Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 67: Boss Aberration

Chapter 67: Boss Aberration

"Alright, I'll be sure to recommend your services to my colleagues if everything goes well," Wang Shuai replied with a nod.

While conversing with one another, the group made their way into a lounge area.

Even though these tech companies were squeezing their employees for all they were worth, the employees were only being squeezed for their time and energy. When it came to facilities in the company, they were even more luxurious than the ones in Peter's stock exchange office.

The décor in the lounge area was very elegant, and there were all types of snacks and beverages on offer.

After the group entered the lounge area, the door was locked, and the treatment commenced following some errant small talk.

"Lay down onto the bed and relax. If you feel a sense of intrusion, don't resist."

Having done this on so many previous occasions, Adam was already a veteran.

After issuing those instructions to Wang Shuai, he turned to Shae before giving her a nod, then invaded Wang Shuai's psychic world.

Just as expected, they arrived directly in the company after entering Wang Shuai's psychic world.

"It looks like this is the most important place to him, and also the place where he spends most of his time."

Adam had administered several treatments in the past, and Deranged Pig's daughter had spent most of her time at school and at home, Peter spent most of his time in the stock exchange office, and Chloe spent most of her time at school or on the streets. Sure enough, Wang Shuai also followed this pattern, appearing in the company even in his psychic world.

"Almost all of his waking hours are spent here, so this has to be the place where most of his emotional aberrations are. It feels really uncomfortable here!"

Shae inspected her surroundings, and even though the layout of the building was the same as it was in the real world, the walls were laden with text that urged one to work harder, and the atmospheric pressure was very low, making it difficult to breathe.

Adam opened the door of the room and arrived in the area outside.

Just as he expected, the entire company was filled with aberrations, strange aberrations that were connected together. Every single one of these aberrations was slaving away while huddled over their workstation, and each of them had a long feeler growing out of their head. These feelers were all interconnected with one another, and if anyone were to slack off, the others would immediately notice, leading to the arrival of an even larger aberration.

That bigger aberration is probably a supervisor.

These emotional aberrations weren't very aggressive, so Adam and Shae were able to remain on the spot and observe for some time.

During their observation, they just so happened to see a supervisor emerge due to one of the emotional aberrations slacking off in their work, and the supervisor scolded the aberration for a while before devouring it.

Just when Adam and Shae thought that this was the end, the supervisor aberration pulled out an identical aberration to the one that it had just devoured from its rear end.

The new aberration's entire body was covered in slime, but it was clearly far more obedient, and as soon as it got up from the ground, it made its way to the workstation and began to slave away.

"This is disgusting!" Shae pursed her lips in distaste. "What should we do?"

"Let's assess the situation first, but don't attack. Wait until after we sign a contract before we begin the cleanup job."

Adam took a stroll through the company with Shae in accompaniment, and he discovered that Wang Shuai had far more emotional baggage than Peter did.

In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that there was nothing but emotional baggage in his psychic world, unlike in the case of Peter, who also had a great deal of emotional baggage, but Hook had still been able to find many recreational venues in his psychic world.

In Wang Shuai's psychic world, Adam could see nothing but negative emotions.

"This guy's under way too much pressure."

After a quick tour of Wang Shuai's psychic world, Adam departed with Shae, following which Wang Shuai was roused from his slumber and shown the footage that had just been captured.

"There are way too many emotional aberrations in your psychic world. You'll have to pay extra!"

"How much more will I have to pay?"

"For a job of this magnitude, surely a total fee of 300,000 isn't too much to ask for."

"That's too much," Wang Shuai objected with a shake of his head. "I'd have to work for a very long time to earn that much money. I only contacted your clinic because you offered cheap prices."

"But you saw how many aberrations there were in your psychic world. The workload is massive!"

As usual, Kim Hee-cho commenced the negotiation phase.

This was a very boring part of every job. Essentially, the process involved bartering back and forth by pointing out one's own strengths and comparing them with the opposing party's shortcomings. Having witnessed this process a few times, Adam had identified some of the patterns and strategies involved. Of course, in order to implement these patterns and strategies, one had to be sufficiently shameless.

Peter had been even more shameless than Kim Hee-cho, which was why the former had come out on top.

In contrast, Wang Shuai was clearly lacking in this area. Technical personnel like him were generally a little too rigid and lacking in street smarts. As a result of this, he prematurely revealed the highest price that he was willing to pay, thereby losing all control and leverage in the negotiation process.

In the end, the price was set at 240,000.

This was twice the price that they had charged Peter, and Adam felt like they had overcharged him.

After all, even though there was a huge number of those aberrations in Wang Shuai's psychic world, they weren't very powerful at all, so it was only going to be a minor hassle to cleanse them.

However, he didn't say anything, and after the contract was signed by both parties, he re-entered Wang Shuai's psychic world with Shae.

All we can do for you is perform as thorough a cleanse as possible.

After arriving in the psychic world, Adam invoked all of his anomalies with the exception of Distortion. He then fused as one with Hellhound before unleashing a mouthful of fire that blew up a large section of workstations.

Thus began the massacre.

Ordinary emotional aberrations were no match at all for the current Adam, and Shae was also throwing herself into the mix, battling one emotional aberration after another for training.

In contrast with the one-sided slaughter on Adam's end, Shae's experience was far more perilous.

In the psychic world, she was even more arrogant than she was in the real world, and her attire was also more flashy, but her combat prowess was rather mediocre, only slightly superior to Hook in his unpiloted state.

In her regular form, Shae was able to take on two or three emotional aberrations at once, but after being surrounded by four or five of them, she began to struggle noticeably and was often sent flying by her assailants.

As a result, she had no choice but to take on her two-headed form. With the head of the old man sprouting out of her body, Shae instantly received a significant boost in strength, but even then, she was still only able to take on a maximum of seven or eight aberrations at once. In fact, she was almost devoured by one of the massive supervisor aberrations after falling to a mob of aberrations.

"Clown, Mummy, go help her."

In accordance with Adam's instructions, Clown and Mummy rushed into the encirclement that Shae was trapped in.

Mummy was wielding a carving knife as it plunged its way into the mob of aberrations, and it was even more fearsome in battle than Shae was.

As for Clown, its combat prowess was rather lackluster, but it was constantly whizzing around while conjuring up illusions to disrupt the formation of the aberrations, thereby significantly alleviating the pressure on Shae.

Is there that much of a gap in power between me and him?

Back when those junior students had ganged up on her, she wasn't able to completely comprehend just how far ahead of her Adam was, but at this point, it had become painfully obvious to her.

After fusing with Hellhound, Adam's combat prowess simply wasn't even on the same level as hers.

Individually, these aberrations possessed roughly the same level of combat prowess as the average junior student, so they were very difficult for Shae to deal with. However, aberrations of this caliber were nothing more than cannon fodder when pitted against Adam. Even the burlier and more powerful supervisor aberrations could only cause some minor trouble for Adam, but were unable to pose any threat to him at all.

He's so much more powerful than me. All I'll do is drag him down.

Shae was feeling a little disheartened upon seeing this.


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