Hyperdimensional Universe: I have Three Thousand Ultimate Talents

Chapter 504: 324: Fierce, Kill Them A11_1

Chapter 504: Chapter 324: Fierce, Kill Them A11_1

A single hair, red, twisted, and contorted.

However, the aura it contained made Jiang Ming’s heart pound wildly.

“What is this thing?” his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead as he saw that with the fall of this red hair, the Void was stained red and grew more red hairs.

Countless Chains of Order, the power of rules, the most origin particles, and so on all grew red hairs, bizarre and incomprehensible.

This patch of sky quickly turned red as well and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The ominous aura made the powerful who were secretly watching feel a chill in their marrow, and they all fled in terror.

Some of the powerful from the Eleventh Realm who were closer took one look and their eyes turned blood-red, as their bodies quickly grew red hair all over.

“Battle Domain!”

Jiang Ming was very serious, first activating his first ability, then compressing it to a radius of ten thousand meters. With his current gene level and Physical Realm, his Battle Domain was immensely powerful, not just slightly.

Especially after compression, it had no effect on the red hair.

Even his Battle Domain was infected and turned red.

The sense of ill-omen attacked his heart, giving him a desire for destruction, and he vaguely seemed to see an apocalyptic vision of gods falling and all realms withering.

“What exactly is this thing?”

“Soul Domain!”

Jiang Ming was alarmed.

His Mind God was so strong, yet it was influenced, so he immediately activated his second power, only to find that the Soul Domain couldn’t reduce the fall speed of the red hair either.

Only when the Battle Domain and Soul Domain were combined did they slightly prevent it.

“Heart Domain!”

“Inner World Projection!”

Ultimately, Jiang Ming activated two other forces.

A single one couldn’t suppress it, nor could it even interfere.

A combination of two had a slight effect, and a fusion of three started to suppress the encroachment of the red hair, but still couldn’t destroy it.

When the four forces merged together, they created waves, rapidly purifying the infected area, reversing the red color.

It also caused the red hairs to freeze in mid-air, no longer falling.

Jiang Ming’s eyes were shining, for he had already activated the Eye of Heavenly Mandate, and combined with his experience of battling Divine Spirits, he finally noticed something.

Within this red hair, there was a hidden power of the same essence as that of a Heavenly God, or perhaps a godly rule.

The supreme essence force endowed the red hair with inconceivable abilities and struck the mortal world like a superdimensional attack.

Jiang Ming’s gaze shifted and looked towards a distant elderly lady, with white crane hair and chicken-skin, holding a scepter in her right hand and a porcelain bottle in her left hand, aimed at the red hair.

A decaying aura emanated from her body, as well as an ominous one.

On her neck and wrists, red hair had also grown.

Yet she somehow managed to suppress it, albeit faintly.

“How did you do it?” the elderly lady asked in shock.

“Are you able to control this red hair because of that porcelain bottle?” Jiang Ming asked instead of answering.

The other party was the master of the red hair.

During their conversation, he casually pointed a finger, sending out a surge of power that swept over the red hair. In an instant, a godly power capable of destroying Various Heavens burst from within, but it was too weak and Jiang Ming destroyed it directly.

Without hesitation, Jiang Ming radiated his fused power and enveloped the elderly lady in an instant, restraining her directly.

Waves of destruction flowed from inside her, but they could not shake the suppressing force, and even a Divine Artifact failed to manifest outside her body.

The elderly lady’s expression became one of extreme shock.

It was then that Jiang Ming placed his hand on top of her head, and his Divine Thought forcefully entered her Sea of Consciousness, domineering and direct, plundering her memories.

“So that’s how it is!”

Jiang Ming suddenly understood.

The elderly lady had once entered Purple Mountain, braving numerous life-and-death dangers and had obtained a porcelain bottle, which contained a red hair.

She could control the power of the red hair through the bottle, making her invincible, but after all, she was too weak herself, and each time she controlled it, she would be corrupted by it.

Now, most of her body had grown red hair.

“In her memory, there is great terror deep within Purple Mountain, but sadly, she hadn’t made it to the very inside. However, on the periphery, there seemed to be the corpses of Divine Spirits.”

“Purple Mountain, Purple Mountain, I must go and see,” Jiang Ming thought to himself.

By now, he had finally confirmed that this world was not simple.

The background it contained was too terrifying.

The true master of the red hair was probably a Heavenly God or even higher.

With that thought, he lost interest in continuing the game.

The merging power radiated out at a swift pace, enveloping the nine heavens and ten earths in an instant, causing the escaping powerful beings to stagger and reveal looks of horror.

They knew Jiang Ming had made his move, intending to completely eliminate them.

At such a level, which one of them was not proud and rebellious, and which did not possess unique abilities? They each activated their forbidden divine skills.

Many even brought out their divine artifacts.

It was useless.

All of it was useless.

Even the divine artifacts were all suppressed.

“How can you be so strong?” an elder roared with heaven-shaking fury, “Are you a real divine spirit? Only a true divine spirit could be this terrifying! Haha, to die at the hands of a divine spirit can be considered a worthy death for this old man, but if you want my life, let’s see if you can take it! Explode!”

His temperament was extremely resolute; he detonated all the power within his body.

He even self-destructed his divine soul.

If he was to die, he would do so decisively, leaving nothing behind.

Boom… The torrent of destruction broke free from the restraint but was suppressed before it could spread a kilometer, a scene that filled the other powerful beings with utter despair.

The self-destruction of a demigod was terrifying.

It could obliterate millions of miles of land, burying everything, but the result?

It was like fireworks!


“Damn heaven, you tell us to exterminate Outer Realm Demons, but why didn’t you mention that this Great Demon would be so frightful? Exterminate my ass!”

“I curse, let this heaven and earth perish with me!”

“I curse, let all beings be buried with me!”

“I curse, may the Heavenly Dao wither and the world be destroyed!”

Desperate cries of despair echoed through the universe, spreading in all directions.

Above Qiankun City.

Seeing this scene, Li Changfeng trembled with horror.

It was not just one demigod, but dozens of them.

And many powerful beings from the Twelfth Realm, all of them restrained, their self-destruction and divine artifacts all in vain.

“Is he really a divine spirit?”

Li Changfeng pursed his lips, also grateful that the other party had unintentionally come to his wine shop and given him a greeting.

Otherwise, he would have ended up like those people.

“Alas, greed is the original sin, no, the origin of the world is the original sin! Can we actually contend with this Great Demon?”

Li Changfeng shook his head.

He was even somewhat perplexed about the future.

With the Heavenly Dao being so despicable, was there still a future?

In the sky.

Jiang Ming suppressed them one by one, absorbing memories, refining cultivation levels, and strengthening his own foundation.

Everyone who had arrived from the Twelfth Realm and above was suppressed without a single one escaping.

He was incredibly ruthless.

Having absorbed many memories, Jiang Ming finally gained the most detailed understanding of this world, especially its numerous secret realms.

“Mortal world, I have outgrown your stage!”

Somehow, Jiang Ming felt a touch of desolation.

“Brother Li, above a demigod lies the Divine Realm, I hope we meet again if fate allows!” He glanced at Li Changfeng, clasped his hands, and then disappeared without a trace.

“Even if there is fate, let’s not meet again!” Li Changfeng shuddered.

He then turned to look in the direction of the City Lord Mansion, realizing that Qiankun Ancestor had not shown up and undoubtedly must have been killed long before.


Jiang Ming arrived in the midst of the Million Mountains, and atop a mountain peak tens of thousands of feet high, he casually tore open the void, revealing a peculiar sight.

Inside, it appeared there was a mountain peak, a million feet tall and spanning tens of thousands of miles, yet it was entirely purple.

This was Purple Mountain, hidden within a layer of the void.

An ominous aura swept over him, causing Jiang Ming to frown slightly, yet he stepped in without hesitation..


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