Hvisland: A VR Colony Sim Game

Chapter 17 - 17 – Stories

Leva checked the clothes she was wearing. Manu had just made an outfit consisting of only a breast cover and a short skirt. Well, I don't know if the bottom is a skirt or not. That thing just barely covered Leva's pussy. The same thing happens to anything that covers that woman's breasts. With a slight gust of wind, Leva's nipples will be visible.

Manu checks his work. "Are you sure you want to stick with that one tiniest leaf with that many tears? We still have a lot of leaves, you know."

Leva snorted. "I told you so many times…." However, the woman immediately caught her breath and said in a more subtle tone. "I'm very sure about that. Better to use the leaves for your bedding. Tomorrow I can still pick up a bigger leaf."

"Well, I wish Kat could get an animal with a broad skin, so I could make a more decent dress for you. Clothes made of leaves like that will only last a short time."

Well, I just ordered the leaves to be made into bedding and the rest for Leva's clothes. However, once again, Leva showed a selfless act.

"I hope so." Leva shrugged. "And thank you very much."

Without waiting for Manu's response, Leva just walked over to Seb. The man was arranging bananas stabbed with thin twigs around the fire.

"Well, I can't wait to eat this grilled banana." Leva said in an unenthusiastic tone, clearly being sarcastic. "Must be very tasty."

It looks like she's still traumatized by the unripe banana.

"Ah, you won't eat this, Leva." Seb handed the woman a box of emergency food.

Leva accepted the box with a frown. "This …."

"That's your share this morning. You left without having breakfast first." Seb gave a big smile.

"I thought you guys were really good…. Oh, thank you." Leva smiled back, but I got the impression that it was forced.

The sky grew darker, the four colonies sat around the campfire to warm up, waiting for the food to cook, and I gave instructions for them to chat with each other. I did that so I could get a lot of information about them.

I've seen Leva gulp many times. Maybe she really wants to enjoy her meal. Even though she had been given the opportunity to eat first by Seb and Manu, the girl kept refusing, to the point until I saw the lines of annoyance on her face.

Do you keep trying to be accepted by them, huh, Leva?

"Wow, you have the ability to detect minerals on earth? It's a very rare ability. I've never met anyone like that before." Manu asked while continuing to chew the rabbit jerky. He had chewed the food long enough but had not swallowed it.

I've tasted it, the Jerky was unbelievably tough, and the taste was very bland.

"That's how it is." Leva said with a mouth full of spaghetti. She just recounted the story of her tribe and the reason she was banished.

Seb stuffed the sliced ​​grilled banana into his mouth. The corners of his lips immediately dropped. Undoubtedly, the food wasn't good at all. "Is that kind of power only limited to detecting minerals?"

"There are actually various kinds, from seeing in the dark, super strength, seeing ghosts, and many more." Manu replies.

"On my home planet, there is some kind of genetic engineering…." Seb shrugged. "Essentially, there are rumors about research into modifying humans to be able to use superpowers. However, that was just a rumor and I couldn't find any proof. I didn't expect such powers to appear naturally on this planet."

This looks like important information that will point to something bigger.

"I already told you about my origins." Leva burped and rubbed her stomach. The contents of the food box are empty, even though the others are still eating. "Now it's your turn, guys."

"My life is not special. My tribe is peaceful, although sometimes there are small fights. There are rules there, but not as strict as your tribe, Leva." Manu answered the red-haired woman's question. "And the reason I was exiled was, I impregnated the wife of my tribe leader's son. Luckily because my father was close friends with the tribe leader, I wasn't sentenced to death."

Everyone there was silent, looking at Manu, who started eating again.

I waited, but Manu did not continue his speech. What the fuck. Is that all you want to say?

"Why are you so calm?" Leva asked in a slightly cynical tone. "You have committed a grave sin, you know."

"Of course, I regret it very much." Manu took a deep breath. "Ah, I don't want to talk about it any further. Now it's your turn, Seb.

Seb shrugged. "Well, my life before this was peaceful. I worked as a farmer and was lucky to be chosen to board that huge spaceship. At that time, I was very happy. I was finally able to have a new and exciting experience, not just living a boring life, just taking care of the soil and plants. My wife and two children are also happy. They can't wait to see this new world."

"Where are your wife and children?" Manu asks again.

Seb was silent, staring at the fire for a moment. "I don't know. Each escape pod can accommodate a maximum of three people, while my family has four. I had to join one of the other escape pods."

"Hey, are there several of those big spaceships? Sky ship…. Those escape pods landed on this ground at different times." Manu took a gulp of water from the wooden glass he made at my command.

"No, there is only one spaceship, and there are many escape pods. Well, maybe after the accident there were some escape pods that got stuck in outer space, and are only able to land now. I can only speculate on that. From Tosa's story yesterday, I got the impression that the woman from the big spaceship in the Tosa tribe had landed a long time ago. She seems to have become friendly with the Tosa Tribe members, to the point of imparting knowledge to them." Seb shrugged again. "I don't know, maybe my Pod got stuck a few months in space. While boarding the Pod, we were put into hibernation… We were put to sleep."

Manu and Leva immediately exchanged glances.

"In fact …." Leva cleared his throat. "Stories about sky ships or you call them escape pods have been around since the time of our ancestors. I even heard it for the first time from my great-grandmother."

Huh? Did I hear wrong?

Kat stopped eating while Seb lowered his chin in shock.


Just then, an arrow flew towards them and pierced the ground near the bonfire.


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