin prick of death energy enter the limits of his perception, then vanish. Ah, that must be it. How many undead have I killed in this way to result in a level? Killing enemies weaker than me must only grant a tiny trickle at this point. He mused.

Actually, what exactly is killing the undead? He frowned, once again only in his imagination, and skimmed his skill descriptions. It didn’t take him long to detect the probable cause.



Aspects: Transformation, Enhancement (Body)*, Domain (Life)*

You may put down roots, returning to your more traditional form. While transformed you enter a restful slumber, the passage of time easing deep wounds and mending scars.

The longer you remain transformed the more you affect the world around you, bestowing life and infusing the energy of amber into the very ground.


The domain aspect of [Settle], bestowing life-force into the environment was likely having the same effect on the dead as [Healing Palm]. Recalling that skill made him remember it was currently fractured, the [Adept] class it was attached to was unable to gain experience until he found a way to restore the skills functionality.

Hopefully time heals that wound. He thought. Because if it doesn’t, I might be in some trouble. That being said, I do have a standing invitation to the Academy, assuming a decade hasn’t passed or the people I know aren’t dead.

Leif went to read over the new skill options, but decided to do them last.

Level up! Class [Brawler] is now level 8!

For slaying a vast number of foes using your body instead of a weapon you have gained a level!

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+1 to [Might] +1 free point!

Level up! Class [Brawler] is now level 9!

For dealing the finishing blow to an opponent of significantly greater power with an unarmed strike you have gained a level!

+1 to [Might] +1 to [Alacrity] +1 to [Spirit] +1 free point!

Level up! Class [Attuned: Life] is now level 4!

For utilising life-force in ways beyond your limits you have gained a level!

+1 free point!

Level up! Class [Attuned: Life] is now level 5!

For establishing a domain of life aspected power and allowing those living within to thrive you have gained a level!

+1 free point!

Leif exulted in the increase in power, feeling the minor plus ones to different attributes entwine themselves into something he couldn’t quite identify. He had felt this process before, but never with such clarity.

Another benefit of being settled? Or was it perhaps thanks to the massive increase to both my [Spirit] and [Charisma] attributes? Both? Or neither? He mused on this latest mystery before pouting at the last two notifications. Leif resolved to figure out the correlation between his classes' growth ratings and the likelihood of gaining attributes.

He languidly turned his attention to the twenty free points he had accumulated. Should he spend them all on [Charisma]? Or diversify somewhat? He was almost at a base total of one hundred, not including the ninety percent bonus to the attribute. Every point in [Charisma] was just under double effectiveness, with [Grand Action] he could then take that massive number and spread it out to his other attributes.

Leif let himself contemplate his options, before suddenly realising he should probably get to his skills selections. Mhmm, I’m surprised I got anything done before I evolved, being in this state is so… floaty. He thought, before resolving to apply his free points after selecting his skills, it would be foolish to hold them in reserve regardless. They wouldn’t do any good unspent.

Turning his attention to his new skill options, Leif decided to look at the options for his monster class first.

New class skills available! [Gildbark Insight] or [Veil of Nature]!

New class skills available! [Wood Manipulation] or [Sap Speed] or [Nature’s Beacon]!

Huh, three choices for that last one. Haven't seen that before. Leif thought. But [Veil of Nature] and [Nature’s Beacon] are repeated, good to know options I didn’t pick before will show up again, though it’s disappointing I wasn’t offered all new skills. Actually, [Gildbark Insight] feels strangely familiar…

It took Leif a minute of idly scrolling back up his message log, then he realised he was being stupid and filtered by previous skill options. Sure enough he found the skill he suspected to be the cousin of [Gildbark Insight].

[Darktree’s Insight], a skill he had been offered before his class evolution what felt like a lifetime ago. It was a comprehension skill related to his treelike nature, though this newest option was more aligned with whatever the ‘amber’ part of his class evolution had done to him.

Leif was tempted, but ever since he had declined [Veil of Nature] he’d regretted it. Not that the skill he had picked in its place, [Embolden Vegetation] was a skill he regretted choosing, far from it. It was more that he felt the protective aspect of [Veil of Nature] would pair wonderfully with [Under my Protection].

I’ll need to start fusing skills soon, I’m not sure what the limit the level fifty advancement will require, but I’ll be almost at twenty total skills after I go through all my options. If I don’t lower the amount of skills my ability to level up will drastically slow, if not stall completely. Leif thought, skimming through the list of current skills. He briefly reconsidered picking the comprehension skill, then mentally shrugged and picked [Veil of Nature].


Veil of Nature:

Aspects: Stealth (Shield), Empowerment (Nature)

Project a protective veil over those you touch, reducing their physical and thaumatic presence and guarding against divination. Those under the effects of this skill have their resilience against elemental damage increased.


Leif read over the skill, it was mostly what he had expected, though he found the resistance against divination effects interesting. Not thinking much of it Leif activated his newest skill, completely unaware of the panic he would inspire in someone thousands of miles and a sea away.

He felt the warmth of the skill as it shrouded his expansive tree body like a cloak. The effect was nothing spectacular, but he hadn’t expected it to be. Around him several of the small animals that called his branches and the surrounding vegetation home shifted and stirred. Leif mentally expanded the skill’s reach and pressed the protective effect into several of the birds and squirrels that nested among his leaves.

In his mind’s eye, Leif felt his ability to detect their vitality and emotions dim. Though as the originator of the skill’s stealth effects he could more easily pierce the veil he himself had created.

Leif turned to the next choice and immediately discarded [Nature’s Beacon]. With enough finesse he could already communicate using his aura, and the idea of using animals in a fight wasn’t all that pleasant. Could a family of angry squirrels do some damage? Probably not.

Actually, couldn’t I use [Nature’s Beacon] to call back the animals I sent away before the battle? He thought, then an undead brushed against the limits of his domain and died. On second thought, bad idea. I’m not sure how bad the situation has gotten, but with the frequency of undead trying to attack I’m certain it isn’t looking good.

That left him with the two new choices. [Sap Speed] felt like a touch based effect that would allow him to reduce the [Alacrity] attribute of whatever he came into physical contact with, but if he was fighting something fast enough to require the use of [Sap Speed] Leif doubted he could get close enough to activate the skill’s effect.

This left him with [Wood Manipulation]. At first the skill didn’t excite him, but the more he thought about it, the more the possibilities for its use excited him. After all, wasn’t his body made out of wood?


Wood Manipulation:

Aspects: Technique (Wood)

You can use your will to shape and manipulate wood.


That is the least exciting skill description I have ever seen. Leif attached a demeaning note onto the skill, then turned his attention to the [Brawler] and [Attuned:Life] choices.


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