Hvisland: A VR Colony Sim Game

Chapter 194 - 194 – A Theory

"Do we really have to eat them later?" Gwen crouched in front of a large cage with a wooden trellis that contained two gray rabbits eating grass. The rabbits were caught yesterday using a trap set by Eric. "Can we just keep them as normal pets?"

Manu inspected the small wooden hut shaped like a house attached to the cage. The hut had just been made by Manu and would later be used by the rabbits to sleep. "We will eat their children when their children are grown, of course. So what? You can't bear it because they're cute?"

Hearing Manu chuckle, Gwen sighed. "I know they can be eaten…. But …. Hey, do you feel what I feel with these bunnies, Seb?"

Seb, who was watering the plants in the field, shrugged. "Surprisingly, I'm fine with cooking them, as long as I'm not told to slaughter them while they're still alive."

"Ummm…" Gwen stood up, put her index finger to her mouth, starting to use her teasing gesture and tone. "How about I give you two a gift, so you don't slaughter the children from these rabbits. The kids will definitely be cute. They will be able to brighten your day."

I can only scratch my head watching Gwen lower the cleavage on her chest. Really, you did something like this just to save the rabbits?

My two male colonists stared at Gwen. Meanwhile, the red-haired woman didn't notice Leva sneaking up on her from behind.

"Kyaaaaa!!!" Gwen jumped as Leva poked the middle of her ass with two index fingers joined together.

Me and my two male colonists grimaced upon seeing that. It's hard to imagine having my butthole poked that hard. It must be excruciating.

"We need a lot of food sources, idiot." Levi snorted.

Grinning in pain, Gwen rubbed her butt. "I know, but they are so damn cute."

Levi tilted his head. "They will look more attractive when they are cooked."

After that meeting with Re'i, the days of my colonists were peaceful. No threat at all, but of course, that doesn't mean I can relax. I'm sure that soon a more challenging threat will come.

"Hey, welcome back." Seb greeted Eric and Miro, who had just come from picking up clay.

Levi cleared his throat. "Not that I'm being presumptuous or anything, Miro. But, haven't you been here too long?"

"I even remembered my purpose here after you said that," Miro answered while looking at Kat, who was playing catch with Rex, the dog. The amber-eyed girl was able to go home early because she managed to hunt down two wild chickens at the beginning of the trip. "I don't think you guys are the killers of my little brother."

"Why do you think so, Miro?" Manu asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you could say my instincts told me that…."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

All of my colonists immediately looked at Kat and opened their mouths. Neither of them laughed.

"Hey, that's enough, Rex. You tickle me. Ha ha ha!" Lying on the grass, Kat laughed again as Rex licked her face.

Immediately I used the replay feature to record the scene and save it. This is truly a rare occurrence.

Miro lowered his hands, causing the container on his shoulders to fall and shatter, spewing out all the clay he was carrying. He'd been here long enough to know what Kat was like, so he was surprised too.

Leva approached Kat, whose expression was now back to normal. The amber-eyed girl was squatting down and giving her pet a little jerky.

"Did you eat that hallucinating mushroom again, Kat?" Leva asked with a grin.

Kat glanced at Leva briefly, then turned her attention back to her dog. "No."

My gaze was no longer on Kat but on something else near the girl. There was a transparent white spirit, but it was not in the form of a human but a four-legged animal.


Gwen narrowed her eyes and approached the amber-eyed girl. "Did you have another pet dog before Rex, Kat?"

Kat, who was stroking Rex, stopped her movements, but it was only for a moment. "Yes."

"His name was Rox. He died in the winter but for some reason wasn't buried here." Leva whispered to Gwen. "Why do you ask such a thing?"

Instead of answering, Gwen crouched down beside Rox and rubbed the dog spirit's head. "Sorry for asking like this, but is Rox buried that far away?"

"Yeah, we need days to get to his grave." Leva raised an eyebrow when she saw Gwen's behavior. The red-haired woman must have seen Gwen wiping the empty air. "So what?"

Kat looked at Gwen too, but with her signature blank expression, of course.

"I've never seen a spirit so far away from its body." Gwen looked at Leva and Kat in turn. "There's a theory that things like this happened because the spirit had a strong bond with someone. They wanted to say something. However, since things like this rarely happen, the theory doesn't get much attention."

Leva's eyes opened wider. "You see Rox there?"

"Is he a mixed race?" Gwen continued to rub the spirit dog's head. "And around this high?"

Kat and Leva just froze.

"I can't forget Rox yet." Kat closed her eyes, stroking Rex, who was curled up in her lap. "I do have Rex now, and he's great. But still, I can't forget Rox…."

I was a bit surprised to hear the words come out of Kat's mouth.

Leva knelt beside the girl, then hugged her and kissed her head. "We've already lost too much, Kat. I understand your feeling."

"But, I just lost a dog…."

"He's still your best friend, Kat. And I know you were angry and sad when Pif died. You were the first to catch up to that raider from Congraylham. Hell, you were devastated when Barry died in your arms. I heard that you were also very shocked when I 'died,' right?" Levi sighed. "Despite your behavior, deep down you really care about us, right?"

Kat closed her eyes again, and this time the tears fell.

And that's when everything stopped completely. I saw a giant red arrow in the air pointing downwards.

Is this what Rox wanted to say?


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