Hyperdimensional Universe: I have Three Thousand Ultimate Talents

Chapter 502: 322: Purple Mountain, Boundary Sea, Annihilation of God Formation_1

Chapter 502: Chapter 322: Purple Mountain, Boundary Sea, Annihilation of God Formation_1

Jiang Ming’s brows twitched.

He finally took this world seriously, as the existence of various burial sites that resembled divine spirits clearly indicated complexity.

The Black Heart Demon’s move also confirmed this situation.

Stretching out his hand, divine power surged and interwoven on his palm, quickly evolving into a peerless great array that grasped the black arrow in a flash.


The black arrow trembled, erupting with a terrifying might capable of annihilating all things, continually obliterating the surrounding space and releasing a dreadful power that could corrupt everything.

In the distance.

“How bold, to dare grab my prohibition artifact bare-handed; for that courage, Outer Realm Demon, I admire you,” the Black Heart Demon was taken aback when he saw Jiang Ming reach out, then showed a look of admiration, which was quickly followed by a cold, mocking laugh, “But honestly, you are far too arrogant. This is a prohibition artifact. Do you understand what that means?” “It seems you do not. This is a terrifying existence that surpasses even the weapons of demigods.”

“It is imbued with divine might, the true might of divine spirits, which I acquired in a secret realm. Because of this prohibition artifact, I am nearly invincible among the demigods.”

“Yet you dared to grab it bare-handed. Do you know how many demigods have died by this arrow of mine?”

“Good heavens, you actually caught it!”

“Heh, so much the better. Now that it has touched you, the true divine destructive power contained within will fully burst forth.”

“Outer Realm Demon, you are surely doomed!”

The Black Heart Demon was extremely confident in this arrow, as he knew the terror of the prohibition artifact.

In this world, a prohibition artifact is also the term for power that exceeds that of the demigod’s weapons.

His decision to unleash such a force from the start was to quickly eliminate the Outer Realm Demon, and then talk about winning the Heavenly favor afterward.

Otherwise, if someone else snatched it away, it would be unsatisfactory.

But then, the Black Heart Demon’s expression turned grave, then shocked, and he even let out an incredulous exclamation, “How is it possible!”

At this moment, Jiang Ming’s power exploded in his hands, causing the black arrow to shiver continuously, unable to break free, regardless of the latent divine might it activated.

“Shatter for me!”

With a shout from Jiang Ming, his power intensified again, and he forcefully shattered the black arrow into countless pieces.

“It was nothing more than this!” He then turned his gaze to the shocked Black Heart Demon, “This, after all, is not a true divine artifact.”

Even a true divine artifact would mean little to him.

“It’s my turn now!” Jiang Ming let out a long howl, clasping his hand to summon a long sword, which he then brought crashing down from the sky.

A distance of ten thousand meters was closed in an instant.

The Black Heart Demon immediately felt a sense of palpitation and, without a second thought, tore through layers of space to dodge, but there was no escape.

Miles away, the Black Heart Demon fell from the space, his body already cleaved in two, yet still twisting, attempting to pull together and recover.

But Jiang Ming had already approached, casually waving a hand to enact the Temporal-Spatial Great Prohibition Rule, temporarily restraining the other party while his divine thought swarmed into the opponent’s mind, plundering memories with overwhelming force.

As for divine skills and secret skills, he didn’t care.

What interested him were the various secret realms.

“Purple Mountain, Burying God Land, Divine Tomb, Boundary Sea…”

There were indeed not a few secret realms, which somewhat surprised Jiang Ming.

He then absorbed them into his Inner World, and in the process of rapid refinement, he even extracted a rule he didn’t possess before, a pleasant surprise.

It was also at this time that another powerful being could no longer hold back and launched a sneak attack on him.

Jiang Ming’s pupils shrank.

The space around him seemed calm, with no discernible change, but through his Eye of Heavenly Mandate, he saw the space around him filled with densely packed tiny holes.

Each one was the size of an electron.

Minute to the extreme.

From within emerged a kind of insect unimaginable, fierce in appearance, akin to a quantum state demon, swarming towards him.

Without sound or presence, even the Heavenly Eye often failed to see it.

It was even undetectable by the Divine Thought.

“What in the world is this?”

Jiang Ming felt a tingling sensation on his scalp, but as he sensed no danger, he relaxed and did not defend immediately.

When they landed on his outer body, they rapidly devoured the Divine Light of Protection, and in a short time, settled on his skin.

Even though his physical body had reached the limit of a demigod, against these extremely tiny insects, he was still being nibbled away, bit by bit.

They even tried to burrow into his body through his pores.

“If I’m not careful and they bore into my body…”

Jiang Ming shivered, his inner power surged, and he easily destroyed these insects.

“And to think, if they were not so easily killed, they would truly be unbeatable in the mortal world!”

Jiang Ming’s gaze shifted as he looked toward a location.

There, a woman with tentacle-like hair was hidden within the spatial layers, her concealment incredibly cunning and hard to detect.

Yet she saw Jiang Ming’s gaze and immediately exclaimed, “Not good!”

Her body suddenly disintegrated, transforming into thousands of insects that each burrowed into a space rift.

“Thinking of escaping?”

Jiang Ming let out a cold laugh, his long sword flicked, descended out of thin air, seemingly without any might, yet it directly annihilated her life force.

He mastered the ways of Cause and Effect, Heavenly Mandate, and Creation.

Once he noticed someone, escaping became extremely difficult.

Jiang Ming stood still, aware that many hidden powerful beings had made their move.

But he was in no hurry.

After all, the skilled enjoy bravado, and he was also curious about the challenges this world had in store for him.

Jiang Ming did not believe it would be so easy to pass through.

Comparatively, the trial site seemed simple, so he wanted to see just what their techniques amounted to.


Behind Jiang Ming, space quietly ripped open, and from within snaked out a Fluctuating Gold Rope that coiled around him like a serpent.

The burst of Golden Light possessed the power to forbid all abilities.

“Even a demigod would struggle to break free once bound!”

Jiang Ming immediately made a judgment.

“The attack methods of this world truly vary and are diverse, even possess a sense of being indefensible, along with various prohibition artifacts and divine weapons.”

He muttered to himself in awe.

Looking up, he saw that the sky had suddenly darkened as six demigod powerful beings appeared, each invoking World Descend, stacking together, and amplifying their might to an unfathomable realm.

At the same time, six stone steles appeared around him, forming a Peerless Great Array that completely trapped Jiang Ming within it.

On each stele stood a person, four with elderly figures and two young individuals, one male and one female.

“Fellow Daoist, I am Nangong Wentian!” The young man greeted Jiang Ming with cupped fists, “You must have already discovered us lurking around, and you must have sensed our tactics, so why did you not evade? Is it confidence? We base our attacks on World Descend, use the Prohibition God’s Stele as the eyes of the array, and utilize the power of six demigods to drive it. Under this Six Harmonies God-killing Array, even divine spirits would be trapped, and we have the confidence to annihilate them.”

The other five were puzzled as well.

But they did not rush to attack, because of their confidence.

They also wanted to know more about Jiang Ming’s true origin.

With victory in their grasp, why haste?


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