Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 239: Weak

Chapter 239: Weak

All five bullets had struck Adam in vital regions, causing him to immediately double over.

A derisive sneer appeared on the man's face upon seeing this.

"You really are weak. You're trying to get into the special psychci police force with those slow reactions? Keep dreaming!"

Adam remained completely still and silent in the face of the man's mockery, and the man quickly became a little concerned.

"Oi, you're not dead, are you? If you're this weak, then why did you come here? Do you have a death wish?"

Right as the man's voice trailed off, Clown suddenly began to chuckle in a sinister voice.

"It's been so long since I've fought such a weak opponent. I kind of miss this feeling."

Adam stood up straight as he spoke, and the five bullets clattered down onto the ground, while his body was revealed to be completely unscathed.

"H, how is that possible? The man was astonished to see this. "How are you completely uninjured by my bullets?"

"Don't blame your bullets. You're the one who's weak, not your bullets."

All attacks in the psychic world were simply manifestations of a psychic body's offensive abilities, and their destructive power was directly dependent on the attacker's psychic prowess.

For example, the bullets fired by Cowboy were on a completely different level of power compared with these bullets. The former could topple an entire tall building with a single bullet, while the latter could barely blast holes into the pavement with his bullets.

Clown wasn't a very defensively adept anomaly. In fact, its defenses were quite lackluster, but it was still a level five anomaly, nonetheless.

As for Adam's opponent, he was a very ordinary mature adapter, and his offensive prowess wasn't his forte, so his offensive capabilities were only comparable to those of a low-tier level two anomaly. Adam could stand there all day and allow the spy to attack him all he wanted, and the spy still wouldn't be able to put so much as a single scratch on his body.

"It's utterly pathetic how weak you are! You want to see what real bullets are?"

Clown pulled out a gatling gun before spraying a barrage of bullets at the ground around the spy, and every single bullet was able to smash a massive crater into the ground.

Each bullet was just as powerful as a cannon projectile, and soon, a dense cloud of dust had risen up all around the spy, making it impossible for him to see anything.

Adam could easily put an end to the man's life by raising his gatling gun just a little, but he refrained from doing so. This wasn't Shadow City, so killing people for no reason was illegal, particularly in a police station. Furthermore, if he were to end this battle too quickly, then he would once again fail to receive a high mark.

"You've been saved by the law!"

Adam cackled as he stowed his gatling gun away, following which he was greeted by the sight of the spy rising up into the air with a jetpack strapped to his back.

As a spy, his offensive prowess wasn't particularly remarkable, but he had many tricks up his sleeve.

As it turned out, his briefcase could double as a jetpack, and he immediately flew toward a psychic module that contained Sandrise City.

As he did so, he was still yelling out in provocation.

"I may not be able to match you in offensive prowess, but as a police officer, the most important trait is investigative ability. I'm far more adaptable than you are, and my abilities are far more suited to battle in the city!"

"Is that right?"

Adam watched the spy fly away with an amused smile.

Their previous battlefield had been situated on the outskirts of Sandrise City, so it didn't take the spy very long to reach the city.

After entering the city, he quickly blended himself into the crowd, then opened his briefcase and hurriedly adopted a disguise, completely altering his appearance.

"You'll regret letting me get away, you cocky bastard! Let me see what's in your psychic world..."

In order to avoid being caught, the spy quickly got onto a bus. The bus was quite packed, and he was feeling a lot safer with so many people around him.

Try and catch me now!

"Sit tight, everyone! We're about to set off!"

The driver's voice rang out from the front of the bus, following which the vehicle slowly began moving.

A short while later, the spy realized that something wasn't quite right.

Hold on a second... Aside from in certain rural areas, all public transport in Sandrise City is supposed to be completely driverless! We've already adopted the Internet of Things 3.0, significantly increasing the city's operational efficiency, so how is this bus still being driven by a human driver?

With that in mind, the spy squeezed his way to the front of the bus, upon which he caught sight of the shock of strange green hair on the driver's head.

The driver also turned around to face him, revealing a wide smile on his sinister clown face.

"Hello, Mr. Spy!"

The spy immediately dove through the window and leaped out onto the street at the sight of the clown's chilling smile. He just so happened to have sprung out in front of a large shopping mall, and he immediately rushed inside without any hesitation.

He quickly traversed through the crowd, making sure to remain hidden the entire time, then took the elevator to the third floor, where he casually made his way into a clothing shop so that he could get a new set of clothes.

He entered the shop in a suit, but by the time he made it to the back of the shop, he had already changed into a set of activewear, and he didn't even miss a single beat during the process.

However, right as he was about to leave, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"You have to pay for that!"

He turned to discover Clown in a sales assistant's uniform.

"Will that be cash or card?"

The spy screamed as he ran out of the shop like a madman, and in his blind panic, he spotted a theater.

Theaters were generally packed and very dimly lit, making them perfect settings for spies to conduct their work.

He immediately rushed into the theater, and after taking a brief moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, he heard a blood-curdling scream.

The sudden scream gave him a massive fright, and he looked up to find that a holographic horror film was playing.

"Phew, it's just a movie..."

The spy heaved a sigh of relief, yet right as he was about to leave, most of the audience members in the theater suddenly stood up in unison before turning to look at him.

A flash of bright light just so happened to sweep through the scene in the movie, and he saw dozens of identical clowns smiling at him.

With one final scream, the woman in the film was killed, and outside the movie, the spy had also been pushed beyond his limits.


After returning to the real world, Adam turned to the unconscious man beside him with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"I've never seen someone's psychic body disintegrate from fear. How is a pathetic coward like you ever going to make anything out of yourself?"

Adam couldn't help but think of the likes Eyeless and Ikkaku as he looked at the unconscious man on the ground.

In the face of hardships, challenges, and even death, the level of courage and resolution displayed by those powerful adapters was something that these pathetic weaklings could never hope to reach.

Fundamentally speaking, the only difference between these adapters and normal people was that they were blessed with the god-given gift of well-developed neurons. When it came to qualities like willpower and mental fortitude, they weren't superior to the average person at all.

"How pitiful," Adam couldn't help but remark.


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