Hyperion Evergrowing

Chapter 59: Will of the World

Chapter 59: Will of the World

Kala had told Leif he should read through the introductory chapters of ‘a novice’s guide to restoration’ before picking his newest skills. When Leif had told her the skills would be automatically selected by the system in several hours her reply had simply been: “Read quickly then.”

The convoy had set up camp for the evening, everyone on much higher alert than the night before. The group that had gone off to scout the swampland had returned during dinner. The unnerving report that evidence of several large groups of spiders should be present, yet were absent made everyone uncomfortable.

Leif sat with both deer asleep next to him, backed by the nearest fire he was absorbed with the textbook. It described concepts he hadn’t even considered. The flow of vitality through the body, how it was more potent while moving from the heart, and less potent on the return.

It detailed the different aspects that had restorative properties, or certain aspects that could potentially develop healing related skills. It answered a question Leif had been pondering for a while now. What exactly was the difference between the ‘life’ and ‘blood’ aspects?

The book described the life aspect as being foundational. A general descriptor the system used for healing skills that encompassed most avenues of restoration, but without specialisation. Though the aspect also tended to be given to skills with already present healing properties, or the ability to bestow restoration on others.

This made Leif suspect his [Blight’s Bounty] skill would likely gain the aspect if the skill was improved via a class evolution.

Nature, the book said, specialised in growth and passive resistance to ailments. Bone was focused on mending and rejoining. Water, as Kala had previously explained, was cleansing and soothing.

In contrast, fire was energising and aggressive. Healing skills with the fire aspect could often harm the user if improperly used. Ash was revival and holding onto life, making the most of the last drops of life-force.

The book went into significantly more detail on ash than any of the prior aspects. Apparently the author had first hand experience with the element. There was an anecdote about how they had seemingly brought an ally back from the very brink of death.

Finally Leif reached the section detailing blood. The aspect seemed to have a focus on internal injuries, with another strength being a malleable sort of manipulation. Someone with a blood aspected class could quickly clot weeping wounds, or drain vitality from their opponent.

The final chapter Leif read stressed that any healing skill could technically restore ailments outside of their speciality, but that the strain and cost of cultivated energies would be far greater. This too was something Kala had already taught him, but Leif made sure to read every last word.

He found it strangely addicting, absorbing knowledge directly from a page. How the past words of an experienced person could be passed down from individual to individual. The wisdom contained gaining a sort of immortality by being put to page.

The spriggan snapped the book shut, startling one of the deer awake. The other snored away happily, not having noticed. He scratched the awake animal behind the ears and opened up his system window.

The grey screen highlighted with gold and red appearing in his mind's eye. Yet also overlaying the physical world.

Warning! Make selection within 6 hours or skills will be randomly chosen!

Leif stretched, the inhuman joints in his body creaking as he finally moved after several hours. He made his choices, they hadn’t changed despite what he had learnt.


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Healing Palm:

Aspects: Technique (Life)*

Send healing energies into a target you touch.



Life Spells I:

Aspects: Spell (Life)*

You may command the will of the world. When you do so skills used may have a greater potency.


Leif read over the descriptions of both new skills. They were simple and mostly what he had expected.

The spriggan placed a hand onto the sleeping deer’s back, focusing on [Healing Palm]. Interestingly, [Blight’s Bounty] came easier, the skill from his monster class eager and ready to be used.

Leif had to manually push the skill down to make sure it wouldn’t activate. He refocused on [Healing Palm], willing the energy to flow from his hand and into the sleeping animal's body.

A soft white light bloomed at the point of contact as the skill activated. The deer didn’t seem to notice. Leif felt his cultivated reserves from [The Well Within] drop, the skill twinging slightly. Neither effects were overly impactful, about what he had expected.

Leif suspected he could use [Healing Palm] another ten or so times before the skill would fray and its effects would lessen to the point the skill would be all but useless until it had recovered. As for how much cultivated lifeforce the skill cost to amplify…

The spriggan focused, trying to gain an accurate sense of how much energy rested within him. It was nearly impossible to tell, there was no numerical value that could quantify the well of power. His understanding of the vitality nested within his soul was more instinctual than practical.

He activated [Healing Palm] again, this time on himself. With a hand pressed to his chest Leif pushed as much cultivated power into the skill as he could, he felt the cultivated vitality within him surge up his arm in tandem with the skill’s innate energy.

Then it flowed back into his well of lifeforce. The skill tingled his body, it tried to heal, to restore but found little in need of either. The effects fizzled as Leif returned his attention to his cultivation.

He had maybe used… a thirtieth of the stored energy to amplify the skill, and while much of it returned back into his well a significant portion had been lost. Leif sighed. No infinite loop of power for me.

Leif hadn’t expected it to work, but it was good to confirm his theory. Now, time to test my spell skill.

He placed his palm back onto the sleeping deer. He felt for the unfamiliar skill. Brand new, it felt slippery, almost intangible. He focused his will and steadied his mind. Marcus was his frame of reference for this kind of skill.

The human had spoken with intent. Using his voice to mould his skills into a more effective shape. The spriggan triggered [Healing Palm] and spoke aloud.


Nothing happened, or rather, nothing out of the ordinary. Except no… something had changed, though it had been minor. Something both within him and in the air and soil had shifted ever so slightly. It was faint, like a breeze brushing against the very edges of his awareness.

He contemplated that shift, that feeling. Again he tried and again the use of [Healing Palm] wasn’t empowered. Another, then another. White light lit up the evening with every attempt. He was getting closer, Leif could feel it.

This time Leif focused on that shift, when he spoke he spoke not only to his skill, but the air, the soil, the world itself. It was less a statement and more a question, a request for assistance.

Then something intangible and faint, yet at the same time colossal and all encompassing answered. And the world shifted, pausing like its breath was being held.



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